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- Georgios Theodoropoulos
A number of people have contributed to the development of PDES-MAS over the years:
- Mike Lees
- Ton Oguara
- Vinoth Suryanarayanan
- Rob Minson
- Bart Craenen
- Ronald Ewald
- Brian Logan
- Zhengchang Hua
- Shuyi Chen
- Vinoth Suryanarayanan, Georgios Theodoropoulos, "Synchronised Range Queries in Distributed Simulations of Multi-Agent Systems", ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS), Volume 23, Issue 4, October 2013 DOI Bookmark: 10.1145/2517449
- M. Lees, B. Logan, G. Theodoropoulos, “Analysing Probabilistically Constrained Optimism”, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience Journal, special issue on “Distributed Simulation, Virtual Environments and Real Time Applications”, Vol 21, 11, 1467-1482, ISSN: 1532-0626, DOI Bookmark: 10.1002/cpe.1397.
- D. Chen, R. Ewald, G. Theodoropoulos, R. Minson, T Oguara, M. Lees, B. Logan, and A. Uhrmacher “Data Access in Distributed Simulation of Complex Systems”, Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier, Volume 81, Issue 12, December 2008, Pages 2345-2360. DOI Bookmark:10.1016/j.jss.2008.04.041
- M. Lees, B. Logan, G. Theodoropoulos, "Using Access Patterns to Analyze the Performance of Optimistic Synchronization Algorithms in Simulations of MAS”, Transactions of the Society for Computer Simulation International, Volume 84, Number 10/11, October 2008, Pages: 481-492. ISSN: 0037-549. DOI Bookmark: 10.1177/0037549708096691.
- Logan, B., Theodoropoulos, G. “The Distributed Simulation of Agent-Based Systems”, Proceedings of the IEEE Journal, Special Issue on Agent-Oriented Software Approaches in Distributed Modelling and Simulation. February 2001, Volume 89, Issue 2, Pages: 174-186. DOI Bookmark: 10.1109/5.910853.
- Vinoth Suryanarayanan, Georgios Theodoropoulos, Michael Lees, "PDES-MAS: Distributed Simulation of Multi-agent Systems", International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2013 Barcelona, Spain, June 5 - June 7, 2013. DOI bookmark. 10.1016/j.procs.2013.05.231
- Bart Craenen, Vinoth Suryanarayanan, Georgios Theodoropoulos, "A Middleware for Interfacing with Simulation Systems of Multi-Agent Models", ICST/CREATE-NET DISIO 2011 2nd Workshop on DIstributed SImulation & Online gaming (DISIO 2011, in conjunction with SIMUTools 2011), Barcelona, Spain - March 21, 2011. CD Proceedings, ISBN 978-1-936968-00-8.
- Vinoth Suryanarayanan, Bart Craenen, Georgios Theodoropoulos, "Synchronised Range Queries in Distributed Simulations of Multi-Agent Systems", the 14th International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT 2010), October 17-20, 2010, Fairfax, Virginia USA. Nominated for Best Paper Award. DOI bookmark: 10.1109/DS-RT.2010.18
- Vinoth Suryanarayanan, Rob Minson, Georgios Theodoropoulos “Synchronised Range Queries”, 13th IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT 2009) October 2009, Singapore. Nominated for Best Paper Award. DOI Bookmark: 10.1109/DS-RT.2009.31
- M. Lees, B. Logan, D. Chen, T. Oguara G. Theodoropoulos “Analysing the Performance of Optimistic Synchronisation Algorithms in Simulations of Multi-Agent Systems”, the 20th ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (PADS 2006), May 23–26, 2006, Raffles Hotel, Singapore. Pages: 37 - 44, ISBN ~ ISSN:1087-4097, 0-7695-2587-3. DOI Bookmark: 10.1109/PADS.2006.10 Nominated for Best paper Award
