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1794 lines (1542 loc) · 78.4 KB

Table of Contents

Configuration files

Document the configuration options of PokemonGo-Bot.


[back to top]

  1. copy auth.json.example to auth.json.
  2. Edit auth.json and replace auth_service, username, password, location and gmapkey with your parameters (other keys are optional)
  3. copy config.json.example to config.json.
  4. Simply launch the script with : ./ or ./ ./configs/your_auth_file.json ./configs/your_base_config_file.json

Custom Hash Service Provider

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By default, the bot will use Bossland as the default hash service provider. If you want to use a different hash service provider, you can simply add "hashendpoint":"alt_hash_end_point_address" into auth.json

About locale_by_location

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By default the bot will tell game server that current timezone is "America/Chicago". By seting locale_by_location to true, the bot will use google API to determine Country Code and Timezone base on bot's location and send this information to game server.

Please make sure you have both Google Maps Geocoding API and Google Maps Time Zone API enabled in [Google API Manager] ( if you want to set this option to true.

Advanced Configuration

[back to top]

Parameter Default Description
tasks [] The behaviors you want the bot to do. Read how to configure tasks.
solve_captcha False True: Allow bot to solve captcha when enabled. Either using automatic (2Captcha service, token to be specify in auth.json) or manual solving more information
max_steps 5 The steps around your initial location (DEFAULT 5 mean 25 cells around your location) that will be explored
forts.avoid_circles False Set whether the bot should avoid circles
forts.max_circle_size 10 How many forts to keep in ignore list
walk_max 4.16 Set the maximum walking speed in m/s (1 is about 3.6km/hr) 4.16m/s = 15km/h
walk_min 2.16 Set the minimum walking speed in m/s (1 is about 3.6km/hr) 2.16m/s = 7.8km/h
action_wait_min 1 Set the minimum time setting for anti-ban time randomizer
action_wait_max 4 Set the maximum time setting for anti-ban time randomizer
debug false Let the default value here except if you are developer
test false Let the default value here except if you are developer
walker_limit_output false Reduce output from walker functions
location_cache true Bot will start at last known location if you do not have location set in the config
distance_unit km Set the unit to display distance in (km for kilometers, mi for miles, ft for feet)
evolve_cp_min 300 Min. CP for evolve_all function
daily_catch_llimit 800 Limit the amount of pokemon caught in a 24 hour period.
pokemon_bag.show_at_start false At start, bot will show all pokemon in the bag.
pokemon_bag.show_count false Show amount of each pokemon.
pokemon_bag.pokemon_info [] Check any config example file to see available settings.
favorite_locations [] Allows you to define a collection of locations and coordinates, allowing rapid switch using a "label" on your location config
live_config_update.enabled false Enable live config update
live_config_update.tasks_only false True: quick update for Tasks only (without re-login). False: slower update for entire config file.
enable_social true True: to chat with other pokemon go bot users more information
reconnecting_timeout 5 Set the wait time for the bot between tries, time will be randomized by 40%

Logging configuration

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  • 'logging'.'color' (default false) Enabled colored logging
  • 'logging'.'show_datetime' (default true) Show date and time in log
  • 'logging'.'show_process_name' (default true) Show name of process generating output in log
  • 'logging'.'show_log_level' (default true) Show level of log message in log (eg. "INFO")
  • 'logging'.'show_thread_name' (default false) Show name of thread in log

Sleep Schedule configuration

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Pauses the execution of the bot every day for some time

Simulates the user going to sleep every day for some time, the sleep time and the duration is changed every day by a random offset defined in the config file.

Example Config

"sleep_schedule": {
  "enabled": true,
  "enable_reminder": false,
  "reminder_interval": 600,
  "entries": [
      "enabled": true,
      "time": "12:00",
      "duration": "5:30",
      "time_random_offset": "00:30",
      "duration_random_offset": "00:30",
      "wake_up_at_location": ""
      "enabled": true,
      "time": "17:45",
      "duration": "3:00",
      "time_random_offset": "01:00",
      "duration_random_offset": "00:30",
      "wake_up_at_location": ""
  • enabled: (true | false) enables/disables SleepSchedule. Inside of entry will enable/disable single entry, but will not override global value. Default: true

  • enable_reminder: (true | false) enables/disables sleep reminder. Default: false

  • reminder_interval: (interval) reminder interval in seconds. Default: 600

  • entries: [{}] SleepSchedule entries. Default: []

  • enabled: (true | false) see above

  • time: (HH:MM) local time that the bot should sleep

  • duration: (HH:MM) the duration of sleep

  • time_random_offset: (HH:MM) random offset of time that the sleep will start, for this example the possible start times are 11:30-12:30 and 16:45-18:45. Default: 01:00

  • duration_random_offset: (HH:MM) random offset of duration of sleep, for this example the possible durations are 5:00-6:00 and 2:30-3:30. Default: 00:30

  • wake_up_at_location: (label | lat, long | lat, long, alt | "") the location at which the bot wake up. You can use location "label" set in favorite_location config. Default: "". Note that an empty string ("") will not change the location.

