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Exercise 7: Information-Retrieval based Question Answering

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how the IR-based QA systems work and learn how to combine KGQA and IR-based QA.
  • Create a basic understanding of the system the QA functionality that needs to be implemented to successfully complete your project

Task 1


There are two major paradigms of Question Answering systems:

  • Information-Retrieval based (IR-based);
  • Knowledge Base Question Answering (KBQA).

IR-based QA

IR-based QA systems work with unstructured data (e.g., web pages, text documents). These systems execute two steps in order to retrieve the answer:

  1. Retrieve the most relevant document (sometimes called as "passage") among the others (alternative name: retriever step);
  2. Find the answer in the document from the previous step while extracting a textual span from it (alternative name: reader step/reading comprehension).

This 2-step process is also called retriever-reader.

Knowledge Base Question Answering (KBQA)

The KBQA systems work over structured data (e.g., relational databases, knowledge graphs). The goal of such a system is to map a textual question to a semantic representation of a query to a Knowledge Base (KB). For example, the question “In what city was Angela Merkel born?” can be mapped to:

  • λ.x.birthPlace(Angela_Merkel) ∧ isCity(x)
  • SELECT ?city WHERE { dbr:Angela_Merkel dbo:birthPlace ?city . ?city rdf:type dbo:City }

In this regard, Knowledge Graph QA systems (KGQA) are the subset of KBQA: KGQA ⊂ KBQA.

What paradigm is better?

As always, the truth is somewhere in between, where we try to combine the advantages of both approaches and neutralize their disadvantages. That is why in this exercise we will combine both paradigms.

General formulation

The task is to answer questions from Exercise 4 using both structured and unstructured data. To do so, you have to implement a QA process with Qanary framework that does the following steps:

  1. Determines a named entity that is mentioned in a question (Named Entity Linking)
  2. Retrieves an abstract (short textual description) of the named entity (used dbo:abstract property) -- retriever step;
  3. Finds a textual span in the retrieved abstract and returns this as an answer (use RoBERTa-For-QA Qanary component) -- reader step.

ToDo steps

Using the data (subject and predicate) from Exercise 4 according to your variant and DBpedia SPARQL endpoint, retrieve the truth answer labels for each of the questions (use rdfs:label property). If you completed the previous exercise, you already should have all the code prepared.

Run the questions from the test dataset on your system and collect all the graph IDs returned from Qanary pipeline. For example, you can have the following components in the pipeline: (1) NEL, (2) Retriever (Fetches an abstract from DBpedia), (3) RoBERTa-For-QA (Reader) -- see the steps in General formulation. Thus, the last component (reader) will try to extract the desired answer from the abstract text that was retrieved in the second component.

Prepare a .csv table with the following columns: graph_id, question_text, correct_answer_text, answer_text, is_true. The is_true column has a binary value (either True or False) -- the same as precision column in the previous exercise. You can obtain is_true value by directly comparing correct_answer_text and answer_text or you can use fuzzy string comparison (e.g., Levenstein distance) with a certain threshold.

Report on the results in the .csv file while answering the following questions:

  • What is the average of is_true?
  • Did you use fuzzy or direct string comparison?
  • What are the error causes in your QA pipeline?


The RoBERTa-For-QA Qanary component uses the following query to insert the result (you are looking for the json_answer):

PREFIX qa: <>
PREFIX oa: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
GRAPH <{uuid}> {
    ?b a qa:AnnotationOfAnswerJson ;
        oa:hasTarget <{question_uri}> ;
        oa:hasBody ?answer ;
        oa:annotatedBy <urn:qanary:{component}> ;
        oa:annotatedAt ?time .
    ?answer a qa:AnswerJson ;
            rdf:value "{json_answer}"^^xsd:string .
    qa:AnswerJson rdfs:subClassOf qa:Answer .
    BIND (IRI(str(RAND())) AS ?b) .
    BIND (IRI(str(RAND())) AS ?answer) .
    BIND (now() as ?time) .

Guidance / Tutorials

Task 2

Work with your project team members on a first sketch of the system that should fulfill your project. We focus on the question answering quality first (next week the chatbot functionality will be addressed):

Collect 10+ questions and the corresponding answers that should be answered in German and English Create a sketch of the QA components (processing steps) that might be required to answer your exemplary questions.


  1. The first project presentation will take place on 2021-12-22. There you should reuse your sketch.
  2. We strongly suggest meeting with your project team members and do work on this task separately.
  3. Using a whiteboard for flexible sketching together might be very productive.
  4. You might use the time slot on Wednesday 2021-12-08 09:00h when the lecture is cut short.