Tested with unstable dev-master versions.
$ php bin/console benchcart --count 1 --by 10000
Runtime: PHP 7.1.11
Host: Linux travis-job-5e9f3726-2b82-4f48-a376-b1d14d86441a 4.4.0-101-generic #124~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Nov 10 19:05:36 UTC 2017 x86_64
Iterators count: 1
Each iterator by: 10000
[patchranger/cartesian-iterator] start.[patchranger/cartesian-iterator] finished.
[th3n3rd/cartesian-product] start.[th3n3rd/cartesian-product] finished.
[bentools/cartesian-product] start.[bentools/cartesian-product] finished.
| package | duration (MS) | MEM (B) | Error (if any) |
| bentools/cartesian-product | 31 | 4194304 | |
| th3n3rd/cartesian-product | 72 | 6291456 | |
| patchranger/cartesian-iterator | 89 | 4194304 | |
The command "php bin/console benchcart --count 1 --by 10000" exited with 0.
$ php bin/console benchcart --count 2 --by 1000
Runtime: PHP 7.1.11
Host: Linux travis-job-5e9f3726-2b82-4f48-a376-b1d14d86441a 4.4.0-101-generic #124~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Nov 10 19:05:36 UTC 2017 x86_64
Iterators count: 2
Each iterator by: 1000
[patchranger/cartesian-iterator] start.[patchranger/cartesian-iterator] finished.
[th3n3rd/cartesian-product] start.[th3n3rd/cartesian-product] finished.
[bentools/cartesian-product] start.[bentools/cartesian-product] finished.
| package | duration (MS) | MEM (B) | Error (if any) |
| bentools/cartesian-product | 3031 | 4194304 | |
| th3n3rd/cartesian-product | 9456 | 4194304 | |
| patchranger/cartesian-iterator | 9605 | 4194304 | |
The command "php bin/console benchcart --count 2 --by 1000" exited with 0.
$ php bin/console benchcart --count 3 --by 100
Runtime: PHP 7.1.11
Host: Linux travis-job-5e9f3726-2b82-4f48-a376-b1d14d86441a 4.4.0-101-generic #124~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Nov 10 19:05:36 UTC 2017 x86_64
Iterators count: 3
Each iterator by: 100
[patchranger/cartesian-iterator] start.[patchranger/cartesian-iterator] finished.
[th3n3rd/cartesian-product] start.[th3n3rd/cartesian-product] finished.
[bentools/cartesian-product] start.[bentools/cartesian-product] finished.
| package | duration (MS) | MEM (B) | Error (if any) |
| bentools/cartesian-product | 3110 | 4194304 | |
| patchranger/cartesian-iterator | 11633 | 4194304 | |
| th3n3rd/cartesian-product | 12969 | 4194304 | |
The command "php bin/console benchcart --count 3 --by 100" exited with 0.
$ php bin/console benchcart --count 4 --by 30
Runtime: PHP 7.1.11
Host: Linux travis-job-5e9f3726-2b82-4f48-a376-b1d14d86441a 4.4.0-101-generic #124~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Nov 10 19:05:36 UTC 2017 x86_64
Iterators count: 4
Each iterator by: 30
[patchranger/cartesian-iterator] start.[patchranger/cartesian-iterator] finished.
[th3n3rd/cartesian-product] start.[th3n3rd/cartesian-product] finished.
[bentools/cartesian-product] start.[bentools/cartesian-product] finished.
| package | duration (MS) | MEM (B) | Error (if any) |
| bentools/cartesian-product | 2544 | 4194304 | |
| patchranger/cartesian-iterator | 10257 | 4194304 | |
| th3n3rd/cartesian-product | 12915 | 4194304 | |
The command "php bin/console benchcart --count 4 --by 30" exited with 0.
$ php bin/console benchcart --count 5 --by 15
Runtime: PHP 7.1.11
Host: Linux travis-job-5e9f3726-2b82-4f48-a376-b1d14d86441a 4.4.0-101-generic #124~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Nov 10 19:05:36 UTC 2017 x86_64
Iterators count: 5
Each iterator by: 15
[patchranger/cartesian-iterator] start.[patchranger/cartesian-iterator] finished.
[th3n3rd/cartesian-product] start.[th3n3rd/cartesian-product] finished.
[bentools/cartesian-product] start.[bentools/cartesian-product] finished.
| package | duration (MS) | MEM (B) | Error (if any) |
| bentools/cartesian-product | 2511 | 4194304 | |
| patchranger/cartesian-iterator | 10584 | 4194304 | |
| th3n3rd/cartesian-product | 14598 | 4194304 | |
The command "php bin/console benchcart --count 5 --by 15" exited with 0.
$ php bin/console benchcart --count 10 --by 4
Runtime: PHP 7.1.11
Host: Linux travis-job-5e9f3726-2b82-4f48-a376-b1d14d86441a 4.4.0-101-generic #124~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Nov 10 19:05:36 UTC 2017 x86_64
Iterators count: 10
Each iterator by: 4
[patchranger/cartesian-iterator] start.[patchranger/cartesian-iterator] finished.
[th3n3rd/cartesian-product] start.[th3n3rd/cartesian-product] finished.
[bentools/cartesian-product] start.[bentools/cartesian-product] finished.
| package | duration (MS) | MEM (B) | Error (if any) |
| bentools/cartesian-product | 4076 | 4194304 | |
| patchranger/cartesian-iterator | 22042 | 4194304 | |
| th3n3rd/cartesian-product | 35785 | 4194304 | |
The command "php bin/console benchcart --count 10 --by 4" exited with 0.
$ php bin/console benchcart --count 5000 --by 1
Runtime: PHP 7.1.11
Host: Linux travis-job-5e9f3726-2b82-4f48-a376-b1d14d86441a 4.4.0-101-generic #124~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Nov 10 19:05:36 UTC 2017 x86_64
Iterators count: 5000
Each iterator by: 1
[patchranger/cartesian-iterator] start.[patchranger/cartesian-iterator] finished.
[th3n3rd/cartesian-product] start.[th3n3rd/cartesian-product] finished.
PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 1073741824 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 266240 bytes) in /home/travis/build/PatchRanger/php-cartesian-benchmark/vendor/bentools/cartesian-product/src/CartesianProduct.php on line 43
| package | duration (MS) | MEM (B) | Error (if any) |
| bentools/cartesian-product | | | |
| patchranger/cartesian-iterator | 234 | 6291456 | |
| th3n3rd/cartesian-product | 118341 | 10485760 | |
The command "php bin/console benchcart --count 5000 --by 1" exited with 0.