Display Shelly & Zendure gateway information trough Wifi.
Track the solar production and electric consumption with Shelly Pro 3EM information
Follow the Zendure battery load trough the Zendure's MQTT message reception.
- TTGO : 20€ https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/33048962331.html
- Shelly pro 3EM: 120€ https://fr.zendure.com/products/shelly?variant=41867203084424
- Battery pack with Hyper2000 https://fr.zendure.com/
- Esp32 2432S024: 17€ https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/1005005865107357.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2fra
- Capacitive touch
- Screen 2.4
- Value udpate in real time
TTGO have to connect to shelly first to extract Json production/consumption with local connection.
Zendure data can NOT be collect trough local connection. We should connect first to Zendure API using JSON POST method to collect Zendure MQTT information.
MQTT send information message each 30s, and TTGO must be in reception mode to get the battery value, that why the value reload can not be in real time.
First, install TTGO parameter in arduino IDE.
Fill wifi SSID, Password; Zendure mail & Serial number.
You must generate your MQTT password by active line 75 (zendure();)
Upload software to TTGO, save information shown on screen.
Fill this information in MQTT parameter, disable line 75, and upload software to TTGO
I added the possibility to turn off the screen the night using var hourstart, hourstop.
The system is ready !
CASE PROTECTION (in progress)
No RTC needed, the system is connected to Network Time Protocol.
I'm available if any question.
Have fun !