Configuring Tasks

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The behaviors of the bot are configured via the tasks key in the config.json. This enables you to list what you want the bot to do and change the priority of those tasks by reordering them in the list. This list of tasks is run repeatedly and in order. For more information on why we are moving config to this format, check out the original proposal.

Task Options:

[back to top]

  • CatchPokemon

    • enabled: Default "true" | Enable/Disable the task.
    • always_catch_family_of_vip: Default "false" | Always catch family members of a VIP, even if locked on a target.
    • always_catch_trash: Default "false" | Always catch trash Pokemon (12 candy evolve), even if locked on a target.
    • treat_unseen_as_vip: Default "true" | If true, treat new to dex as VIP
    • catch_visible_pokemon: Default "true" | If enabled, attempts to catch "visible" pokemon that are reachable
    • catch_lured_pokemon: Default "true" | If enabled, attempts to catch "lured" pokemon that are reachable
    • catch_incensed_pokemon: Default "true" | If enabled, attempts to catch pokemon that are found because of an active incense
    • min_ultraball_to_keep: Default 5 | Minimum amount of reserved ultraballs to have on hand (for VIP)
    • berry_threshold: Default 0.35 | Catch percentage we start throwing berries
    • vip_berry_threshold: Default 0.9 | Something similar?
    • treat_unseen_as_vip: Default "true" | If enabled, treat new to our dex as VIP
    • daily_catch_limit: Default 800 | How many pokemon we limit ourselves to daily
    • catch_throw_parameters: Variable catch settings
      • excellent_rate: 0.1 | Change of excellent throw
      • great_rate: 0.5 | Change of excellent throw
      • nice_rate: 0.3 | Change of nice throw
      • normal_rate: 0.1 | Change of normal throw
      • spin_success_rate : 0.6 | Change of using a spin throw
      • hit_rate: 0.75 | Change of overall hit chance catch_simulation:
      • flee_count: 3 | ??
      • flee_duration: 2 | ??
      • catch_wait_min: 3 | Minimum time to wait after a catch
      • catch_wait_max: 6 | Maximum time to wait after a catch
      • berry_wait_min: 3 | Minimum time to wait after throwing berry
      • berry_wait_max: 5 | Maxiumum time to wait after throwing berry
      • changeball_wait_min: 3 | Minimum time to wait when changing balls
      • changeball_wait_max: 5 | Maximum time to wait when changing balls
      • newtodex_wait_min: 20 | Minimum time to wait if we caught a new type of pokemon
      • newtodex_wait_max: 39 | Maximum time to wait if we caught a new type of pokemon
  • Catch Limiter

    • enabled: Default false | Enable/disable the task
    • min_balls: Default 20 | Minimum balls on hand before catch tasks enabled
    • resume_at_balls: Default 100 | When this number of balls is reached, immediately resume catching
    • duration: Default 15 | Length of time to disable catch tasks
  • EvolvePokemon

    • enable: Disable or enable this task.
    • evolve_all: Default NONE | Depreciated. Please use evolve_list and donot_evolve_list
    • log_interval: Default: 120. Time (in seconds) to periodically print how far you are from having enough pokemon to evolve (more than min_pokemon_to_be_evolved)
    • evolve_list: Default all | Set to all, or specifiy different pokemon seperated by a comma
    • donot_evolve_list: Default none | Pokemon seperated by comma, will be ignored from evolve_list
    • min_evolve_speed: Default 25 | Minimum seconds to wait between each evolution
    • max_evolve_speed: Default 30 | Maximum seconds to wait between each evolution
    • min_pokemon_to_be_evolved: Default: 1 | Minimum pokemon to be evolved
    • use_lucky_egg: Default: False | Only evolve if we can use a lucky egg
  • FollowPath

