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Checkout the examples below to see how GoKoala works.

OGC API Tiles example

This example uses vector tiles from the PDOK BGT dataset (a small subset, just for demo purposes).

OGC API Features example

There are 2 examples configurations:

  • config_features_local.yaml - use local addresses geopackages in WGS84, RD and ETRS89 projections.
  • config_features_azure.yaml - use addresses geopackage (just one in WGS84) hosted in Azure Blob as a Cloud-Backed SQLite/Geopackage.

For the local version just start GoKoala as specified in the root README and provide the mentioned config file.

For the Azure example we use a local Azurite emulator which contains the cloud-backed addresses.gpkg:

OGC API 3D GeoVolumes example

This example uses 3D tiles of New York.

OGC API All/Complete example

This example demonstrates multiple OGC APIs (tiles, styles, features, geovolumes) in a single API.

  • Start GoKoala as specified in the root README and provide config_all.yaml as the config file.