- Changed default font size for graphs from 10 to 8.
- Fixed a crash caused by an update of SimPEG API
- Updated requirements for simpler install
- Beachball.py now does not depend on GDAL explicitly
- Bugfix - import xyz now accepts xlsx in common formats
- Added RGB images to hyperspectral analyze spectra
- Feature update
- Added kaolin crystallinity and pyrophyllite
- Added a new export raster dialogue
- Fixed an error in some tests.
- Improved performance of visibility calculation.
- Added possibility to specify temporary directory to the mosaic API, as well as assigning a default nodata value where none exists.
- Added CRS functionality to reproject API.
- Bugfix - fixed a bug importing some ASTER data.
- Bugfix - fixed a bug saving projects.
- Fixed a bug in change detection.
- Added SAVI, RDVI and GRVI to ratios.
- Fixed a bug with seiscomp import.
- SimPEG API changes.
- Fixed a bug with sunshading, when clicking on interface.
- Fixed bug in number of samples reported for stats.
- Removed winsound references.
- Added EHGA filter to tilt angle module.
- Added import of EMIT data.
- Fixed a bug importing SeisComp data.
- Improved discrete colorbar function.
- Updated gradients help file.
- JPEG compression activated for GeoTIFFs.
- Cluster datasets can be cut.
- Added ML residual for SeisComp import.
- SeisComp extended autoloc3 seismic data can be imported.
- Fixed a bug causing some ASTER hdf data to not import properly in UTM.
- Fixed a bug importing .asc data.
- Will skip calculating statistics for a band if it is empty.
- Fixed an error loading in kml/kmz.
- ASTER zip import will attempt to assign a UTM crs if none is given.
- User can now select vector columns.
- Table is cleared properly in smoothing tool.
- Added API option to set bounds in vector import.
- Bugfix - vector display.
- Added folder icons to buttons which were missing it.
- Added vector correlation.
- Added correlation plot to vector data.
- Bugfix, RGB filename now correct.
- PyGMI will now report memory errors in the main interface.
- MNF and PCA use less memory.
- Vector plots have new colour options for point data.
- Update units on some seismology QC plots.
- Fixed scale of year plot on QC.
- Supervised classification now allows for ternary images.
- Minimum segmentation class label is now 1.
- Segmentation updated to use K-Means for more stable solution.
- Input data is also scaled to 255 for optimal segmentation.
- Changed ASTER output filename convention.
- Fixed a bug capturing in the change detection viewer.
- Fixed a bug causing a crash in change detection indices.
- Added reflectance calculation to L1 Landsat data.
- Fixed a bug calculating some ratios with B3A.
- Fixed a mask bug in Landslide indices.
- Raster viewer now allows current clip % to be assigned to all bands.
- Fixed a bug causing an offset in magnetic inversion.
- Occam executable can now be manually linked within MT module.
- Fixed a bug in BIRRP.
- Added OPTICS to clustering and segmentation.
- MNF transforms will use less memory at some stages.
- Correlation coefficients graph will not use scientific notation, for a cleaner plot.
- Cluster and Vector context menus will check for fuzzy, point and line related menus.
- Some modules will no longer try to accept RGB data to avoid crashes.
- Histograms will not try to be plotted for vector data without columns.
- Updated statistics views.
- Added error message to reprojxy.
- Updated readme.rst
- Fixed project save bug with QTextEdit.
- Fixed macro import bug.
- Fixed isocontour dxy bug.
- Update - added optional bigtiff, rather than enforced bigtiff export.
- Update - added another copper colorbar.
- Update - added optional nodata in mosaic.
- Added statistics for vector data.
- Added correct window headings for raster and vector graphs.
- Changed 'run' to 'acceptall' in older classes.
- Added bounds option for vector import.
- Added structure complexity.
- Bugfix - Change view now saves to png correctly.
- Update - Spot DIMAP import added.
- Added cumulative histograms.
- Raster graphs are now 150 dpi.
- Consolidated functions used in ginterp.
- Linear clip can now be applied to each ternary band individually.
- Ternary images will now display values even if some bands have nulls at a location.
- Bugfix = fixed a bug where .aux.xml was not created before statistics calculation.
- Bugfix - Nordic2 format.
- Update - Isolines can now be exported to shapefiles.
- Isoseismic contours now available.
- Added Nordic2 support.
- Update - added import for SEISAN macro format.
- Bugfix - fixed a bug causing slight shift in gridded data.
- Fixed a bug where no coordinates in a SEISAN file would cause a crash when plotting some graphs.
- File name in IO module will refresh when module is reused.
- Update to pfinvert because of APi depreciation.
- Fixed bug in change viewer
- Batch file load will ignore aux.xml
- Bugfix - fixed a problem importing old models due to new datetime property of raster data.
- Fixed process_is_active bug.
- Bugfix relating to changes in matplotlib API.
- Csv in tilt depths no longer has # on header row.
- Fixed a bug where smoothing causes a crash on tilt angles, when there was no mask present.
- Fixed a bug where vector display crashed if file had no metadata.
- Point clip now checks for projections.
- Plot surfaces has improved colour mapping.
- Fixed contour bug due to matplotlib update.
