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F1. User can create new account with an email (Implemented)
F2. User can verify its newly created account's email
F3.1. Existing user can login with email and password (Implemented)
F3.2. System can authenticate user on authenticated endpoint
F4. Authenticated user can customize their dating profile (OOS but MVP)
F5. Authenticated user can set their dating preferences (OOS but MVP)
F7. Authenticated user can see list of personalized dating profiles (OOS but MVP)
F8. Authenticated user can pass a dating profile
F9. Authenticated user can like a dating profile
F10. Regular User is limitted to 10 pass+like per day
F11. Authenticated user won't be able to see the same dating profile in the same day
F12.1 Regular user can purchase premium packagees which unlock one premium feature of their choosing. The features are:
- No swipe quota
- Verified label
F12.2 System can verify the purchase payment

System Design

Tech Stacks

- as programming language. 
- Simple, Fast, Compile time type checking. Suitable for rapid development.

Proto driven HTTP endpoint
- for defining and generating api docs
- Can generate both server stub and OpenAPI spec

- for unit test
- Can generate mock both internal and 3rd party library. Mock with dependency injection not monkey patching

- for storing transactional data that require ACID or persistent
- Open source, community driven, and matured ecosystem.

- for storing login session and profile view
- The goto in-memory datastructure store. Great API, mature ecosystem, reliable

- notifying when account, profile, preference changes
- persistent, ordered, scalable, and great ecosystem
- can rebuild elasticsearch index from the kafka when needed 

- for storing and distributing dating profile that support personalization, re-ranking and boosting certain profile
- The goto indexing engine for content recommendation. Great API, mature ecosystem, reliable 

Github Action
- CI/CD Workflow
- integrate natively with github. Many community based 'action' that we can use in our pipeline

- Deployment environment
- Cloud native, mature ecosystem, easier to setup CI/CD, as well as managing resources such as postgreSQL, redis, elastic


These endpoints loosely follow api guidelines. The endpoints numbering matche with corresponding functional requirement.

F1. POST /accounts:signup
- Request
    Body {email: string, password: string}
- Response OK 
    Body {message: string}

F2. POST /accounts:verify
- Request
    Body {token: string}    
- Response OK 
    Body {message: string}

F3.1. POST /accounts:login
- Request
    Body {email: string, password: string}
- Response OK 
    Body {token: string}

F4. PATCH /accounts/profiles
- Request
    Header {Authentication: Bearer $token}
    Body {Profile}
- Response OK 
    Body {message: string}

F5. PATCH /account/preference
- Request
    Header {Authentication: Bearer $token}
    Body {Preference}
- Response OK {message: string}

F6. GET /profile:random
- Request
    Header {Authentication: Bearer $token}
- Response OK 
    Body {array of Profile}

F7. GET /profile:personalized
- Request
    Header {Authentication: Bearer $token}
- Response OK 
    Body {array of Profile}

F8. POST /profile/{profile_id}:pass
- Request
    Header {Authentication: Bearer $token}
- Response OK 
    Body {message: string}

F9. POST /profile/{profile_id}:like
- Request
    Header {Authentication: Bearer $token}
- Response OK 
    Body {message: string}

F11. POST /profile/{profile_id}:view
- Request
    Header {Authentication: Bearer $token}
- Response OK 
    Body {message: string}

F12.1. POST /feature/{feature_id}:purchase
- Request
    Header {Authentication: Bearer $token}
- Response OK 
    Body {payment_url: string}

F12.2. POST /payment:confirmation
- Request
    Header {Authentication: Bearer $token}
    Body {payment_token: string}
- Response OK 
    Body {message: string}

Entity Relation

PostgreSQL Table

    bigint id PK
    string email UK
    string password
    boolean is_verified
    point location

    bigint id PK
    bigint account_id FK
    enum type
    string name
    string[] hobbies
    string about

    bigint id PK
    bigint profiles_id FK
    int max_distance
    int min_age
    int max_age

    bigint id PK
    enum feature
    string payment_id
    boolean is_bought
    bigint account_id FK

    bigint id PK
    bigint source_user_id FK
    bigint target_user_id FK

    bigint id PK
    bigint source_user_id FK
    bigint target_user_id FK

ACCOUNTS ||--|| PROFILES : create
ACCOUNTS ||--|{ FEATURES : purchase
PROFILES ||--|{ LIKES : do
PROFILES ||--|{ PASS : do

PostgreSQL query

PQ1. F1/F3. SELECT accounts WHERE email = {email}
PQ2. F1. UPDATE accounts SET password = {hashedPassword} WHERE email = {email}
PQ3. F2. UPDATE accounts SET is_verified = true WHERE id = {account_id}
PQ4. F3. UPDATE accounts SET location = {location} WHERE id = {account_id}
PQ5. F4. UPDATE profiles SET ...profile WHERE id = {profile_id}

