This app is designed to provide a kahoot-like experience to simplify managing chess tournaments Users connect to the web-app and provide basic information about themselves (name, experience-level, ect.) and the web apps makes pairings of players to play against each other. These pairings get better over time, as the system uses an elo system to make match-ups.
run // executable to run program
|- static // javascript, css.
|- index.js
|- main.css
|- components // a component is a distinct part of the page which we can break down into seperate files
|- whatevercomponents.js // the javascript for a component
|- templates
|- index.html // entry point from which all other components are either hidden or shown
|- components
|- whatevercomponent.html // the html for a component
|- models // models are classes that represent some data that we need to manipulate
|- algos // anything independant of the actual web server
|- routes // may or may not be necessary
|- // entry point
|- // app init