- Fixed a bug changing from contour view.
- Added text file splitting routine to vector menu.
- Fixed some variable naming bugs.
- Fixed bug with matplotlib contour allseg depreciation.
- Fixed a bug where crs was not added to gridded data.
- Bugfix with beachball exports.
- Bugfix with project menu and 3D modelling.
- Changed version location.
- Fixed a project bug.
- Update to project API.
- Moved crs to pyproj.
- Projection list uses pyproj.
- Update to projects for some modules
- Batch import now supports Sentinel-2 directories.
- Added change detection indices and updated change detection viewer to work with RasterFileList.
- Reading of KMZ/KML is now supported.
- Added change detection.
- Added copy method to Data.
- Layer stacking updates datetime.
- Landsat units updated.
- Satellite imports now include date.
- Metadata for date is displayed and can be edited.
- Fixed bugs in analyse spectra, Landsat composite, condition index.
- Added progress bar to noise calculation section of MNF.
- Fixed a bug exporting ternary images from batch lists
- Import remote sensing now cleans interface when reusing same module.
- Main interface now clears data log when not on a module.
- Bugfix - Sentinel 5P now compatible with new vector api.
- Bugfix - SimPEG parameter depreciation.
- Bugfix - EM inversion, added start time in code for triangular waveforms.
- Update, added bisecting k-means.
- Added 3D model statistics.
- Added support for import of .shp.zip
- Fixed a bug for landslide index.
- Added error message for long column names for shapefiles.
- Fixed problem with GeoPackage export.
- Added import/export for GeoPackage.
- Added Excel export.
- ImportXYZ now asks for projection
- Shape changed to Vector in menus.
- Added Intrepid import
- Vector data now has a metadata dialog where you can update projection information.
- Fixed a bug exporting batch file lists.
- Disabled export of covariances, since its too resource intensive.
- Wavelengths converted to nanometers on import, to ensure compatibility with ArcGIS.
- Vector API updates.
- Vector menu name changes, to avoid confusion between GIS and geophysical terms
- Shapefiles are imported using pyogrio setting for increased speed.
- Gridding has code in a function for API convenience.
- Excel files can now be imported.
- Point shape files are now classified as point data.
- Added Tilt Angle of the Horizontal Gradient.
- Batch export now allows for RGB images with sunshading.
- Metadata will now display data type.
- Geotiff deflate now compresses int properly.
- Bugfix - cut raster (through bounds) now have correct coodinates.
- Fixed a bug exporting membership data for fuzzy clustering.
- Changed tilt depth plot and made RTP optional
- Created GXYZ function.
- Made trim_raster more robust
- Bugfix - fixed a bug where saving 3d model caused a crash.
- Improved RasterFileList code.
- Sentinel-2 data will be imported as float32 to save space.
- Cut raster now uses multiple polygons in a shapefile.
- Default export changed to GeoTIFF - DEFLATE
- Fixed a bug displaying combinations of multipolygon and polygon data.
- Fixed aster naming convention for batch export
- Export raster now correctly prints to log.
- PyGMI now allows nodata to be defined as None
- Showprocesslog and pprint changed to showlog
- Fix bug where satellite bands were not scaled properly.
- Added more statistics for use in ArcGIS
- Batch ratios saves with deflate compression.
- SUTM conversion is now supported on single file satellite import.
- GeoTIFF deflate compression now supported.
- Batch export now uses an improved file name convention.
- Reprojection source parameter not necessary since it is obtained from Data.
- Batch import can force UTM to be S.
- Generic data can be used in batch mode.
- Generic data can be batch imported.
- PCA and MNF updated to new RasterFileList format.
- Update to band ratios for new RasterFileList format.
- Updated export batch list.
- Import of satellite data simplified, with added band selection.
- Fixed a bug where reprojected data did not store the original filename.
- Updated metaonly on Landsat import.
- Export band list now correctly exports ASTER data.
- Ternary exports now have band numbers in the file names
- Bugfix using batch ratio export.
- Model to shapefile export now has all lithologies in a single file.
- Fixed a bug in modeller causing a crash with integer data.
- Fault plane solutions now output to a single shapefile properly.
- Fixed a bug with some 3D model exports.
- Seisan import will now correct latitudes and longitudes to -180,180 and -90,90
- Fixed some errors in the minimum finding function.
- Analyse spectra is more memory efficient
- Sentinel 5P help updated
- Hyperion import now imports to radiance.
- Fixed a bug in condition indices
- Progress bar for layer stack now displays correctly in mag inversion
- Fixed a bug where RGB images would cause a crash in raster viewer or csv export in 3D modelling software.
- MT Occam has stdout redirected to main interface.
- Inversion now uses weighted least squares regularization instead of Tikhonov (being depreciated in SimPEG)
- Bugfix, fixed an null value bug in visibility and gradients
- Fixed a possible bug with supervised classification and Pandas
- Fixed a bug causing modest_image code to break in Matplotlib 3.7
- Fixed a bug causing a crash when reading a file's metadata only.
- Disabled parallel processing in grvmag3d to stop a numba bug crashing PyGMI
- Sentinel 5P import can now clip with shapefiles and allows a threshold parameter
- Data merge function allows for more parameters.
