All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- dropped python2.x support as the newest pandas doesn't support it
- --ext option support in ./scripts/ to enable configuration of the resulting files
- date/time export format changed to separate columns and instead of a datetime in a single field to make it compatible with tslab and other software
- switched logging mode to .INFO to get rid of annoying debug lines
- unpinned urltools dependency as the previous version doesn't exist
- upgraded dependencies to modern versions
- new market CURRENCIES_WORLD=5 (ffeast#9)
- would take into account market code even if contracts are specified
- uploaded to PyPI, now finam-export can be installed via pip install finam-export
- scripts/ now supports both --contracts and --market keys at the same time
- scripts/ to quickly lookup contracts available on
- switched to pandas==0.24.2
- renamed scripts/ to scripts/ for easier distribution
- all scripts made executable (chmod +x)
- ffeast#3: finam metadata cache file is discovered dynamically on the export page
Changelog was not used, see the commits history - I do my best to write meaningful commit messages