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selfish 自私的
hell 地狱
decorate 装饰v.
cracker 鞭炮
escalator 手扶电梯
obey = follow 遵守
frustrated 沮丧的
perseverance 坚持
disagreement 分歧
enlarge 扩展
bonfire 篝火
vocabulary 词汇
besides 除……外,还有(包括在内)
expect 除……外,还有(不包括在内)
support 支持
menbers 成员
exchange 交流
benfit 益处
valuable 昂贵的
football fan 足球粉丝
customer 顾客
bill 账单/纸币
confuse 感到迷惑
surrounded 把……包围
handwriting 书写
c.n = 可数名词
uc.n = 不可数名词
waiter 服务员
musical instrunment 音乐乐器
except 除外
Square 广场
Temple of Heaven Park 天坛
Bird's Nest 鸟巢
Beijing duck 北京烤鸭
A Beijing hutong 一个北京胡同
the Great wall 长城
puppy 小狗
Interview 介绍
Seldom 很少
Fireworks 烟花
Company 公司
Physics 物理
Painful 痛苦的
Thoughtful 深思熟虑的
tomb 墓
ancestor 祖先
poet 诗人
Almost 几乎
illness 疾病
carry 抬
Mentioned 提到
transportation 交通工具
paragraph(简写para) 段
skim 略读
retirment 退休
last 用作动词时有==持续==的意思
forgive 原谅
as = when 当……时
pass = go past 经过
purpose 目的
director 导演
increasing 增长
reduce 减少
rank 排序
senior 高级的
countable 可数的
inexpensive 便宜
describe 描述
seek 找
cure 治疗
creature 生物
creative 有创造力的
wise 明智的
structure 结构
benfit 益处


Daily Habits 日常习惯
Surf the Internet 网上冲浪
Calmed down 静下来
May not be 可能不
A pair of 一双/一对
Fight in the army 从军打仗
Acting lessons 表演课
one -> the other 一个/另一个
some -> other 一些/另一些
For this reason 因为这个原因
Except 除……外
At a very high temperature 在高温下
get into a fight 吵了一架
go over 复习
kill time 消磨时间
at the time 那时
on the way 在路上
take part in 参加
hear of 听说
Broke out 发生
From then on 从那时起
once = one time 一次
Host family 寄宿家庭
blow out 吹灭
in order to 为了
for a while 一会
act v. 行动
any minutes 随时
at most 至多
make a mess 弄得一团糟
shout back 顶嘴
It's not a big deal 没什么大不了的
hang over挂在……之上
push sb so hard
as usual 照常
point out 指出
as well 又、也、还,多用于句末
call out 唤醒
work on 致力于
any thing is possible 一切皆有可能
keep trying 坚持努力
neither of 两者都不
boiled water 开水
for their live 为了逃命
run along 绵延
belong to 属于
make progress 取得进步
a couple of time 几次
wherever 无论哪里
have a hard time 过得很艰难
plenty of == a lot of
in need 需要的
not anymore 不再
stressed out 备受压力的
stayed the same 一成不变的
change for the better 变得更好
hand in 上交
as well 也(句末)
It's a piece of cake 小菜一碟
It serves you right 活该
You are not my cup of tea 你不是我的菜
from time to time 时不时
keep a diary 写日记
Whether ... or not ... 是否
Use it or lose it 不用则废
Practice makes perfect 孰能生巧
Even if 即使
Explain sth. to sb. 想……解释…… Be stressed out 紧张的
on your own == by yourself 靠你自己
bit by bit 一点一点地
at once 立刻
Here is my advice 这是我的建议(固定搭配)advice不可数名词 opposite = across from 在……对面
over and over again 反复
Where there is a will, there is a way 有志者,事竟成
tour operator 旅游社
sleep car 卧铺车
little by little 逐渐地
by then 到那时
It doesn't matter 不要紧
centuries = hundreds of year
thousands of 数以千计的
millions of 数以百万计的
moving = touching 感人的
upside down 颠倒
spread around 传播
latern fair 灯会/展
also known as 也作为……而出名
show respect for sb. 表达对……的尊重
put on a play 上演一个戏剧
stay away from ... 远离……\