- ASTER import loads projection in line with latest rasterio
- Fixed bug in WorldView data import using wrong date.
- Fixed incorrect wavelength calculation for WorldView
- Mosaic now keeps wavelength information.
- Added GeoEye to WorldView import
- Ratios can uses WorldView data with descriptive dataid.
- Update to rasterio in IGRF.
- Made some updates to API to move from GDAL to rasterio.
- Updated SimPEG inversion calls according to the new API
- Changed default mu to accommodate new API warning.
- Fixed a speed issue with the scatter plot tool.
- Replaced cm with colour maps because of Matplotlib API change
- In API, added data merge
- In API, added vmin and vmax calculation in data class
- Modestimage can now generate sun shading from API call
- Fixed a bug with the cursor size on 3D modelling
- Update to help files
- Bugfix - merge to median
- Fixed bug with vmin and vmax setting
- Bugfix - fixed a bug when deleting a dataset connected to the modeller, and then connecting new data might cause a crash when re-entering the modeller.
- PCA fit list bugfix.
- PCA - added fitting to list of files
- Mosaic - changed mean option to median
- Bugfix passing float instead of int
- Condition indices now have a 'Landsat (All)' option
- Expansion of raster merge capabilities for large files.
- Get_data will try to regular import if Landsat import fails.
- Fixed a bug when converting B3A in ratios
- Changed label from Landsat Composite to Landsat Temporal Composite
- API for import raster now allows bounds in coordinates
- Raster file list now has an export option.
- MNF and PCA calculations now accept remote sensing formats.
- Added new ratio - NMDI
- Ratios - improved calculations for round off error.
- Ratios - added ability to use sentinel 8A
- Added mean and standard deviation to equation editor for pixel mean and pixel standard deviation.
- Added some tests to cluster.py
- Fixed a bug where gravity profiles exported from the 3D model had incorrect values.
- Raster import can now import multiple files at once.
- Fixed a bug where a crash occurred when sun shading was deselected.
- Removed GeoTIFF ZSTD export due to library issues.
- Updates to help files.
- Fixed spelling mistakes.
- Removed redundant code.
- Bugfix, scroll bars now match on main interface.
- Bugfix, MNF forward transform bands now labelled correctly.
- MNF and PCA will now output correct number of bands on inverse transform.
- Band ratios and condition indices now includes Landsat 9 data.
- WorldView Pan tile import bug fixed.
- WorldView data import sped up.
- Bugfix for crash when no land surface temperature data in condition indices.
- Satellite import now sorts bands
- Sentinel-2 import states band resolution to avoid duplicate band names.
- Added a button to reset the light, so light direction is reset to new rotation.
- MT edit EDI no longer crashes due to an error in the resize event.
- Fixed a bug where Birch cluster analysis needed c-contiguous arrays.
- Fixed a bug where some data entry points disappeared.
- Crash in gradients fixed.
- Ternary images can now display full histograms.
- AGC test added
- Thgrad test added
- Vertical test added.
- Landsat composite now allows for the target date to be manually set.
- Small updates to code and comments.
- Inversion tests
- Bugfix for cursor width and height not being integers.
- Observed data minimum is now correct in pfmod, if null values are present.
- In lstack, if masterid is True, and dxy is not null, dxy value will now be used.
- Magnetic inversion now allows for custom numbers of classes.
- Bugfix to mean mosaic
- Fixed bug mosaicing with different nodata and dtype values.
- Added Landsat composite
- Layer stacking now checks extents in addition to rows and columns
- Bugfix - spinbox setvalue now an integer.
- MNF forward transform now allows custom number of components
- Band sorting can be disabled for RGB images
- Explained variance ratio added to PCA band names.
- PCA added
- Fixed bug where ternary images were showing strange colors when data was clipped
- Raster Export will now sort the output bands, so that satellite data is in order.
- Bugfix, RTP now puts projection into output.
- Clustering is more memory efficient.
- Mini batch k-means has been added.
- New aster ratio added.
- Sentinel-2 zip files are now accepted in batch processing
- Cut raster will use first overlapping polygon in a multipolygon
- Some MultiPolygon support has been added.
- Fixed a bug which caused a crash if the text progressbar activates in a Windows console.
- Added 7/5, 6/2 and 7/3 Landsat 8 ratios to band ratio tool
- Sentinel data is now recognised in the batch import by S2A and S2B prefixes.
- Merge data will now merge based on shifting the last data to the mean overlap value.
- Fixed a nodata value problem with magnetic inversion.
- Fixed the import of some MODIS data types.
- Fixed a crash which occurs in seismology QA, when no data is found.
- Changed the x labels to vertical orientation, to fit more in.
- Bugfix to remove nodata from inversion.
- Fixed a bug where 'Other' datasets were not included in a model merge, causing a crash
- Fixed a bug where static shift was incorrectly applied when applying to all stations
- Fixed bad reference to wkt in pfmod
- Fixed a bug where null values could cause artifacts for second order tilt angle
- Exploration seismics viewer removed.
- All classes are now shown after loading a shapefile for supervised classification.
