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Initial arrangement

This reference page describes all options for arrangement argument of class rampack.

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Simulation box

RAMPACK supports general triclinic boxes, which encapsulate all standard symmetries of equilibrium phases of matter. The box is described be three linearly independent vectors v1, v2, v3 which span the simulation box. Each absolute position r within it can be expressed as

r = s1 · v1 + s2 · v2 + s3 · v3,

where si are in the range [0, 1) and they form the relative position s. The box is filled with identical particles characterized by their positions and orientation. Periodic boundary conditions are used. One or more pairs of parallel box walls, periodic be default, can be toggled impenetrable, which imposes a barrier on hard particles (see rampack.walls). During the simulation, box may be deformed using different types of box moves.

Arrangement classes

Currently, initial arrangement may be prepared using:

Class presimulated


Loads the initial configuration from RAMSNAP with name given by a String file.

Class lattice


Creates the Bravais lattice of particles, which can then be transformed using lattice transformers. The argument cell specifies what type of the unit cell it is built of. It is important to note that cell type specifies only the number of particles in the unit cell, their orientations and relative positions in the cell. The shape of the cell is then specified manually or calculated automatically, depending on lattice arguments. **kwargs is a set of keyword arguments which depend on a given call signature. There are 3 available call signatures

  1. call signature:

        transformations,  # optional argument
        fill_partially    # optional argument

    Creates the lattice with a manually specified number of cells in each direction and cell dimensions. Simulation box dimensions are calculated based on these arguments.


    • cell

      The type of the unit cell (see Unit cell types).

    • cell_dim

      Unit cell dimensions. It can be:

      • Float, which specifies a distance between the nearest neighbors.
        #cell = sc
        cell_dim = 1  # creates 1 x 1 x 1 simple cubic cell
        #cell = hcp(axis="z")
        cell_dim = 1  # creates 1 x sqrt(3) x 2*sqrt(6)/3 hexagonal close packed cell
        Please note that it does not necessarily describe a cubic cell - the relative side dimensions depend on the particular cell type and are chosen in such a way that all nearest neighbours are equidistant.
      • Array of Floats, which specifies 3 side lengths of an orthorhombic (cuboidal) cell.
        cell_dim = [0.5, 1, 1.5]  # creates a 0.5 x 1 x 1.5 cuboidal cell
      • Array of 3 explicitly specified unit cell vectors (each is an Arrays of 3 Floats) of a most general triclinic cell.
        cell_dim = [[2, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0], [1, 0, 2]]   # creates a monoclinic cell leaning in x direction
    • n_cells

      Array of Integers specifying the number of cells in each direction. For example

      n_cells = [5, 5, 10]

      creates a 5 x 5 x 10 lattice of cells (together 250 cells).

    • transformations (optional argument)

      An Array of lattice transformations which should be applied after creating the lattice.

    • fill_partially (optional argument)

      If specified, not all available particle slots in the lattice will be filled. The way they are filled is specified by a lattice populator.

  2. call signature:

        transformations  # optional argument

    Creates the lattice in a simulation box of fixed box_dim dimensions with n_shapes in unit cells of type cell. The number of cells in each direction is chosen automatically in such a way that the heights of cell box are as similar as possible.


    • cell

      The type of the unit cell (see Unit cell types).

    • box_dim

      Dimensions of the simulation box. It can be:

      • Float, which specifies a side length of a cubic box.
        box_dim = 10  # creates a 10 x 10 x 10 box
      • Array of Floats, which specifies 3 side lenghts of an orthorhombic (cuboidal) cell.
        box_dim = [5, 10, 15]  # creates a 5 x 10 x 15 orthorhombic (cuboidal) box
      • Array of 3 explicitly specified box vectors (each is an Arrays of 3 Floats) of a most general triclinic box.
        box_dim = [[20, 0, 0], [0, 20, 0], [10, 0, 20]]   # creates a monoclinic box leaning in x direction
    • n_shapes

      Number of shapes to be distributed in the lattice. Based on this number, number of cells and cell dimensions will be optimized.

    • transformations (optional argument)

      An Array of lattice transformations which should be applied after creating the lattice.

  3. call signature

        transformations,  # optional argument
        fill_partially    # optional argument

    Creates the lattice where the simulation box has fixed dimensions and a fixed number of cells in each direction. Cell dimensions are calculated based on these two arguments.


    • cell

      The type of the unit cell (see Unit cell types).

    • n_cells

      Array of Integers specifying number of cells in each direction. See n_cells argument of first call signature.

    • box_dim

      Dimensions of the simulation box. They are specified in the same way as box_dim argument of the second call signature.

    • transformations (optional argument)

      An array of lattice transformations which should be applied after creating the lattice.

    • fill_partially

    If specified, not all available particle slots in the lattice will be filled. The way they are filled is specified by Lattice populators.