    • enable: Disable or enable this task.
    • disable_while_hunting: Default true | Disable walking when Pokemon Hunter has a target locked.
    • path_mode: Default loop | Set the mode for the path navigator (loop, linear or single).
    • path_file: Default NONE | Set the file containing the waypoints for the path navigator.
  • FollowSpiral

    • enable: Disable or enable this task.
    • spin_wait_min: Default 3 | Minimum wait time after fort spin
    • spin_wait_max: Default 5 | Maximum wait time after fort spin
    • daily_spin_limit: Default 2000 | Daily spin limit
    • min_interval: Default 120 | When daily spin limit is reached, how often should the warning message be shown
    • exit_on_limit_reached: Default True | Code will exits if daily_spin_limit is reached
  • HandleSoftBan

  • IncubateEggs

    • enable: Disable or enable this task.
    • longer_eggs_first: Depreciated
    • infinite_longer_eggs_first: Default false | Prioritize longer eggs in perminent incubators.
    • infinite_random_eggs: Default false | Put a random egg in perminent incubators.
    • breakable_longer_eggs_first: Default true | Prioritize longer eggs in breakable incubators.
    • min_interval: Default 120 | Minimum number of seconds between incubation updates.
    • infinite: Default [2,5,10] | Types of eggs to be incubated in unlimited incubators.
    • breakable: Default [2,5,10] | Types of eggs to be incubated in basic incubators.
    • super: Default [2,5,10] | Types of eggs to be incubated in super incubators.
  • MoveToFort

    • enable: Disable or enable this task.
    • lure_attraction: Default true | Be more attracted to lured forts than non
    • lure_max_distance: Default 2000 | Maxmimum distance lured forts influence this task
    • walker: Default StepWalker | Which walker moves us
    • log_interval: Default 5 | Log output interval
  • MoveToMapPokemon

  • NicknamePokemon

    • enable: Disable or enable this task.
    • nickname_template: Default "" | See the Pokemon Nicknaming section for more details
    • nickname_above_iv: Default 0 | Rename pokemon which iv is highter than the value
    • dont_nickname_favorite: Default false | Prevents renaming of favorited pokemons
    • good_attack_threshold: Default 0.7 | Threshold for perfection of the attack in it's type (0.0-1.0) after which attack will be treated as good.
      Used for {fast_attack_char}, {charged_attack_char}, {attack_code} templates
  • RecycleItems

    • enabled: Default true | Disable or enable this task
    • min_empty_space: Default 15 | minimum spaces before forcing transfer
    • max_balls_keep: Default 150 | Maximum cumlative balls to keep
    • max_potions_keep: Default 50 | Maximum cumlative potions to keep
    • max_berries_keep: Default 70 | Maximum culative berries to keep
    • max_revives_keep: Default 70 | Maxiumum culative revies to keep
    • recycle_wait_min: 3 | Minimum wait time after recycling an item
    • recycle_wait_max: 5 | Maxiumum culative revies to keep
    • recycle_force: Default true | Enable/Disable time forced item recycling
    • recycle_force_min: Default 00:01:00 | Minimum time to wait before forcing recycling
    • recycle_force_max: default 00:05:00 | Maximum time to wait before forcing recycling

    NOTE: It's highly recommended to put this task before MoveToFort and SpinFort tasks. This way you'll most likely be able to loot.

    • min_empty_space: Default 6 | Minimum empty space to keep in inventory. Once the inventory has less empty space than that amount, the recycling process is triggered. Set it to the inventory size to trigger it at every tick.
    • item_filter: Pass a list of unwanted items (using their JSON codes or names) to recycle.
    • max_balls_keep: Default None | Maximum amount of balls to keep in inventory
    • max_potions_keep: Default None | Maximum amount of potions to keep in inventory
    • max_berries_keep: Default None | Maximum amount of berries to keep in inventory
    • max_revives_keep: Default None | Maximum amount of revives to keep in inventory
    • recycle_force: Default False | Force scheduled recycle, even if min_empty_space not exceeded
    • recycle_force_min: Default 00:01:00 | Minimum time to wait before scheduling next forced recycle
    • recycle_force_max: Default 00:10:00 | Maximum time to wait before scheduling next forced recycle
  • SpinFort

    • enabled: Default true | Enable for disable this task
    • spin_wait_min: Defaut 3 | Minimum wait after spinning a fort
    • spin_wait_max: Default 5 | Maximum wait after spinning a fort
    • use_lure: Default False | Enable to depoly lure (if available) at fort
  • TransferPokemon

