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My custom emacs config


Emacs Keybindings

  • C-g - keyboard quit, useful for quitting long running processes, similar to how ESC works



PROJ Can this be tangled into an init.el using org-babel rather than using nix parsing

Could also be used to directly construct the default.el to avoid any nix parsing

Run org-babel-tangle as an executable script through emacs

Put the tangled init.el file in a home-manager module such that it is correctly created

For testing purposes write a script which uses –init-directory under /tmp and symlink the init.el

IDEA Repurpose this repo as part of my emacs notes

IDEA Enable a custom.[org|el] for defining experimental behaviour which is loaded from the user directory

General Configuration

User Interface

Remove unneccessary UI elements for a minimal look and feel

(setq inhibit-startup-message t)

(scroll-bar-mode 1)
(tool-bar-mode -1)
(tooltip-mode -1)
(set-fringe-mode 10)
(menu-bar-mode -1)

(setq visible-bell t)


(set-face-attribute 'default nil :font "Iosevka NFM" :height 120)

Inject on a home-module basis


(load-theme 'tango-dark)


Packages are always defined by the nix package manager so we should never have any remote fetching

(setq use-package-always-ensure t)

Is there a way to stifle use-package such that the emacs process can never fetch remote repositories?

User and System Configuration

Defaults for users name and email

(setq user-full-name "Patrick H Morris"
      user-mail-address "")
;; (defvar my-laptop-p (equal (system-name) "sacha-x220"))
;; (defvar my-server-p (and (equal (system-name) "localhost") (equal user-login-name "sacha")))
;; (defvar my-phone-p (not (null (getenv "ANDROID_ROOT")))
;;   "If non-nil, GNU Emacs is running on Termux.")
;; (when my-phone-p (setq gnutls-algorithm-priority "NORMAL:-VERS-TLS1.3"))
;; (global-auto-revert-mode)  ; simplifies syncing

Configure here a way to inject system configuration structure through home-manager


Evil is a vim emulation layer built into emacs enabling common vim motions. Documentation can be found here.

(use-package evil
  (evil-mode 1))


General.el is intended, like use-package is for packages, a convenient, unified mechanism for managing keybindings.

(defconst leader "SPC")

;; (use-package general
;;     :config
;;      (general-create-definer leader
;;         :prefix leader)
;;      (leader
;;       "a" 'org-agenda))


(use-package which-key


This section is just for helpful functions which should be prefixed with my/ in order to separate from normal elisp functions