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Hosting a server

Tom edited this page Jun 26, 2022 · 6 revisions

Typical installation

This is what the majority of people would need to set up their own Phinix server.

What you'll need

  1. A copy of
  2. Somewhere to host the server
  3. (Mac/Linux users only) an installation of Mono

Setting up

  1. Download and extract to the place you want to host it from
  2. Open the PhinixServer directory
  3. (Optional) Open server.conf with a text editor and edit it to your liking
    NOTE: The default server config should be fine for most people, but it is recommended you look through it anyway.
  4. Forward port 16200/udp through your router and/or firewall
  5. Run PhinixServer.exe
    MAC/LINUX: Use Mono to start the server like this: mono PhinixServer.exe
  6. Close the server by typing exit and pressing enter

Docker container

If you're the kind of person that likes containers, then we have a Docker image too!

What you'll need

  1. Somewhere to host the server
  2. An installation of Docker Engine

Setting up

There are automated server builds available through Docker Hub for the master and dev branches, as well as each release.

  1. Forward port 16200/udp through your router/firewall
  2. Create a container with docker run --tty --interactive --publish 16200:16200/udp thomotron/phinix:latest
    NOTE: If you want to use a different branch or a specific version, replace phinix:latest with phinix:<branch/release>

The server should start immediately once the container is set up.

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