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User API is the backend providing REST API endpoints related to user information, friend relatinoship, and notifications. User API is scalable as it supports auto-scaling and is running in multiple avalizability zones. It is also secure as the EC2 instances and database instances are running inside private subnets in Virtual Private Cloud, thus being inaccessible from the outside.
Fast API is used for the server. PostgreSQL is used for the database. Terraform is used for cloud deployment. Performance is optimized through asynchronous Python functions and using database indexing appropriately.
Below is the system architecture diagram.
Below are explanations for each component used in user-api.
We use ECS (Elastic Container Service) to run the backend. The API code is dockerized and uploaded to ECR (Elastic Container Registry), which will be run by the instances in ECS.
We run two ECS tasks, one in each availability zone (us-west2a and us-west2b). Load balancer redirects incoming traffic into one of these tasks.
The number of container instances in each cluster is automatically adjusted based on the utilization level.
Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL instances are running in RDS cluster running in two availability zones. These instances host core_db
which is also used by presence-api and chat-api as well.
stores user information, like email, name, and domain allow/deny array. -
stores friendship relationships. A single table is used to express the relationship between two users. We distinuish none friendship, pending friendship, and accepted friendship by the accepted_at attribute. -
stores share_notification events. A share notification is the notification that a user shares a page actively with friends. Each event is composed of the page url and title. -
stores whether a user has read share notifications sent to him/her. event_id is a foreign key to share_notification_table. seen_at is null if the share notification is unread. The timestamp of when the notification is read saved in seen_at column.
The SQL diagram is as follows.
RDS Proxy handles pooling and sharing established connections, allowing efficient scaling of database connections. It is used because presence-api and chat-api also connect to RDS core_db.
API Gateway passes request through to the load balancer.
User API uses FastAPI framework with asynchronous REST endpoints and database queries.
Endpoints are defined in app/api/endpoints. AWS Cognito JWT authenitcation process is defined in app/api/auth and injected as a dependency for all the endpoints that require authentiation.
All functionalities that involve data model i.e. CRUD functions can be found in app/crud.
The app connects to the database when it starts running and closes when it stops. The connectino management is handled in app/db.
The table definitions are stored in app/models. When a new table is added, alembic/ needs to be updated as well.
As SQLAlchemy is used, there is a layer on top of the raw data model. The SQLAlchemy schemas are defined in app/schemas.
$ docker exec -it postgres_local psql -h localhost -U USERNAME --dbname=DBNAME
Any update to the database (e.g. new table, updated table defintion) must be migrated using alembic by running the following.
$ docker-compose run web alembic revision --autogenerate -m "MESSAGE" # make migrations
$ docker-compose run web alembic upgrade head # migrate
To reset alembic versions, connect to docker PostgreSQL, drop all tables in the database, and run the commands above.
Run the server locally (not the dockerized server) using the follwoing commands.
$ export RDS_HOST=localhost
$ uvicorn app.main:app --host --port 8000 --reload
$ docker-compose up -d # build and deploy
Execute the following commands as instructed at ECR console. Replace 257206538165 with your AWS Account ID.
$ aws ecr get-login-password --region us-west-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
$ docker build -t .
$ docker push
After building and pushing Docker image to ECR, to restart tasks with the updated code, run
$ python --cluster=user-api-production-cluster --service=user-api-production-service
Set AWS credentials as environment variables
Set RDS password by running
$ export TF_VAR_rds_password=RDS_PASSWORD
Then, update the cloud resources by running
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply
Set up API Gateway following instructions at where endpoint url is 'http://${alb_dns}/{proxy}' and deploy.
We can access RDS via a bastion EC2 instance because the ECS instances are inside private subnets.
Get the public IP address of bastion-instance and the private IP address of private-instance.
Update the SSH config file (
) as follows.
Host bastion-instance
HostName <Bastion Public IP>
User ubuntu
Host private-instance
HostName <Private IP>
User ubuntu
ProxyCommand ssh -q -W %h:%p bastion-instance
- SSH into private-instance by running
ssh -i "~/.ssh/id_rsa" private-instance
SSH into EC2 instance following the steps above.
docker ps
to obtain the docker container id. -
docker exec -it DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID alembic revision --autogenerate -m "MESSAGE"
. -
docker exec -it DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID alembic upgrade head
SSH into EC2 instance following the steps above.
docker ps
to obtain the docker container id. -
Connect to RDS and drop alembic versioning by running
drop table alembic_version
. -
Run the following commands.
$ docker exec -it DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID alembic stamp head
$ docker exec -it DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID alembic revision --autogenerate -m "New revision"
$ docker exec -it DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID alembic upgrade head
$ docker exec -it DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID alembic stamp head