Releases: PidgeonTools/SuperEasyAnalytics
Version 1.2.2 - Compatibility with Blender 4.2
This release enables compatibility with the new extension system in Blender 4.2
View all changes: 1_2_1...1_2_2
Version 1.2.1
This release comes with 3 Improvements, 1 Fix:
- Fix: Fix broken Discord links.
Other Changes
- Improvement: Ensure that compression is turned off when auto-saving the file.
- Improvement: Freelancer statistics rounds to full hours for more realistic values.
- Improvement: Only start the modal operation of SUPEREASYANALYTICS_OT_highlight_hidden_objects, if there are hidden objects in the scene to avoid confusion.
Version 1.2.0
This release comes with 17 Features, 1 Improvement:
- Feature: Automatically save the current file (optional)
- Feature: Break down, what data the file is made of.
- Feature: Highlight hidden objects that will be visible when rendering
- Feature: Highlight meshes with n-gons
- Feature: Highlight non-manifold meshes
- Feature: Highlight objects that are not smooth-shaded
- Feature: Highlight objects that do not have a material assigned to them
- Feature: Highlight objects with unapplied scale
- Feature: How many times was Crtl. + Z pressed?
- Feature: List linked duplicates, with the option to unlink / unlink and apply scale.
- Feature: Project Price per hour (For Freelancers)
- Feature: Rendering Time per file
- Feature: Save reminder
- Feature: See how many addons are enabled
- Feature: See how much of your memory Blender uses.
- Feature: See, how often you use which device (CPU, GPU or Hybrid) for rendering.
- Feature: Time spent per file
Other Changes
- Improvement: Accurate mode
Remove the Gumroad API from Blender Analytics
This release removes the Gumroad API, which was implemented as an experiment for these features:
- Granting benefits, if you donated.
- Greeting you with an artist name.
This was an experiment, and the result was pretty clear:
The little benefits it has don't weigh out these costs:
- More complicated to use (You first have to enter your license)
- Slower Startup
- Being bound to Gumroad (the Addon only works, if you get it from my Gumroad page)
- Losing trust. For an Addon like Blender Analytics, which saves data about your Blender Usage to YOUR LOCAL DRIVE, it's absolutely important to be trustworthy, because even that is sensitive data. That's why I always put the path to where your data is into the descriptions of videos, where I promote Blender Analytics:
%USERNAME%/Blender Addons Data\blender-analytics\data.json
. This data stays on your local drive, but communicating with the Gumroad API might give the impression, that this data gets sent to some online storage. This was never the case and to underline that even further, removing the Gumroad API is really important. - Code Readability Problems.
Along with these reasons, the final reason was, that people got the "Artist Name"-Field wrong and put in random letters. The better solution for this feature is to use the computer username as Artist Name.
In conclusion, removing the Gumroad API is a step that benefits everyone. At the same time, multiple code cleanups and new comments lead to way better code readability, which is a base step for future development.
Blender Defender
HOTFIX: Addon Updater wasn't working for Blender 2.93
This is a HOTFIX release that fixes a critical issue with Blender 2.93.
- Fix: Rounding issues like 1.2600000000000002 is now properly-rounded.
- Fix: Enable Option to ensure a fast startup.
- Feature: Display Time Units Setting.
- Development: Enhance Code style.
Initial Release
Analyze your Blender behavior. Want to spend more time with Blender and know how long you use Blender every day?
With Blender Analytics, you can see how long you use Blender in real-time. Motivate yourself to reach your goals.
Use Blender Analytics.
Bonus Feature: Default Cube Cemetery
If you've been part of the Blender community for a while, you know the unwritten rule that you always delete your default cube
and then add a new one. There are hundreds of memes on YouTube and Instagram about this. That's why it was urgent
to make an addon that counts how many default cubes you have deleted.
More features:
Any feature missing? Help me optimize my addons. Go to
to make a suggestion. I will look at it as soon as possible and add it if possible.