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Evidence Retrieval and Scoring (ERS)

Module to retrieve relevant evidences from (heterogeneous) information sources.

Create your own ERS module

You can inherit from the EvidenceRetrievalScoring class and create your own ERS module. Implementing the function inference_on_turn is sufficient for the pipeline to run. In case you would like to store intermediate retrieval results, make sure to implement the store_cache function, which is called after the ERS module is run to store any data. Further, you need to instantiate a logger in the class, which will be used in the parent class. Alternatively, you can call the init method of the parent class. Please find further details below.

inference_on_turn function


  • turn: turn that evidences are retrieved for. Will have the intent-explicit form of the current question in turn["structured_representation"].
  • sources: list of input sources.

For the given intent-explicit representation of the question, retrieve relevant evidences from heterogeneous information sources. Depending on your individual module implemented, the initially retrieved evidences require to be scored to identify the top-e most relevant ones (e is defined by evs_max_evidences in the config).

Returns the top-e evidences. However, the current pipeline does not make use of the return value. Make sure to also store these evidences in turn["top_evidences"]. In your implementation, make sure that the config parameter evs_max_evidences controls the amount of evidences going into the HA part.

[Optional] store_cache function

Inputs: NONE

Whatever intermediate retrieval results you obtain in your implementation of the class, you can store these on disk to re-use them in a future run (e.g. for efficiency or reproducability). The default implementation (in EvidenceRetrievalScoring) does not do anything. If you do not require storing any data, you can simply skip this function.

Output: NONE

[Optional] train function

Inputs: NONE

If required, you can train your ERS module here. You can make use of whatever parameters are stored in your .yml file.

Output: NONE

Available information sources

The following information sources are implemented in the native CONVINSE pipeline:

  • "kb": KB-facts from Wikidata,
  • "text": text-snippets (sentence-level) from Wikipedia,
  • "table": table-records (row-level) from Wikipedia,
  • "info": infobox-entries (attribute-value-pairs) from Wikipedia.

For specifying specific combinations of information sources (e.g. for retrieval, training,...), you can either adjust the respective parameters in the config, or provide them as argument to the bash script. E.g. giving the option "kb_text_info" specifies that "kb", "text" and "info" should be set.

Wikidata access

For accessing Wikidata, you can make use of the ClocqRetriever class. You can:

  1. retrieve relevant KB-facts for a given input snippet, using CLOCQ's search space retrieval functionality via the retrieve_evidences function, specifying the desired input information sources in a list,
  2. retrieve relevant KB-facts for a given input snippet, using CLOCQ's search space retrieval functionality via the retrieve_KB_facts function, which will only return evidences from the KB, or
  3. retrieve KB-facts for a given Wikidata item ID via the retrieve_kb_facts_for_item function.

The CLOCQ parameters in the config will be used as input for the CLOCQ functions. For quickly getting started, you can make use of the publicly available CLOCQ API, which is the default setup. For more efficient access, you can run the CLOCQ algorithm on your local machine. Note, that this comes with quite some memory requirements of ~400 GB.

Wikipedia access

For accessing Wikipedia text, tables and infoboxes, you can use the ClocqRetriever class, or directly use the WikipediaRetriever package. You can:

  1. retrieve facts from Wikipedia for a given input snippet, using CLOCQ's search space retrieval functionality via the retrieve_evidences function, specifying the desired input information sources in a list,
  2. retrieve facts from Wikipedia for a given Wikidata item ID, using the retrieve_wikipedia_evidences function in the ClocqRetriever class,
  3. retrieve facts from Wikipedia for a given Wikidata item ID, using the retrieve_wp_evidences function in the WikipediaRetriever package. You can adjust this function as required. Make sure to include the retrieved_for_entity key to the resulting evidences (not taken care of in this function).

Either way, the pipeline would try to read evidences from the cache, or the Wikipedia dump (specified with the ers_wikipedia_dump keyword in the config). The parameter ers_on_the_fly controls, whether the Wikipedia API is called on-the-fly to retrieve evidences for entities that are not included in the specified Wikipedia dump. If ers_on_the_fly=False, an empty list of evidences will be returned in case an entity is not included.

Evidences format

Evidences are stored and processed in the following format. If you plan your own implementation of the ERS module, make sure that you match this format.

	"evidence_text": "<TEXT>",
	"source": "kb|text|table|infobox",
	"disambiguations": [["<SURFACE_FORM_IN_EVIDENCE>", "ITEM_ID>"], ],
	"wikidata_entities": [{"id": "<ITEM_ID>", "label": "<LABEL>"}, ],
	"retrieved_for_entity": {"id": "<ITEM_ID>", "label": "<LABEL>"}