Redis Datastructure

R1. Account Verification token
- type: strings
- key: account_verification:{token}
- ttl: 1 hour 

R2. Login Session
- type: strings
- key: login_session:{token}
- value: {account_id, profile_id, preference_id}
- ttl: 1 day

R3. Account Viewed Profile
- type: sorted sets
- key: account:{account_id}:viewed_profiles
- value: {profile_id[]}

Redis Query

RQ1. F1. Create account
SET R1{token} {account_id} EX 3600

RQ2. F2. Account Verification token
GET R1{token}

RQ3. F3.1. User Login
SET R2{token} {account_id, profile_id, preference_id}

RQ4. F3.2 System Authenticate
GET R2{token}

RQ5. F6/F7. Exclude viewed profile
ZRANGE R3{account_id} INF (CURRENT_MS() - 1 Day) REV BYSCORE

RQ6. F11. Register profile view
ZADD R3{account_id} CURRENT_MS() profile_id

Elasticsearch Datastructure

ED1. F7. index dating_profiles
    "_id": 1                // profile.ID
    "account_id": 1         // account.ID
    "preference_id": 1      // preference.ID
    "email": " //
    "location": [1.23, 4.5] // account.location
    "is_verified": true     // account.is_verified
    "name": "Jane"          //
    "hobbies": ["drawing"]  // profile.hobbies
    "about": "my-about"     // profile.about
    "max_distance: 200      // preferences.max_distance
    "min_age": 25           // preferences.min_age
    "max_age": 27           // preferences.max_age
    "verified_label: true   // features.feature = VERIFIED_LABEL
    "no_swipe_quota: true   // features.feature = NO_SWIPE_QUOTA

Kafka Messages

KM1. F7. event account_changed
account {
    profile {
        preference {


SD1. F1. POST /accounts

actor u as user
participant be as backend
participant pg as postgreSQL
participant rd as redis
participant em as email
participant kk as kafka

u->>+be: email, password

be->>+pg: PQ1{email}
pg->>-be: account

opt account != nil && account.is_verified
be->>u: User already exist

opt account == nil
critical transaction
be->>+pg: email, hashed_password
pg->>-be: account_id

be->>+kk: KM1{account_id, profile_id, preference_id, email}
kk->>-be: OK

be->>be: token = base64(account_id:rand_string(32))

be->>+rd: RQ1{token, account_id}
rd->>-be: OK

be->>+em: https://host/verification?token={token}
em->>-be: OK

be->>-u: Please check email

SD2. F2. POST /accounts:verify

actor u as user
participant be as backend
participant pg as postgreSQL
participant rd as redis
participant kk as kafka

u->>+be: verification token

be->>+rd: RQ2{token}
rd->>-be: {account_id}

opt account_id == nil
be->>u: verification link isn't valid

critical transaction
be->>+pg: account_id, is_verified=true
pg->>-be: OK

be->>+kk: KM1{account_id, is_verified}
kk->>-be: OK

be->>-u: Account has been verified

SD3. F3.1. POST /accounts:login

actor u as user
participant be as backend
participant pg as postgreSQL
participant rd as redis
participant kk as kafka

u->>+be: email, password, location

be->>+pg: email
pg->>-be: {account_id, profile_id, preference_id}

opt account == nil 
be->>u: account doesn't exist

opt account.password != hash(password)
be->>u: Incorrect email or password

critical transaction
be->>+pg: update location
pg->>-be: OK

be->>+kk: KM1{account_id, location}
kk->>-be: OK

be->>be: token = base64(account_id:rand_string(32))

be->>+rd: RQ3{token, {account_id, profile_id, preference_id}}
rd->>-be: OK

be->>-u: session token

SD4. F4. PATCH /accounts/me:dating-profile

actor u as user
participant be as backend
participant rd as redis
participant pg as postgreSQL
participant kk as kafka

u->>+be: profile

be->>+rd: token
rd->>-be: profile_id

opt profile_id == nil
be->>u: Unauthenticated

critical transaction
be->>+pg: profile_id, profile
pg->>-be: OK

be->>+kk: KM1{profile_id, profile}
kk->>-be: OK

be->>-u: profile has been changed

SD5. F5. PATCH /accounts/me:dating-preferences

actor u as user
participant be as backend
participant rd as redis
participant pg as postgreSQL
participant kk as kafka