- Gridding will now apply a blanking distance for all methods.
- Fixed a bug causing a crash when using cut vector
- Fixed bug where rows and columns displayed were zero on start up, with some data.
- Hexbin plot will add data units, if defined.
- Visibility now accepts windows from 5 an up only.
- AGC has some null value issues fixed.
- Batch file import and related condition index and ratio calculations now support normal raster imports
- Landsat import bugfix.
- Ratio bugfix
- Masks will be taken only from bands used in ratio
- Added support for WV-3 and WV-2 tile import, as well as in ratios.
- Updated Magnetic inversion.
- Added magnetic inversion via the SimPEG library
- Added support for Landsat 9.
- Fixed a bug causing supervised classification to crash
- Gravity processing will now calculate drift based on datetime, and not on the order found in CG-5 file.
- GMT import now added to raster file imports
- Reproject will use specified input projection, as opposed to what was defined in the input data.
- Give more information for gravity drift
- A local projection is now assigned to datasets without a projection, to avoid errors later.
- Fixed a bug displaying too much information on Line Map.
- Data export now adds statistics for ease of use in ArcGIS
- Fixed misinterpretation of unicode strings in line data.
- Added encoding to open statements
- Layer stacking (API) now allows a master dataset to which all other layers are clipped.
- Modelling will not correctly use the DEM
- Added space delimited text files
- Fixed a bug causing vector reprojection to crash.
- Long projection information will now wrap correctly
- ENVI data import now correctly stores fwhm information
- Correlation graph now has a colour bar and improved numbering
- 2d correlation coefficient will now corrected take into account layers with differing mask.
- Text will use complementary colours.
- Layer stacking will us a common data type when data types of input bands are mixed.
- Raster image display defaults to no interpolation to avoid incorrect interpolation of null values.
- MODIS import now import LULC layer.
- MODIS import update
- Condition index now used a common mask between datasets, to avoid edge effects.
- A null value of 1e=20 is also enforced.
- Landsat level 2 science product images now convert DN to reflectance.
- Condition indices have been moved to a new module, and the calculation has been corrected.
- Equation editor now ensures that the output data type is the same as the input data type.
- Bugfix - fixed a bug where the ratio list was not displaying on start up.
- Updated error messages where no raster datasets are connected to a module or where there is no projection.
- Bug fixed where analyse spectra could tried to create spectra outside of the image.
- ASTER, Landsat and Sentinel-2 now store wavelength information properly
- Analyze spectra will sort spectra beforehand, and advise stacking when necessary
- Corrected wavelengths on Hyperion import
- Added support for Hyperion L1T data
- Added a warning if data has no projection
- Fixed a bug where the hyperbolic tilt angle had an invalid mask
- Fixed a bug where pressing 'OK' in display metadata caused a crash.
- Minor bugfix for surfer 7 export
- Layer stacking will now give an error if input data has no projection.
- Fixed a bug in RTP where nan were generated in FFT preparation, resulting in no output.
- ZSTD compression option added for exporting GeoTiffs
- Surfer 7 export now replaces Surfer 6 export.
- Fixed a bug where ASTER hdf was not correctly retrieving coordinates.
- Added longitude and latitude labels to plots, where necessary
- Added code to convert PolygonZ to polygon type when cutting out a raster
- Get raster now allows the nodata value to be specified
- Amended f2160 feature
- Fixed a bug where layer stacking with common mask changed the nodata value in a dataset to 1e+20
- Added VCU calculation for Sentinel-2
- Added invert selection to ratio dialog.
- Bugfix to model saving for changes
- PyGMI now allows a user to continue from where they left off in 3D calculations
- Fixed some bugs with new ratio calculations
- Added VCI, EVI, TCI, VHI to ratios
- Added EVI calculation for ratios
- Fixed a bug with 3D model profile resizing.
- Added code for nodata being wrong type
- Added code when importing old models, to make grids more compatible
- Bugfix for RGB images
- Added option to filter out values less than 1 if final product is a ratio.
- Fixed bugs caused by rasterio to 3D modelling
- Fixed a bug with AGC grid boundary.
- Fixed a bug importing 3D models
- Changed clip percentage labels
- Changed raster data interpretation to raster data display.
- Updated sentinel 5p to rasterio
- Update to raster cutting using polygons
- Multiple profiles can be extracted from raster.
- Sentinel-2 bugfix
- Fixed some bugs with testing routines
- Added import of ASTER GED data
- Update ASTER import
- Fixed a bug with reprojection when the input data has no projection
- Updated MODIS, Landsat and sentinel2 to rasterio
- Changed Data.nullvalue to Data.nodata
- Fixed a bug with nodata values in new reprojection tool
- Updated cut_raster to rasterio
- Rasterio updates
- Fixed masking on some ratios
- Fixed new export to raster projection issue
- Fixed a bug where layerstack was not loading properly.
- Fixed bug with new IGRF data correction.
- Minor bugs
- Fixed a bug in merge tool when * is in band name
- Scatterplot tool displays classes using discrete colorbar.
- Membership maps now display between 0 and 1 only.
- Ginterp now includes membership data.