Unit cell types

Unit cell is defined as a set of particles with given positions and orientations in the cell. Unit cell type does not define the shape of the cell - it is determined by class lattice arguments. For example, bcc unit cell may as well be triclinic. Thus, positions are defined in a cell-shape agnostic manner - by relative coordinates si. See Simulation box section for more information about the relative coordinates.

There are 5 types of build-in unit cell types

and a user-defined unit cell:

All positions given below in cell classes' descriptions are relative. In the standard convention, known from the textbooks, one particle is usually in the corner. Here, all particles in the cell are translated in such a way that the bounding box of the positions lies dead in the middle of the cell.

Class sc

sc( )

Creates a simple cubic cell with a single particle placed at (relative coordinates):

  • (1/2, 1/2, 1/2)

Class bcc

bcc( )

Creates a body centered cubic cell with 2 particles placed at (relative coordinates):

  • (1/4, 1/4, 1/4)
  • (3/4, 3/4, 3/4)

Class fcc

fcc( )

Creates a face centered cubic cell with 4 particles placed at (relative coordinates):

  • (1/4, 1/4, 1/4)
  • (1/4, 3/4, 3/4)
  • (3/4, 1/4, 3/4)
  • (3/4, 3/4, 1/4)

Class hcp


Creates a hexagonal close packed cell with 4 particles. Positions depend on axis ("x", "y" or "z"), which determines the direction of stacking of honeycomb layers. For axis = "z", the positions are (relative coordinates):

  • (1/4, 1/12, 1/4)
  • (3/4, 7/12, 1/4)
  • (1/4, 5/12, 3/4)
  • (3/4, 11/12, 3/4)

For axis = "y" the coordinates are cyclically shifted left one time, while for axis = "x" - two times.

Class hex


Creates a hexagonal cell with 2 particles. It forms hexagonal honeycombs placed on top of one another without shifts as in class fcc or class hcp. Positions depend on axis ("x", "y" or "z"), which determines the direction of stacking. For axis = "z", the positions are (relative coordinates):

  • (1/4, 1/4, 1/2)
  • (3/4, 3/4, 1/2)

For axis = "y" the coordinates are cyclically shifted one time left, while for axis = "x" - two times left.

Class custom


Lets the user specify a custom unit cell with arbitrary number of particles, their positions and orientations. shapes is an Array of shape objects:

    rot = [0, 0, 0]

pos is position in relative coordinates (Array of 3 Floats). rot is an array of Tait-Bryan angles ("aircraft" Euler angles) of counter-clockwise rotations around, respectively, x, y and z axes, performed in this exact order. In a rotation matrix language, if rotation matrices are denoted as Rx, Ry and Rz, the net rotation is

R = Rz Ry Rx

Rotation angles are in degrees. As an example, to recreate class bcc, but with the central particle rotated 90 degrees around y-axis, one could specify

    shape([0.25, 0.25, 0.25]),
    shape([0.75, 0.75, 0.75], [0, 90, 0])

Notably, relative coordinates do not necessarily have to be in [0, 1) range, although they should as a rule of thumb. Otherwise, the particles creep out of their corresponding cells, but anyway, RAMPACK correctly wraps them in the box according to periodic boundary conditions.

Lattice transformers

Lattice transformations are optional operations, which are performed on a regular lattice. They may be used to create more complicated structures (for example layers with alternating tilt) without manually defining the unit cell. Operations can be pipelined, which gives a lot of flexibility. In the documentation of classes the following types of lattice appear (which are NOT mutually exclusive):

  • regular lattice
    Bravais lattice fully defined by periodically repeated single unit cell. Using class lattice without transformers produces the regular lattice. On the other hand, irregular lattice is also build of cells, but they all can be different. Irregular lattice is produced by selected transformers, for example class columnar or class randomize_flip.
  • normalized lattice
    Lattice where coordinates of all relative positions in all cells are in the range [0, 1).

Each lattice transformer denotes the required lattice type to work properly and specifies what is the lattice type after the transformation if done.

The following transformers are available:

Class optimize_cell

    axis_order = "xyz"
  • Lattice requirements: regular
  • Resulting lattice: regular, normalized if was before

Optimizes unit cell dimensions to pack particles more efficiently. It works axis by axis, in the order specified by axis_order. For a given axis, it shrinks the cell in this direction, preserving angles between cell walls, up until the particles are tangent. After all 3 axes are optimized, it expands the cell, again preserving angles, so that the heights of the compressed cell parallelepiped are increased by spacing.

It is important to note that relative positions of particles withing the cell remain constant. As a result, in case of multi-particle cells, there might be gaps between some pairs of particles after the operation. This happens when a particula pair of particles is already tangent and further shrinking would introduce an overlap, while some other particle pairs are still disjunctive. For a more flexible cell optimization one can use class optimize_layers.