    • enable: Disable or enable this task.
    • min_free_slot: Default 5 | Once the pokebag has less empty slots than this amount, the transfer process is triggered. | Big values (i.e 9999) will trigger the transfer process after each catch.
  • UpdateLiveStats

  • UpdateLiveInventory

  • CollectLevelUpReward

    • collect_reward: Default True | Collect level up rewards.
    • level_limit: Default -1 | Bot will stop automatically after trainer reaches level limit. Set to -1 to disable.
  • All tasks

    • log_interval: Default 0 | Minimum seconds interval before next log of the current task will be printed

Specify a custom log_interval for specific task

      "type": "MoveToFort",
      "config": {
        "enabled": true,
        "lure_attraction": true,
        "lure_max_distance": 2000,
        "walker": "StepWalker",
        "log_interval": 5


2016-08-26 11:43:18,199 [MoveToFort] [INFO] [moving_to_fort] Moving towards pokestop ... - 0.07km
2016-08-26 11:43:23,641 [MoveToFort] [INFO] [moving_to_fort] Moving towards pokestop ... - 0.06km
2016-08-26 11:43:28,198 [MoveToFort] [INFO] [moving_to_fort] Moving towards pokestop ... - 0.05km

Example configuration:

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The following configuration tells the bot to transfer all the Pokemon that match the transfer configuration rules, then recycle the items that match its configuration, then catch the pokemon that it can, so on, so forth. Note the last two tasks, MoveToFort and FollowSpiral. When a task is still in progress, it won't run the next things in the list. So it will move towards the fort, on each step running through the list of tasks again. Only when it arrives at the fort and there are no other stops available for it to move towards will it continue to the next step and follow the spiral.

  // ...
  "tasks": [
      "type": "TransferPokemon"
      "type": "RecycleItems"
      "type": "CatchPokemon"
      "type": "SpinFort"
      "type": "MoveToFort"
      "type": "FollowSpiral"
  // ...

Specifying configuration for tasks

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If you want to configure a given task, you can pass values like this:

  // ...
  "tasks": [
      "type": "IncubateEggs",
      "config": {
        "longer_eggs_first": true
  // ...

An example task configuration if you only wanted to collect items from forts:

[back to top]

  // ...
  "tasks": [
      "type": "RecycleItems"
      "type": "SpinFortWorker"
      "type": "MoveToFortWorker"
  // ...

Catch Configuration

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Default configuration will catch all Pokémon.

"any": {
    "catch_above_cp": 0,
    "catch_above_iv": 0,
    "logic": "or"

You can override the global configuration with Pokémon-specific options, such as:

"Pidgey": {
    "catch_above_cp": 0,
    "catch_above_iv": 0.8,
    "logic": "and"

to only catch Pidgey with a good roll.

Additionally, you can specify always_catch and never_catch flags.

For example:

"Pidgey": {
    "never_catch": true

will stop catching Pidgey entirely.

You can set a rule to only catch better IV or CP Pokemon by setting the only_catch_better_cp or only_catch_better_iv flags.

For example:

"Pidgey": {
    "only_catch_better_iv": true
"Gloom": {
    "only_catch_better_cp": true

Release Configuration

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Common configuration

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Default configuration will not release any Pokémon.

        "any": {
            "release_below_cp": 0,
            "release_below_iv": 0,
            "logic": "or"

You can override the global configuration with Pokémon-specific options, such as:

        "Pidgey": {
            "release_below_cp": 0,
            "release_below_iv": 0.8,
            "logic": "or"

to only release Pidgey with bad rolls.

Additionally, you can specify always_release and never_release flags. For example:

        "Pidgey": {
            "always_release": true

will release all Pidgey caught.

Keep the strongest pokemon configuration (dev branch)

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You can set:

        "Pidgey": {
            "keep_best_cp": 1


        "any": {
            "keep_best_iv": 1

In that case after each capture bot will check that do you have a new Pokémon or not.

If you don't have it, it will keep it (no matter was it strong or weak Pokémon).

If you already have it, it will keep a stronger version and will transfer the a weaker one.

        "any": {
            "keep_best_cp": 2
        "any": {
          "keep_best_cp": 10

Can be any number. In the latter case for every pokemon type bot will keep no more that 10 best CP pokemon.

If you wish to limit your pokemon bag as a whole, not type-wise, use all:

        "all": {
            "keep_best_cp": 200

In this case bot looks for 200 best CP pokemon in bag independently of their type. For example, if you have 150 Snorlax with 1500 CP and 100 Pidgeys with CP 100, bot will keep 150 Snorlax and 50 Pidgeys for a total of 200 best CP pokemon.

