A Plugins for PocketMine-MP. TSeriesAPI by Teaclon/TeaTech. This is a compatible APIs-Plugin for PocketMine-MP's plugins.
This Plugin is compatible to version 1.1 ~ 1.8 and greater!
* Author: Teaclon(锤子)
* Open source license: GNU General Public License v3.0
* Open source storage location: GitHub
* Web from Github: https://github.com/Tommy131/TSeriesAPI
* Last-Update: 2018-12-30, 18:00
* Version: 2.4.5
* Copyright (c) 2017-2018 TeaTech All right Reserved.
鉴于PMMP核心以及各种衍生版核心的产生, API的更改, 导致本插件的诞生. 本插件历史编写长达1年, 前期一直在中国区闭源免费使用, 如今宣布在国际区域开源免费使用. 如果开发者对接本插件, 将可以实现1.1到1.8或者更高阶的插件兼容. 具体使用方法可以直接查看核心源码或通过上方的联系方式与作者进行联系. In view of the PMMP Kernel and the generation of various derivative Kernels, APIs changes have led to the birth of this plugin. The history of this plugin has been written for a year, and it has been used free of charge in China in the early stage. Now it is announced that it is free to use in the international region. If the developer docks the plugin, it will be able to achieve plugin compatibility from 1.1 to 1.8 or higher. The specific use method can directly view the Kernel source code or contact the author through the above contact information.
- A Manager for Command management
- A Manager for Event management
- A Manager for Task management (The original \pocketmine\scheduler\PluginTask has been removed by PMMP)
- A Manager for Plugin management (The original command "mp, ep" has been removed by PMMP)
- Check server CPU Type
- Special commands will be ban (normal OP and Player cannot use)
- Special Command Permission Groups (\Teaclon\TSeriesAPI\command\CommandManager, \Teaclon\TSeriesAPI\command)
- Player Device check, Player Xbox Id check, and so on...
- DEBUG until this repository will be perfect
- Check server CPU Type
- Language Packets (multi-languages)
本插件有部分代码来自互联网或者其他项目. 由于之前采用闭源免费的授权方式给个人/个别用户, 代码内部没有特殊注释. 如果你是部分代码的原作者/你知道原作者的联系方式, 欢迎在本项目上方的issue添加你的需求, 我将会添加代码的原出处/版权/声明. This plugin has some code from the Internet or other projects. Due to the previous closed source free authorization method for individuals/individual users, there is no special comment inside the code. If you are the original author of the partial code / you know the contact information of the original author, welcome Add your requirements to the issue at the top of the project, I will add the original source/copyright/declaration of the code.
* Copyright Teaclon © 2018 All right Reserved.
* This plugin code complies with the GPL3 license open source, please abide by this license to use this code.
* Reprinted or used for commercial purposes, please be sure to inform the author, and indicate the original author of the code.
* If you comply with the above statement, you will be eligible for this code.