- M. Lees, B. Logan, D. Chen, T. Oguara G. Theodoropoulos “Decision-Theoretic Throttling for Optimistic Simulations of Multi-Agent Systems”, The 9th IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT 2005), October 10-12, 2005 Montreal, Qc. Canada. ISBN: 0-7695-2462-1, Pages: 171-178, DOI Bookmark: 10.1109/DISTRA.2005.16
- T. Oguara, D. Chen, G. Theodoropoulos, M. Lees, B. Logan, “An Adaptive Load Management Mechanism for Distributed Simulation of Multi-agent Systems”, The 9th IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT 2005), October 10-12, 2005 Montreal, Qc. Canada. ISBN: 0-7695-2462-1, Pages: 179-186. DOI Bookmark: 10.1109/DISTRA.2005.9
- M.Lees, B.Logan, R.Minson, T. Oguara, G. Theodoropoulos "Modelling Environments for Distributed Simulation", 1st International Workshop on Environments for Multiagent Systems (E4MAS), in conjunction with the 3rd International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS04), New York, 19-23 July 2004. Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), No: 3374, 2005. Springer, ISBN 3-540-24575-8, Pages: 150-167. DOI Bookmark: 10.1007/b106134
- Lees, M., Logan, B., Theodoropoulos, G., “Time Windows in Multi-Agent Distributed Simulation”, Modelling and Simulation of Distributed Systems and Networks, 5th European Simulation Congress (EUROSIM’04), European Simulation Societies Federation), 6-10 September 2004, ESIEE, Cite Descartes, Marne la Vallee, France. ISBN 3-901608-28, Full Papers CD Volume. 6 Pages.
- M.Lees, B. Logan, R.Minson, T. Oguara, G. Theodoropoulos, “Distributed Simulation of MAS”, Joint Workshop on Multi-Agent and Multi-Agent-Based Simulation (MAMABS’04), in conjunction with the 3rd International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS04), New York, 19-23 July 2004. Lecture Notes on Artifical Intelligence (LNAI), No: 3415, 2005. Springer, ISBN 3-540-25262-2, Pages: 25-36. DOI Bookmark: 10.1007/b106991
- Lees, M., Logan, B., Theodoropoulos, G., “Adaptive Optimistic Synchronisation in Distributed Simulations of Agent-based Systems”, The 17th European Simulation Multiconference, June 9 - 11, 2003 Nottingham, UK. ISBN 3-936150-25-7 , Pages 77-82.
- Theodoropoulos, G., Logan, B., "An Approach for Interest Management And Dynamic Load Balancing In Distributed Simulations”, 2001 European Simulation Interoperability Workshop, 2001 Euro-SIW, University of Westminster, Harrow Campus, Harrow, Middlesex, United Kingdom, June 25-27, 2001. Paper No: 01E-SIW-83, Pages 565-571.
- Theodoropoulos, G., Logan, B., " Interest Management and Dynamic Load Balancing in Distributed Simulation” Proceedings of 12th European Simulation Symposium (ESS’2000), 28-30 September 2000, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, Society for Computer Simulation International, editor: Dietmar Moeller. ISBN 1-56555-190-7, Pages: 111-115.
- Logan, B., Theodoropoulos, G., "Dynamic Interest Management in the Distributed Simulation of Agent-Based Systems”, Proceedings of 10th AI, Simulation and Planning In High Autonomy Systems Conference, Sheraton Hotel, Tucson, Arizona, March 6-8 2000, Society for Computer Simulation International, editors: H. Sarjoughian, F. Cellier, Michael Marefat, J. Rozenblit, ISBN: 1-56555-194-X, Pages: 45-50.
- Theodoropoulos, G., Logan, B., “A Framework for the Distributed Simulation of Agent-Based Systems”, 13th European Simulation Multiconference (ESM99), Warsaw, Poland, June 1-4, 1999, editor: H. Szczerbicka. Society for Computer Simulation International, ISBN 1-56555-171-0 Pages: 58-65.