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Not Enough Zombies

Utility mod for Hypixel Zombies


Power up spawn/despawn messages

Max Ammo spawned alert in chat Double Gold spawned alert in chat

Power up despawn timer

Double gold power up with timer

Round start message (WIP)

New round message

The next round that the power up will spawn (-1 if the pattern can't be determined yet)

Hide Messages

  • Hide Gold Received Messages
  • Hide Window Repair Messages
  • Hide Revive Messages
  • Hide Knockdown Messages
  • Hide Target Hit Messages
  • Hide Lucky Chest Messages
  • Hide Open Area Messages
  • Hide Player Leave/Rejoin Messages
  • Hide Power Up Pickup Messages


Open GUI


Set power up pattern

/nez sp [powerup] [round]

powerup - the name of the power up (can only be ss, mx, ik)

Power up name Command name
Shopping Spree ss
Max Ammo mx
Insta Kill ik

round - the round that the power up spawned (-1 to reset)

Get Lucky Chest Roll Data

/nez roll