Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Name | string | Name of the coupons collection | [default to null] |
DefaultCoupon | string | Default coupons collection name | [default to null] |
ExpirationDate | time.Time | Specify an expiration date for the coupon collection in RFC3339 format. Use null to remove the expiration date. | [optional] [default to null] |
RemainingDaysAlert | int32 | Send a notification alert (email) when the remaining days until the expiration date are equal or fall bellow this number. Use null to disable alerts. | [optional] [default to null] |
RemainingCouponsAlert | int32 | Send a notification alert (email) when the remaining coupons count is equal or fall bellow this number. Use null to disable alerts. | [optional] [default to null] |