- Copy.copy has been converted to copy.deepcopy in some instances.
- Merge/mosaic now writes to disk to avoid memory slow downs.
- Fixed bug where masks could eliminate data for classification, if no data at that point in another layer.
- Fixed a bug on exiting mosaic
- Added a warning if no feature found in process features.
- Fixed a bug with importing xyz models, not having background.
- Comment corrections for headings
- Faster calculation of std dev in standard raster display.
- Large update to speed for ginterp with big images.
- Added projection information to Sentinel 5P import.
- Z value on graphs fixed
- Fixed some problems with MODIS import
- Fixed Geosoft xyz import
- Fixed a bug in minc.
- Bugfix for display of z values when zoomed into raster modest image
- Memory for MNF reduced on 1 step
- Fixed bug with min and max merging
- Merge tool has new options
- Improved detection of minimum feature value.
- IGRF code modified to allow for API calls and calculate faster
- Batch export from process features now describes the mineral in the file name.
- Updated help and option description.
- Bugfix merge tool
- Export raster will now export wavelengths and fwhm to ENVI, if present
- Update to MNF help
- MNF memory problem bugfix
- Added MNF
- Minimum curvature bugfix
- Process features bug
- Fixed a bug when importing bil files with nan values
- Update processing features to allow for feature depth thresholds
- Process features can now have new features added in features.py
- Raster export will export wavelengths and reflectance scale factors, if available.
- Any routine using hull removal is significantly faster, (e.g. feature processing)
- Merge has been renames layer stack.
- New merge module added to merge adjacent datasets (from rasterio)
- Added text progressbars to all classes where necessary (for testing)
- Merging can now have a common mask for all bands.
- Scipy nearest neighbour replaces quickgrid, linear and cubic options added to gridding as well as minimum curvature
- Fixed issue with merge assigning wrong nullvalue
- Change to output IGRF bands only.
- Added resampling of DTM to match magnetic data.
- Fixed a bug when exporting GeoTIFFs from ginterp.py
- Allows for datatype to be set, eg to uint8.
- Add sentinel 2 zip file functionality
- Added an import for Sentinel 2 data, with bands only
- Added AGC
- Fixed a labelling bug after merge
- Adds lower and upper clip functionality as well as display of clip values to histogram.
- Added total horizontal gradient
- Cluster - reports when no classes are found.
- Segmentation - now has DBSCAN for grouping segments
- Raster cut - will give a better error when the polygon is not overlapping the data
- Added *.tiff as opposed to *.tif to imports
- Fixed some display bugs with ginterp.
- Fixed a big with integer datasets when smoothing
- Fixed an issue where projection information was not save in supervised classification results
- Started to use modest_image for some of the raster image displays
- Fixed a bug on analyse spectra causing scale problems
- Calculate metrics now allows for saving of metrics to excel
- Fixed bug importing some class shapefiles
- Fixed a bug causing ratios to break when using sentinel 2 data.
- Fixed an issue causing some dataset units to be imported incorrectly
- Import wavelengths for ASTER and Landsat data
- Merge tool will now have progress bar when use in export.
- S2 data will store wavelengths for use in ArcGIS
- Remove commas from remote sensing band names to ensure ESRI compatibility
- Vector reprojection now warns if inf values are output.
- Change hexbin colormap to inferno
- Added colormaps to show raster and show surface
- Set histogram number of bins to 'sqrt' as opposed to a fixed 50 bins.
- Simplified ENVI import
- Added log option for y-axis of histogram.
- Added export for SEISAN to xlsx and shp
- Bugfix - fixed a bug displaying some point vector data.
- Seismology - to beachball plot import and b value calculation
- Updates to spelling and help files
- Updates QC graphs to take into account weight 9 for record type 4
- Fixed bugs importing some thermal aster data and L1T data
- Hyperspectral analysis tool.
- Project load bugfix
- Added spectral interpretation tool.
- Changed mosaic in equation editor to overlay grids.
- Progress bar bugfix for RTP
- Added 2.5 standard deviations to quick raster display.
- Outlines of all polygons now remain on the map.
- Confusion matrix display now has appropriate labels.
- Shapefiles save and load class names
- Fixed a bug which caused supervised classification to crash if a class was empty
- Added equal area rose diagrams
- Code to make sure only ENVI, ERS and EHdr can use BIL routine
- Added faster import for BIL binary files. (i.e. ENVI and ER Mapper)
- Added drift rate curve to gravity QC
- MT tipper graphs added
- Fixed library installer problem in windows installer.
- Added features to numpy_to_pygmi for convenience.
- Added shapefile functionality to vector reprojection.
- Update get raster to read sections of files.
- Geophysical interpretation resizes window smoother.
- Merge/resize tool will fill null values after resize.
- Improved geophysics interpretation tool.
- Fixed a bug where in some cases residual plots did not display data
- Fixed a bug preventing PyGMI from running in Linux.
- Updated install instructions for Anaconda
- Export GDAL routines now uses the progress bar
- Fixed a bug preventing sentinel-2 data imported from ENVI files from having ratios calculated.
- GeoTIFF output now has correct band names, especially for ternary images.
