In this section we will create first a Function app which will contain the following Azure functions:
- A Http trigger function that process an Http post message and sends it through a queue storage.
- A Queue trigger function that reads from a queue and save the content of the queue message to a nosql storage.
- Visual Studio 2017
- Install Azure Functions and Web Jobs Tools sdk
- Azure Functions cli
Create in Visual studio a new project with the same Azure Functions previously created in Azure Portal.
Install Azure Function cli tools
npm install -g azure-functions-core-tools@core
- Under the FunctionApp directory, execute the following command to fetch the Azure Functions AppSettings and store it locally
az login
func azure functionapp fetch-app-settings <your_functionapp_name>
- Under the FunctionApp directory, execute the following command to fetch the Azure Functions ConnectionString and store it locally
az login
func azure storage fetch-connection-string <your_storage_name>
Right-click in your Azure function and select debug
Post a Http call with, for instance, Postman