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Knowledge-Grounded RL

Knowledge-grounded reinforcement learning (KGRL) is an RL paradigm that seeks to find an optimal policy given a set of external policies. A well trained KGRL agent is expected to be knowledge-acquirable, sample efficient, generalizable, compositional, and incremental.

The term KGRL is defined in the paper Flexible Attention-Based Multi-Policy Fusion for Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning at NeurIPS 2023. This repo is the official implementation. Our code is based on rl-starter-files, stable-baselines3, and rl-baselines3-zoo.

KGRL main idea figure


  • Dec 10, 2023: released code of training and testing KIAN in MiniGrid and OpenAI-Robotics.
  • Oct 10, 2023: initialized this repo with README.

Getting Start

Setup for MiniGrid experiments

  • Create conda environment
conda create --name kgrl-minigrid python=3.9
pip install -r minigrid_requirements.txt

Setup for OpenAI-Robotics experiments

  • Create conda environment
conda create --name kgrl-robotics python=3.9
  • Install PyTorch
  • Install stable-baselines3 from source
cd openai-robotics-kgrl/stable-baselines3/
pip install -e .
  • Install other packages
cd ../../
pip install -r robotics_requirements.txt

Experiments on MiniGrid

Train a model in KGRL

An example to train a model under KGRL paradigm in MiniGrid Environemnts:

cd minigrid-kgrl
python -m scripts.train --algo ppo --env [name of the MiniGrid environment] --model [original, kogun, a2t, kian]

Evaluate a model in KGRL

To evaluate a trained agent, run

python -m scripts.evaluate --env MiniGrid-DoorKey-5x5-v --model [saved model name]

If not specified during training, trained agents are saved in minigrid-kgrl/storage.

Customize your own model or knowledge set

  • New model can be added in the directory minigrid-kgrl/models.
  • Knowledge set can be added or revised in the file minigrid-kgrl/models/

Experiments on OpenAI-Robotics

Train a model in KGRL

We use RL Baselines3 Zoo as the training framework. For more information about rl-baselines3-zoo, please visit here.

To train an agent with default parameters, run the following commands:

cd openai-robotics-kgrl/rl-baselines3-zoo/
python --algo sac --env [name of the Gym environment] --kgrl-algo [RL or KIAN]

Evaluate a model in KGRL

To evaluate a trained agent, run

python --algo sac --env [name of the Gym environment] -f [folder where the trained agent is saved]

If not specified during training, trained agents are saved in openai-robotics-kgrl/rl-baselines3-zoo/logs/.

Customize your own model or knowledge set

All functions of external knowledge policies should be implemented inside openai-robotics-kgrl/stable-baselines3/stable_baselines3/common/ In the same file, you can find an example of our implementation for OpenAI-Robotics Fetch environments.

The structure of an external knowledge function should be

import torch as th

def yourGetKGAction(
	obs: th.Tensor, 
	action_dim: int, 
	env_type: str, 
	log_std_min: int, 
	device: th.device, 

	Get the external knowledge actions for your own environments
	param obs: observations
	param action_dim: dimension of an action
	param env_type: type of the environment 
		(if this function is shared among multiple environments, use this parameter to distinguish them)
	param log_min_stde: min value of log standard deviation (std)
	param device: device where the outputs are stored
	return kg_mean_actions: mean action from the external knowledge policy
	return kg_log_std: log std from the external knowledge policy

To use your customized external knowledge function during training, add the name of this function as an hyperparameter in openai-robotics-kgrl/rl-baselines3-zoo/hyperparams/sac.yml. Here is an example:

  env_wrapper: sb3_contrib.common.wrappers.TimeFeatureWrapper
  n_timesteps: !!float 1e6
  policy: 'MultiInputPolicy'
  buffer_size: 1000000
  batch_size: 2048
  gamma: 0.95
  learning_rate: !!float 5e-4
  tau: 0.05
  replay_buffer_class: HerReplayBuffer
  replay_buffer_kwargs: "dict(
  policy_kwargs: "dict(
    net_arch=[512, 512, 512], 


  title={Flexible Attention-Based Multi-Policy Fusion for Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning},
  author={Chiu, Zih-Yun and Tuan, Yi-Lin and Wang, William Yang and Yip, Michael C},
  booktitle={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},


Knowledge-Grounded Reinforcement Learning







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