- Fixed some bugs with showprocesslog calls
- Updated ratios to accept data labelled Band 1, Band 2 etc using raster import.
- For supervised classification, zoom tool and panning will no longer create polygon points
- Fixed a bug in supervised classification where first point of new poly was on top left corner of grid.
- Fixed a bug where only the edge of a polygon was used in class definitions
- Reverted graph tool to plotting maps with Matplotlib library instead of modestimage, because of bugs in zooming.
- Custom profile will now show beginning and end of user coordinates as a +
- Bugfix causing profiles with directions greater than 90 degrees to not work.
- Added automatic detection of some x and y columns.
- Made a change to gravity import allowing for e,w,s,n, in GPS coordinates
- Fixed some Matplotlib issues due to API changes.
- Changed method to call cm in Matplotlib
- Changed library calls for Matplotlib to be more compatible with pylint
- Stopped using picker due to future Matplotlib depreciation.
- Fixed resize for picked features on line profile
- Stopped redirecting stdout globally in favor of a more elegant approach
- Fixed a scaling bug when viewing SEG-Y data.
- Sentinel-2 import now divides DN by 10000
- Comment update
- Update to MODIS v6 import
- TDEM additions
- MODIS16 import
- Change detection viewer now saves gif animations.
- Changed FFT preparation padding to use a much faster routine taking into account null values.
- Added more bins for linear stretch in interpretation module.
- Changed band labels for sentinel 2 import.
- Added text toolbar class.
- Added alpha channel support to RGB import.
- Added 99% linear stretch to geophysical interpretation.
- Created a magnetic menu for modules which are magnetic only.
- Updated more graphs to have thousands separator.
- Updated modelling to allow for data grids with only one column.
- Fixed extents issue with gridding data.
- Fixes an issue if there is missing geometry in a shapefile.
- Fixed some issues with axis labels on graphs
- Fixed a bug causing incorrect statistics for supervised classification if null values were in the dataset.
- Added comma as thousands separator for raster and vector graphs
- Added upward and downward continuation.
- Added general orders to vertical derivative functions
- Fixed a bug exporting null values for 32 bit float datasets.
- Fixed a recent bug preventing saving of data from geophysical interpretation tool
- Added units for some remote sensing imports (sentinel-2 and aster)
- Added modest_image support for display raster option
- Fixed a bug causing a crash in interpretation tool when receiving results from cluster analysis
- Added crisp and fuzzy cluster analysis settings
- Added image segmentation settings
- Added export for shapefiles
- Added saved project settings for cluster analysis
- Added colour to point shapefile display
- Fixed a bug displaying incorrect UTM values in EDI metadata
- Fixed the message displayed from DBSCAN cluster analysis
- Fixed a bug causing cut vector files to not be plotted.
- Fixed bug in band select
- Fixed a bug exporting saga data, when dataset had multiple bands
- Reorganised code.
- Updates to project save.
- Added project save and load.
- Will save workflow but only certain modules have settings saved at this stage.
- Delete key now deletes arrows or items
- Tests updated to reflect recent fixes.
- File imports will display filename in information
- Band ratio labels replace divide sign with div, for ESRI compatibility
- Bugfixes in ratio import with a single file.
- Data class will store the filename of the dataset imported.
- Changed description on Surfer grids.
- Fixed a bug which occurs for some padding of RTP datasets
- Fixed a bug in RTP calculation
- Alpha version of ratios
- Fixed a bug where PyGMI would crash when double clicking on an arrow.
- Added a mosaic function to the equation editor, for a simple mosaic of two datasets.
- Moved importing of remote sensing data to remote sensing menu.
- Started work on a ratio function (remote sensing), with batch capabilities
- Undo custom window size
- Added import for sentinel 5P data
- Fixed bug which reset last lithology whenever background layer has changes applied.
- Changes will no longer be applied automatically
- Bugfix, profile add
- Custom profile now correctly deletes, and reports if it is outside the model area
- Fixed a bug with drawing lines.
- Added save complete when saving model in modelling interface.
- Fixed the odd sizing of the cursor, and related drawing of lithologies.
- Improved listboxes for modelling and 3D display
- Fixed an issue where a custom profile image was not being saved with a 3D model
- Fixed a bug when reimporting a model with RGB image inside it.
- Updated readme files
- Updates to gravity routines to report duplicated stations.
- Fix bug where reprojected coordinates were not properly written to exported file for vector datasets.
- Fixed incorrect label on RTP.
- Fixed entry into scatter plot tool, and tool now correctly only displays selected parts of the histogram.
- Disabled windows context help.
- Maps will now have plain coordinates rather than scientific notation.
- Fixed a bug with equation editor causing iall variable to not work properly.
- Added occam1d warning for no executable.
- Fixed a bug causing clipping in saved sunshaded images.
- Fixed interpolation on model (caused by API change) Fixed a bug in drift correction for gravity.
- Added reprojection of line data.
- Unified Line and point data - they are now the same thing.
- Adopted Pandas and GeoPandas as point, line and shapefile format
- Misc updates
- SimPEG 1D TDEM inversion (pre release alpha)
- Improved line map scaling.
- Separated MT and EM routines.