u->>+be: profile

be->>+rd: token
rd->>-be: preference_id

opt preference_id == nil
be->>u: Unauthenticated

critical transaction
be->>+pg: preference_id, preference
pg->>-be: OK

be->>+kk: KM1{preference_id, preference}
kk->>-be: OK

be->>-u: preferences has been changed

SD6. F7. Updating dating-profiles es index (ED1)

actor kk as kafka
participant be as backend
participant es as elasticsearch

kk->>+be: KM1

be->>+es: Patch ED1
es->>-be: OK

be->>-kk: ACK

SD7. F7. GET /profiles:personalized

actor u as user
participant be as backend
participant pg as postgreSQL
participant rd as redis
participant es as elasticsearch

u->>+be: GET dating profiles list

be->>+pg: account_id, profile_id, preference_id 
pg->>-be: account, profile, preference, like, pass
be->>+rd: account_id
rd->>-be: viewed_profile_ids

be->>+rd: GET CACHE dating_profiles
rd->>-be: NOT_FOUND

be->>+es: SEARCH ED1{rounded(location, 1km), profile, preference}
es->>-be: dating_profiles

be->>+rd: CACHE dating_profiles
rd->>-be: OK

be->>be: exclude{viewed_profile_ids, like, pass}

be->>-u: dating_profiles

SD8. F8. POST /profiles/{profile_id}:pass

actor u as user
participant be as backend
participant pg as postgreSQL

u->>+be: pass profile_id

be->>+pg: INSERT INTO pass VALUES source_user_id, target_user_id
pg->>-be: OK

be->>-u: profile is passed

F9. POST /profiles/{profile_id}:like

actor u as user
participant be as backend
participant pg as postgreSQL

u->>+be: like profile_id

be->>+pg: INSERT INTO LIKE VALUES source_user_id, target_user_id
pg->>-be: OK

be->>-u: profile is liked

F11. POST /profiles/{profile_id}:view

actor u as user
participant be as backend
participant rd as redis

u->>+be: view profile_id

be->>+rd: RQ6{account_id, profile_id}
rd->>-be: OK

be->>-u: profile is viewed

F12.1. POST /features/{feature_id}:purchase

actor u as user
participant be as backend
participant st as stripe
participant pg as postgreSQL

u->>+be: purchase feature_id

be->>+st: CREATE payment {amount}
st->>-be: payment_id

be->>+pg: INSERT INTO features VALUES {account_id, feature, payment_id}
pg->>-be: OK

be->>-u: payment link

F12.2. POST /payments:confirmation

actor st as stripe
participant be as backend
participant pg as postgreSQL

st->>+be: payment_id

be->>+pg: UPDATE features SET is_bought = true WHERE payment_id
pg->>-be: OK

be->>-st: OK



F1. User can create new account with an email

  • Return Signup Success on non existance account signup_success_test
  • Return account already exist on existed verified account signup_exist
  • Can re-signup/change password if email is not verified signup_again_unverified
  • Can login after re-signup login_signup_again
  • Verification link is sent to correct email verification_email_correct
  • Verification link is stored in redis redis_verification_token

F2. User can verify its newly created account's email

  • text account has been verified message appear when verification link is openned account_verified
  • account is verified in DB sqldb_account_verified

F3.1. Existing user can login with email and password (Implemented)

  • session token is returned login_success_test
  • text email/password is invalid return when wrong password login_wrong_password
  • text account is not verified return when account is not verified login_unverified
  • text account is not exist return when account is not exist login_not_exist
  • session token is stored in redis redis_session_token

F3.2. System can authenticate user on authenticated endpoint

  • endpoint with "Authentication" header not returning Unauthenticated status
  • endpoint will return Unauthenticated status when using invalid session token

F4. Authenticated user can customize their dating profile (OOS but MVP)

  • endpoint return "profile has been changed"

F5. Authenticated user can set their dating preferences (OOS but MVP)

  • endpoint return "preferences has been changed"

F7. Authenticated user can see list of personalized dating profiles (OOS but MVP)

  • endpoint return array of dating profile ranked approximately by distance and user profiles/preferences

F8. Authenticated user can pass a dating profile

  • endpoint return "profile is passed"

F9. Authenticated user can like a dating profile

  • endpoint return "profile is liked"

F10. Regular User is limitted to 10 pass+like per day

  • endpoint return "cannot passed/liked, quota of 10/day is reached"

F11. Authenticated user won't be able to see the same dating profile in the same day

  • endpoint exclude viewed profile that day

F12.1 Regular user can purchase premium packagees which unlock one premium feature of their choosing. The features are: No swipe quota & Verified label

  • endpoint return payment link

F12.2 System can verify the purchase payment

  • endpoint return OK