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VS Code Snippets

Mr. Zorn edited this page Mar 5, 2024 · 1 revision

VS Code Supports the usage OV "Templates" called Snippets. You can use tab to jump between entries.

I have created some to make it easier to create new Config entries. grafik

Color Corrections

	"ColorCorrection": {
		"prefix": ["STORM ColorCorrection", "CVO_CC_"],
		"body": [
			"class CVO_CC_${1:Name} : CVO_CC_Default",
			"	brightness = 	${2:1.00};",
			"	contrast = 		${3:1.00};",
			"	offset = 		${4:0.00};",
			"	blending_rgba[] = 		{	${05:0.00},	${06:0.00},	${07:0.00},	${08:0.00}	};			// RGB - Color -- A - Blend Factor (0-> Original Color - 1 -> Blended Color)",
			"	colorization_rgba[] = 	{	${09:1.00},	${10:1.00},	${11:1.00},	${12:1.00}	};			// RGB - Color -- A - Saturation   (0-> Original Color - 1 -> B&W moltiplied by colorize color)",
			"	desaturation_rgba0[] = 	{	${13:0.33},	${14:0.33},	${15:0.33},	${16:0.00}	};			// RGB - Color -- 0 - not in use? -- color rgb weights for desaturation"
		"description": "Preset for the fast entry of CVO Color Correction Config Classes"
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