- Made exit returns from routines more consistent.
- Added ability to tie in local gravity base station to a known base station.
- Fixed column labelling of GPS data in gravity module.
- Fixed output of ternary colorbar.
- fixed bug when using 2% clip on sunshading
- Fixed bug due to GDAL axis API change in 3.0
- Added 2% data clip to interpretation.
- Changed way PyGMI uses processlog on the main window. It now redirected from stdout.
- Fixed a scaling bug with derivative calculations. The calculations now correctly take into account cell spacing.
- Update pygmi.grav.iodefs.importpointdata.html
- Now able to grid line data.
- Corrected some errors in gravity processing.
- Fixed some problems with gravity processing and visualisation.
- Added seismology description corrections.
- Added new seismology tools.
- Fix colorbar export for ginterp.
- Added docstrings to many routines.
- Worked on model merge bug.
- Added custom profiles to the modelling interface
- Added test routines for PyGMI modules
- Added change detection viewer
- Added BIRRP interface
- Added supervised classification
- Added segmentation
- Fixed a bug causing the measured data in the 3D modeller to shift in the wrong place
- Added MT processing and inversion
- Added import and display of SEG-Y data
- Added basic gravity processing
- Change line direction to be 0 degrees in N direction. Added parallel processing to magnetic calculations
- Added parallel processing to core calculations for forward modelling
- New 3D modelling interface
- QC for seismology events
- Added tilt depth to 3D model functionality
- Gridding now has an option for a null value.
- Added Geosoft line data import and display.
- Added older crisp and fuzzy cluster routines
- Numerous bug fixes and improvements.
- Fixed bug in IGRF for Linux systems
- Fixed dependency on winsound for Linux systems
- Fixed bug on metadata for Linux systems
- Added updated IGRF coefficients
- Bug fixes in saving of 3d model, when it is used by another process, and in reading csv vector data.
- IGRF bugfix: fixed a bug relating to newer numpy
- Maintenance: Cleaned code in the equation editor.
- Add more control to Anaglyphs
- Fixed the orientation of anaglyph contours
- Fixed a bug in beachball code.
- Introduced anaglyphs for raster data.
- Updated colour bar list to new standards
- Minor changes and a bugfix between ginterp.py and the latest Matplotlib.
- Added directional lighting to 3D display
- Added axis and orthographic projection option to 3D display view.
- Added perspective change to beachball plots
- Corrected clustering label.
- Bugfix on lithmodel.
- Correction to profile coordinates to place profile in centre of cell, as opposed to beginning of it.
- Added IGRF report backs.
- Fixed bugs with tensor calculations
- fix for error exporting text columns
- fixed a bug with calculating changes only on model
- made changed to the way Matplotlib calls are made.
- speed improvements to gravity and magnetic calculations
- Fuzzy and Crisp clustering replaced by scikit_learn cluster analysis.
- Import of csv point data enhanced and new cut tool added for point data.
- Dependancies updated. Minor bugs fixed
- Removed the auto update check due to problems it was giving on many pc's
- Fixed bugs with smoothing data and merging data
- Got rid of excessive old code.
- Fixed a bug with null values from equation editor.
- Fixed null value bug exporting RGB TIFFs. (8-bit)
- Changed the profile views so that calculated data is drawn over observed data.
- Fixed bugs relating to selection of raster bands going to modelling, and saving of those raster bands.
- Fixed bug on data import for Qt5
- Added Lithology Merge
- Migrated to Qt5
- Fixed incorrect calculation of remanence.
- 3d import fix.
- Fix for 3d import from text files.
- Anaglyph tests.
- Minor maintenence.
- Seismology Focmec format update.
- Added feature to calculate only changes to model.
- Fixed leapfrog import bug when header is in csv file.
- Readme update.
- Added import of Leapfrog csv block files
- Fixed bug exporting ER Mapper files using SA custom projection
- Fixed a bug in 3D model software
- Bug fix for merge module
- Added a tool to merge two models
- Reactivated a progress bar display
- alpha speed update
- update modelling calculation using multi processing.
- numerous bug fixes
- Fixed some setup bugs
- Fixed an bug saving and opening files, introduced in previous commit.
- Bug fixes and prep for PyQt5
- Fixed a bug exporting 3D image.
- New version also checks for an update on pypi
- Fixed a bug with no mask exported from modeller.
- Added aster GED (binary) and fixed a bug on hdr aster GED import.
- Update to misc function
- Fixed a bug when resizing a model
- Bugfix in kmz export and in quarry event removal algorithm
- Fixes to shapefile 3D export
- Update to beachball, vertical gradient and export 3d model to shapefile
- Update to picture overlay on 3D modelling
- Fault plane solutions
- Update readme taking into account anaconda bug
- Added some Raster imports
- Fixed a bug preventing the saving of an image in the 3D viewer. It was caused by a changing library API.
- Fixed the reduction to the pole module.
- Removed pdb in crisp cluster
- Fixed bug affecting export of integer datasets
- ArcInfo grid
- Fixed a new bug with equation editor
- Added save message for 3D model save.
- Equation editor fix: Added null values, Fixed masking of null values
- Added alpha version Vertical Gradients - but there is still lots of work to be done. It does not play well with null values.
