We confidently believe that at this stage, with patience, persistence and clear mind and an intention to solve a problem, you can do so many things, now. Surely some problems will be challenging but through this difficulty, you become better.
Fixed this code. Do not panic, it is easier than you may sweat. Some little assistance.
- try to understand what every component (method) does.
- copy the method somewhere and run it or comment some part of it out
- or just comment the others out and run it
- run the code multiple times and write down something. Try to trace the execution of the code.
- break it and see what happens by stabbing it with various input types
- jot something down - you are becoming a hacker.
- stabbing means, pass some data to the method or attribute directly. So if there is an input, you provide the input directly.
- try negative values too - just break it and fix it
- add comments where you think necessary - try commenting on the code as you may come back in a week or more time.
Download practical file here
import random
# we shall discuss the line above in the next exercise
# description: This is a simple text-based console gambling game.
# Give the user a name and initial cash (default, $1000)
# Ask the user for their name later in the game when the user is
# making more money - if the current cash is 5 times the initial
# Randomly generate a number in a range and prompt self to
# guess the number
# if user guess is right, double bet and add to cash
# else, double and subtract from cash
# bet is in folds of $100
# That's it... Thanks
class Game:
def __init__(self, username, cash=1000, bet=0):
self.username = username
self.cash = cash
self.bet = bet
# returns user details
def game_info(self):
strinfo = f"You have ${self.cash} in your account... "
strinfo += f"and you've placed a bet of ${self.bet}... "
strinfo += f"Good luck ${self.name}!"
return strinfo
# returns game details
def player_info(self):
strinfo = f"Hello {self.username}, you have "
strinfo += f"${self.cash} is your account..."
return strinfo
# change the users name amids gaming
# this function has not been used
def change_username(self, newname):
self.username = newname
# makes sure that the bet is in a fold of 100s
# bet must be not be zero or less than zero
# before allowing bet method
def wager(self, bet):
if bet > 0 and bet % 100 == 0:
bet = int(bet)
if bet <= self.cash:
self.bet = bet
self.cash -= self.bet
print(f"You only have ${self.cash} in your account...")
if self.cash > 100:
self.bet = 100
f"For the love of the game, by default your bet is ${self.bet}")
# set the bet to 0 since the user didn't choose
# a bet other than a multiple of 100
print("Your wager is as tinny as your broke bank...")
print("Let's just have some fun and call it a day...")
self.bet = 0
except ValueError as e:
print(f"You have to use money...")
# set a bet again
bet = int(
input("place your bet in a fold of hundreds [100, 200, 300, ...]: "))
# call wager again and pass it, bet
# the main function
def start_game(self):
# print user info
end_game = "yes"
while end_game != "no":
# catch non numberic inputs
# set a bet
bet = int(
input("place your bet in a fold of hundreds [100, 200, 300, ...]: "))
# print game info
# checking if the bet is greater than half of user player cash
if self.bet >= 0.5 * self.cash:
print("You are a man who admires risks, we love you..")
# this is where the random numbers are generated
# alter this to suit for a different functionality
start, end = 0, 2
# on this like we use a component from the import
random_number = random.randint(start, end + 1)
guess = int(input(
f"{self.username}, be smart and pick your lucky number between {start} and {end}: "))
if random_number == guess:
self.bet *= 2
self.cash += self.bet
# print game info
f"{self.username}, you won this time... you now have: {self.cash}")
self.bet = 0
# print game info
print("you loss..")
if self.cash < 100:
"Man you have no cash... You better walk away.. else I'd mob the dirty floor with your damn broke face..")
# print user info
end_game = "no"
end_game = input(
"Do you want to keep playing, (yes or no)? ").lower()
except ValueError as e:
"Hmm... I bet you, start with a hundred and I will double it also...")
# create an instance object of the Game class and call the start method
user = Game("f3erQ6$_", 1000)
- Inheritance is an OOP Concept
- A child class inherits from a parent class
- pass the parent class as an argument to the child class
- pass multiple classes that way, for multiple inheritances
- use
to access the original attributes and methods of the parent class