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[REPORT]Multi-Threaded Race Condition bug found in src/modules/navigator/navigator_main.cpp which cause drone can not PAUSE

bkueng published GHSA-x57h-c282-63hg Jan 25, 2024


PX4-Autopilot (Pixhawk )

Affected versions


Patched versions




Due to the lack of synchronization mechanism for vehicle_status variable,we identified a Race Condition vulnerability in the navigator_main.cpp and commander.cpp.This will result in the drone not being able to PAUSE when it executes a mission.


When the drone is executing a mission and the user clicks PAUSE, the ground control station will send command::VEHICLE_CMD_DO_REPOSITION to the drone.

  1. In commander.cpp, the drone state is modified to NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_LOITER based on the received commands and the state is published.
    As stated in the code comment, it is designed not to require the navigator and command to receive/process data at the exact same time.

    case vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_DO_REPOSITION: {
    // Just switch the flight mode here, the navigator takes care of
    // doing something sensible with the coordinates. Its designed
    // to not require navigator and command to receive / process
    // the data at the exact same time.

  2. In navigator_main.cpp, it will subscribe to the drone status and execute status->run()

    _navigation_mode_array[i]->run(_navigation_mode == _navigation_mode_array[i]);

  3. Some of the parameters needed in status->run() are also calculated in navigator_main.cpp, but the conditions that trigger the execution of these calculated functions are not based on the drone status but on the received commander.Here calculate the break point to pause the mission.

    // All three set to NaN - pause vehicle
    rep->current.alt = get_global_position()->alt;
    if (_vstatus.vehicle_type == vehicle_status_s::VEHICLE_TYPE_ROTARY_WING
    && (get_position_setpoint_triplet()->current.type != position_setpoint_s::SETPOINT_TYPE_TAKEOFF)) {
    calculate_breaking_stop(rep->, rep->current.lon, rep->current.yaw);

    Multi-Threaded Race Condition occurs here.When navigator_main.cpp receives the command from the GCS and calculates the braking point, commander.cpp hasn't yet modified the UAV's status according to the received command, so status->run(),doesn't publish the braking point as expected

    By the time commander.cpp finishes modifying the drone's status, navigator_main.cpp has executed to the next round and overwritten the brake point it just calculated, causing status->run() (status==loiter) to PUBLISH the wrong data

  4. Here overwrite the brake point.Because the Pause command is a compound command.
    Pause command==reposition to break point+change altitude
    I analyzed the QGC code, and when the user presses the PAUSE button, QGC sends twice the REPOSITION CMD to the drone.The second REPOSITION CMD triggers here and cause overwrite.

    } else if (PX4_ISFINITE(cmd.param7) || PX4_ISFINITE(cmd.param4)) {
    // Position is not changing, thus we keep the setpoint
    rep-> = PX4_ISFINITE(curr-> ? curr-> : get_global_position()->lat;
    rep->current.lon = PX4_ISFINITE(curr->current.lon) ? curr->current.lon : get_global_position()->lon;


I added some debug output to watch the drone's state change.

// Navigator.cpp

    IF vehicle_command_s EQUALS VEHICLE_CMD_DO_reposition THEN
        IF user_intent EQUALS pause THEN
            PX4_INFO("calculate_breaking_stop point")
            calculate_breaking_stop(, rep.current.lon, rep.current.yaw)
        END IF
    END IF

    PX4_INFO("Now vehicle_status=missison/loiter") //output drone status
    vehicle_status_s.Run() // If status EQUALS loiter, publish the break point

When the drone is executing a mission and the user clicks PAUSE,the console will output the following content:

INFO  [navigator] Now  vehicle_status=missison    //The drone is on a mission.
INFO  [navigator] Now  vehicle_status=missison
INFO  [navigator] Now  vehicle_status=missison
INFO  [navigator] VEHICLE_CMD_DO_REPOSITION     //Navigator_main.cpp accept CMD from GCS
INFO  [navigator] calculate_breaking_stop point             
INFO  [navigator] Now  vehicle_status=missison   //!!!!!!Beacuse of Race Condition,Drone is still in the previous status
INFO  [navigator] VEHICLE_CMD_DO_REPOSITION   //Pause command==reposition to break point+change altitude,so here's the VEHICLE_CMD_DO_REPOSITION twice
INFO  [navigator] Now vehicle_status=loiter  //Commander.cpp has modified status according to CMD
INFO  [navigator] Now vehicle_status=loiter
INFO  [navigator] Now vehicle_status=loiter

Temporary Patch

vehicle_command_s cmd{};
if(cmd.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_DO_REPOSITION){

Add code before this line,assure the status is consistent with CMD before executing status->run()

_navigation_mode_array[i]->run(_navigation_mode == _navigation_mode_array[i]);


  • Due to multiple threads accessing the 'vehicle_status' variable, one thread may experience simultaneous modifications by another thread, leading to a data race bug.
  • Drones are unable to PAUSE during missions, which can lead to collision crashes in the event of a hazardous encounter or incorrect mission settings.#22492
  • After pause,the drone still keep move, but also in hold mode.So the user can not manually enter the hold to stop the aircraft, user need to switch to other modes then manually hold.
  • An attacker could use the vulnerability to keep the drone from executing certain commands.



CVSS overall score

This score calculates overall vulnerability severity from 0 to 10 and is based on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS).
/ 10

CVSS v3 base metrics

Attack vector
Attack complexity
Privileges required
User interaction

CVSS v3 base metrics

Attack vector: More severe the more the remote (logically and physically) an attacker can be in order to exploit the vulnerability.
Attack complexity: More severe for the least complex attacks.
Privileges required: More severe if no privileges are required.
User interaction: More severe when no user interaction is required.
Scope: More severe when a scope change occurs, e.g. one vulnerable component impacts resources in components beyond its security scope.
Confidentiality: More severe when loss of data confidentiality is highest, measuring the level of data access available to an unauthorized user.
Integrity: More severe when loss of data integrity is the highest, measuring the consequence of data modification possible by an unauthorized user.
Availability: More severe when the loss of impacted component availability is highest.


No known CVE