- Bugfix with export csv
- New exports all profiles from a 3-d model
- Fixed a bug crashing regional test
- Fixed a bug where null values were not set correctly in the normalisation routine.
- Fixed a problem with an offset on calculated magnetic data, introduced in v2.2.8
- Fixed a bug when using the Seismology Delete Records option.
- Removed libraries not needed etc
- Fixed a problem with adding a gravity regional dataset to calculated gravity.
- Updates to the speed of the calculation for magnetic data.
- Update to setup for hosting on pypi
- Added the possibility for ENVI files to have .dat extension
- Allowed uint files to have a no data value of 0 where none is defined
- Fixed bug with Surfer export
- Fixed bug with regional test
- Equation editor bug fix
- Fixed a bug where profiles were not saving to images correctly
- Progress Bar on Main Interface. New progress bars include time left.
- Reprojecting bug fix for datasets with negative values.
- Fixes to tilt depth and new progress bars
- Added Column to tilt depth to specify contour id. Also removed redundant progress bars. Sped up smoothing with median.
- Added tilt depth algorithm.
- Bug Fix with tilt angle.
- Added RTP.
- Cluster and Fuzzy analysis had a bug when connecting external data
- Changed where rows and columns displays on modelling software, for people with lower resolution screens. Made small improvement to drawing speed on profile view.
- Added references to the help.
- Modelling now has variable size cursor.
- Change to modelling cursor.
- Updates the behaviour of the slider on the profile view of the 3D modelling module.
- Grids on kmz export were upside down
- Mag and Grav calculation buttons simplified.
- Gravity regional addition (scalar add) in modelling program now modify calculated data, instead of observed data - so that original data is honoured.
- Update to kmz export. The export now can allow smooth models. Update also allows new projection format for igrf, data reprojection and kmz files.
- Projections improved and expanded.
- GeoTIFF now save tfw world file. Contour GeoTIFFs are now 3 times bigger, to improve resolution. Contour lines now have double thickness.
- Sunshaded GeoTIFF is now the same as the on screen version.
- Add save model to 3D modelling module.
- Primary Help completed.
- First version with a helpdoc button on main interface.
- Fixed a bug on the Geosoft import.
- Fixed a display bug in modeller where data was not visible.
- Added Geosoft grid import
- Added Geopak grid import
- Fixed a python 2.7 print function bug
- Increased size of font for ternary colorbar.
- Corrected issues with modelling information display, especially w.r.t. remanence.
- Added ternary colorbar
- Fixed ability to save 3D images on new smoothing
- Bug fix - masking problem with ER Mapper import
- Added extra 3D display functionality
- Added smooth model
- Added marching cubes
- Forced full field recalculation to avoid bug
- Fixed layer import bug
- Bug Fix in model import
- Fixed bug when resizing some models
- Fix for bad values in reprojections.
- New display of point data.
- Equation editor improved to use numexpr.
- Fixed a bug regarding duplicate data names in interpretation module.
- Added a few reports in 3D modelling module.
- Improved the multi-band select by making it a context menu.
- Update help reference.
- Update to python 3.4.2 - includes a dependency on numba. No longer use cython
- Added some seismology routines.
- Fixed writing of null value to file when exporting ENVI format.
- Query for which datasets to connect added.
- Added new gridding technique. and fixed bugs related to vector imports.
- Add a custom data range to the profile view on the modelling module.
- Fixed problems with the potential field calculations
- Fixed bugs with the equation editor
- Fixed a bug with basic statistics and masked values
- Fixed a bug fix in the summing of calculations for modelling
- Fixed a problem when exporting colour bars
- Fixed sunshade bug
- IGRF bug fixes
- Fixed problem with high colours in GeoTIFF export
- Fixed a bug saving GeoTIFFs
- Fixed bug on apply regional in modelling
- ASCII Import fixed
- Minor bug fixes and formatting
- Fixed imports into modules to allow for relative imports
- Fixed a bug in setup.py
- Fixed a bad reference to pygmi.point in setup.py. It should now be pygmi.vector
- Improvements to calculation speed
- Regional model merge
- Allows merging of a regional model with primary model
- Multiprocessing support added to potential field calculation.
- Fixed bug with ASCII model export
- ASCII model export bug fixed
- Export is renamed from xyz to csv
- Fixed IGRF bugs
- Organisation of graph routines
- Rose Diagrams and shape files added
- Fixed progress bar on forward modelling
- Implemented multi-processing on forward modelling
- Added custom profile display
- Testing routine
- Added a testing routine for forward modelling.
- I/O bug fixes
- Import and export bug fixes, especially with null values
- Fixes to name mangling
- Fixes to Smoothing and data cutting
- Converted code to functions for easier library access.
- Modified smoothing algorithm and added better comments
- Python 2.7 Compatibility changes
- Fixed import problem with pickle
- A module was moved and this prevented some data being loaded. This was fixed
- Fixed a bug which caused figures to pop up independent of the GUI
- Increased the decimal precision of the density input in the modelling module
- Changes to make PyGMI functions accessible
- Exposed some raster functions
- Initial Release