In this stage, we write the code based on the design and then go further on to test and debug our code. We are going to change the design to a valid Python code.
The inputs:
totalNumberStudent: int = 5
listOfScore: list = 40, 78, 91, 59 and 12
overallScore: int = 100
The processes:
sumOfScores: float = sum of all the elements in listOfScore
averageOfScores: float = sumOfScores / totalNumberStudent
numberAboveAverage = number of elements greater than the average
numberBelowAverage = number of elements less than the average
The output:
sumOfScores: float
averageOfScores: float
numberAboveAverage: int
numberBelowAverage: int
# The inputs
totalNumberStudent = 5
# the scores of the five students
# our listOfScore
s1 = 40
s2 = 78
s3 = 91
s4 = 59
s5 = 12
overallScore = 100
# sum of all the elements in listOfScore
sumOfScores = s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5
# the average
averageOfScores = sumOfScores / totalNumberStudent
# the number of students who had a score greater than the average
# initialize two variables, numberAboveAverage and numberBelowAverage to zero
# compare each student score with the average
# if the score is greater than the average, add one to numberAboveAverage else (it may mean is equal to or less than) do nothing here.
numberAboveAverage = 0
if s1 > averageOfScores:
numberAboveAverage += 1
if s2 > averageOfScores:
numberAboveAverage += 1
if s3 > averageOfScores:
numberAboveAverage += 1
if s4 > averageOfScores:
numberAboveAverage += 1
if s5 > averageOfScores:
numberAboveAverage += 1
numberBelowAverage = 0
if s1 < averageOfScores:
numberBelowAverage += 1
if s2 < averageOfScores:
numberBelowAverage += 1
if s3 < averageOfScores:
numberBelowAverage += 1
if s4 < averageOfScores:
numberBelowAverage += 1
if s5 < averageOfScores:
numberBelowAverage += 1
# the outputs
print("The sum of all the scores is", sumOfScores)
print("The average score is", averageOfScores)
print(numberAboveAverage, "scored above average")
print(numberBelowAverage, "scored below average")
# The inputs
totalNumberStudent = 5
# the scores of the five students
# here we use a data structure known as a list
# compare this to the other, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5
# which is simpler
listOfScore = [40, 78, 91, 59, 12]
overallScore = 100
# sum of all the elements in listOfScore
# We will use a loop and initialize sumOfScores to zero
sumOfScores = 0
for score in listOfScore:
sumOfScores += score
# the average
averageOfScores = sumOfScores / totalNumberStudent
# the number of students who had a score above than the average
# initialize two variables, numberAboveAverage and numberBelowAverage to zero
# compare each student score with the average
# if the score is greater than the average, add one to numberAboveAverage
# else (it may mean is equal to or less than) so we check if it is less than
# else it will be equal, which is of no interest to do nothing.
# we will use a loop here also
numberAboveAverage = 0
numberBelowAverage = 0
for score in listOfScore:
if score > averageOfScores:
numberAboveAverage += 1
if score < averageOfScores:
numberBelowAverage += 1
# the outputs
print("The sum of all the scores is", sumOfScores)
print("The average score is", averageOfScores)
print(numberAboveAverage, "scored above average")
print(numberBelowAverage, "scored below average")
Implement the design from the practicals in exercise 5 b (Design of a solution)
- Implementation phase is where we code the design from the analysis
- Implementation is not the last phase of software development
- We have to test, maintain and document our programs to make the software