Class optimize_layers

  • Lattice requirements: regular, normalized
  • Resulting lattice: regular, normalized

Performs intelligent, layer-wise optimization of the unit cell and cell dimensions. Contrary to class optimize_cell, it optimizes the cell layer by layer, minimizing the gaps in multi-particle cells. The drawback is that is performs the optimization only in one direction, specified by axis ("x", "y", "z"). The axis is defined in box relative coordinates and may not coincide with coordinate system axes.

First, it identifies the layers. The layer is a group of particles in the unit cell, whose relative coordinate corresponding to axis is identical. For example, for class fcc cell and axis = "z", one layer contains particles positioned at (1/4, 1/4, 1/4), (3/4, 3/4, 1/4), while the second one particles at (1/4, 3/4, 3/4) and (3/4, 1/4, 3/4) (notice identical z coordinates in both groups). After identifying layers, it compresses them in the axis stacking direction, until they are tangent. Finally, it increases the cell height in the axis direction, to introduce a gap spacing between all identified layers.

Class columnar

  • Lattice requirements: regular, normalized
  • Resulting lattice: irregular, normalized

Takes a regular lattice and randomly shifts particle columns to form a columnar phase along the axis specified by axis ("x", "y", "z"). The axis is defined in box relative coordinates and may not coincide with coordinate system axes. Columns are recognized a way analogous to how class optimize_layers recognizes layers: the column is a set of particles in the whole lattice, whose relative coordinates differ only on a coordinate corresponding to axis. After the columns are recognized, each one is moved by a random amount along axis using RNG seeded with Integer seed.

After "columnarization", the lattice remains normalized (RAMPACK periodically wraps the columns sticking out of their bounds), however it is no longer regular.

Class randomize_flip

  • Lattice requirements: none
  • Resulting lattice: irregular, normalized if was before

With 1/2 probability, it rotates each particle by 180° around its secondary axis, attached at the geometric center, flipping in turn around half of the particles in the system. It uses RNG seeded with Integer seed. If lattice was normalized prior to using this transformer, it is renormalized again (normalization may be lost when the geometric center of the particle is not {0, 0, 0}, which is never the case for built-in shapes).

Class layer_rotate

  • Lattice requirements: regular, normalized
  • Resulting lattice: regular, normalized

It recognizes the layers in the same way as class optimize_layers and rotates the particles in them.


  • layer_axis

    "x", "y" or "z" String representing the axis orthogonal to layers; the axis is defined in box relative coordinates and may not coincide with coordinate system axes.

  • rot_axis

    "x", "y" or "z" String representing the coordinate system axis around which the rotation should be performed.

  • rot_angle

    The angle of rotation in degrees.

  • alternating

    If False, all particles in the system will be rotated in the same direction. If True, particles in even layers will be rotated counterclockwise, and particle in odd layers clockwise.

Class randomize_rotation

Since v1.1.0

    axis = "random",
  • Lattice requirements: none
  • Resulting lattice: irregular, normalized if was before

Randomizes rotations of particles. Rotations may be around a specific or random axis depending on the axis parameter.

  • seed

    Seed of the RNG used to randomize rotations.

  • axis (= "random")

    Axis of the rotation. The following values are accepted:

    • "random"
      All shapes are rotated by a random angle around a random axis with a uniform probability of all rotations.
    • Array of Floats (eg. [1, 1, 0])
      Specific constant (lab) axis. Axis normalization is performed automatically. All shapes are rotated around the same axis by random angles.
    • "x", "y", "z"
      Shorthands for x, y and z lab axes. All shapes are rotated around the same axis by random angles.
    • "primary", "secondary", "auxiliary"
      Rotation around a shape axis by a random angle. Rotation axis is not constant - shape axes are defined in shape's coordinate system, thus the axis of rotation depends on the orientation of a shape.

Lattice populators

Lattice populators determine the way the particles are skipped when using fill_partially argument in class lattice. The following ones are available:

Class serial

    axis_order = "auto"

Fills the vacant spots in the lattice cell by cell, where cells are first grouped in rows, then rows in layers, and finally the layers are stacked on top of one another. The operation is interrupted when n_shapes shapes is already placed, leaving the rest of spaces empty.


  • n_shapes

    Determines how many shapes have to be placed inside the lattice. It has to be smaller or equal the maximal number of shapes in the lattice.

  • axis_order (= "auto")

    Determines the order of loops filling in the vacant spots. It can be either of:

    • explicitly specified order, for example "xyz". Then the outermost loop is for the x-axis, and the innermost for z-axis. More precisely, it means that the cell row on axis z is filled first, then yz layer is populated with those rows, and finally layers are stacked one by one along the x-axis
    • "auto" - outermost loop is for the axis with the highest number of cells, and the innermost loop for the one with the lowest. It means that rows are created along the direction with the smallest number of cells, and layers created of such rows are stacked along the axis with the highest number of cells

Class random


Fills the vacant places in lattice with n_shapes in a completely random fashion. RNG is seeded with Integer seed.

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