- exercise 0 (Set up)
- exercise 1 (Creating a variable)
- exercise 2 (Data types)
- exercise 3 (More on data types and comments)
- exercise 4 (Arithmatic Operators)
- exercise 5 (Analysing and designing a program)
- exercise 5 a (Analysis of a problem)
- exercise 5 b (Design of a solution)
- exercise 5 c (Implementation of a solution)
- exercise 6 (Input and output)
- exercise 7 (String operations and function)
- exercise 8 (String formatting)
- exercise 9 (Logical and relational operators)
- exercise 10 (Conditions)
- exercise 11 (Loops)
- exercise 11 a (For Loop)
- exercise 11 b (While Loops)
- exercise 12 (Functions)
- exercise 12 a (A function and its definition)
- exercise 12 b (A function that returns a value)
- exercise 12 c (Recursion and lambda functions)
- exercise 13 (Some builtin functions)
- exercise 14 (List)
- exercise 15 (Tuple)
- exercise 16 (Set)
- exercise 17 (Dictionary)
- exercise 18 (Exceptions)
- exercise 19 (Files)
- exercise 20 (OOP)
- exercise 20 a (class)
- exercise 20 b (OOP concepts)
- exercise 20 c (continuation of OOP concepts)
- exercise 21 (Modules)
- exercise 22 (Unit Testing)
- exercise 23 (Git)
- exercise 24 (SQL)
- exercise 25 (Python SQLite3)
- exercise 26 (Starting a project)
- exercise 27 (Project)