Keep the best custom pokemon configuration (dev branch)

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Define a list of criteria to keep the best Pokemons according to those criteria.

The list of criteria is the following:'cp','iv', 'iv_attack', 'iv_defense', 'iv_stamina', 'moveset.attack_perfection', 'moveset.defense_perfection', 'hp', 'hp_max'


  • Keep the top 25 Zubat with the best hp_max:
        "Zubat": {
          "keep_best_custom": "hp_max",
  • Keep the top 10 Zubat with the best hp_max and, if there are Zubat with the same hp_max, to keep the one with the highest hp:
        "Zubat": {
          "keep_best_custom": "hp_max,hp",

Evolve All Configuration

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By setting the evolve_all attribute in config.json, you can instruct the bot to automatically evolve specified Pokémon on startup. This is especially useful for batch-evolving after popping up a lucky egg (currently this needs to be done manually).

The evolve all mechanism evolves only higher IV/CP Pokémon. It works by sorting the high CP Pokémon (default: 300 CP or higher) based on their IV values. After evolving all high CP Pokémon, the mechanism will move on to evolving lower CP Pokémon only based on their CP (if it can). It will also automatically transfer the evolved Pokémon based on the release configuration.

Examples on how to use (set in config.json):

  1. "evolve_all": "all" Will evolve ALL Pokémon.

  2. "evolve_all": "Pidgey,Weedle" Will only evolve Pidgey and Weedle.

  3. Not setting evolve_all or having any other string would not evolve any Pokémon on startup.

If you wish to change the default threshold of 300 CP, simply add the following to the config file:

"evolve_cp_min":  <number>

Path Navigator Configuration

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Setting the navigator.type setting to path allows you to specify waypoints which the bot will follow. The waypoints can be loaded from a GPX or JSON file. By default the bot will walk along all specified waypoints and then move directly to the first waypoint again. When setting navigator.path_mode to linear, the bot will turn around at the last waypoint and along the given waypoints in reverse order.

An example for a JSON file can be found in configs/path.example.json. GPX files can be exported from many online tools, such as bot loads the first segment of the first track.

Number of Laps

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In the path navigator configuration task, add a maximum of passage above which the bot stop for a time before starting again. Note that others tasks (such as SleepSchedule or RandomPause) can stop the bot before.

  • number_lap set-up the number of passage. To allow for an infinity number of laps, set-up the number at -1.

"number_lap": 10 (will do 10 passages before stopping)

  • timer_restart_min is the minimum time the bot stop before starting again (format Hours:Minutes:Seconds).

"timer_restart_min": "00:10:00" (will stop for a minimum of 10 minutes)

  • timer_restart_max is the maximum time the bot stop before starting again (format Hours:Minutes:Seconds).

"timer_restart_max": "00:20:00" (will stop for a maximum of 10 minutes)

Pokemon Nicknaming

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A nickname_template can be specified for the NicknamePokemon task to allow a nickname template to be applied to all pokemon in the user's inventory. For example, a user wanting all their pokemon to have their IV values as their nickname could use a template {iv_ads}, which will cause their pokemon to be named something like 13/7/12 (depending on the pokemon's actual IVs).

The NicknamePokemon task will rename all pokemon in inventory on startup to match the given template and will rename any newly caught/hatched/evolved pokemon as the bot runs. It may take one or two "ticks" after catching/hatching/evolving a pokemon for it to be renamed. This is intended behavior.

NOTE: If you experience frequent Pokemon not found error messages, this is because the inventory cache has not been updated after a pokemon was released. This can be remedied by placing the NicknamePokemon task above the TransferPokemon task in your config.json file.

Niantic imposes a 12-character limit on all pokemon nicknames, so any new nickname will be truncated to 12 characters if over that limit. Thus, it is up to the user to exercise judgment on what template will best suit their need with this constraint in mind.

Because some pokemon have very long names, you can use the Format String syntax to ensure that your names do not cause your templates to truncate. For example, using {name:.8s} causes the Pokemon name to never take up more than 8 characters in the nickname. This would help guarantee that a template like {name:.8s}_{iv_pct} never goes over the 12-character limit.

Config options

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  • enable (default: true): To enable or disable this task.
  • nickname_template (default: {name}): The template to rename the pokemon.
  • dont_nickname_favorite (default: false): Prevents renaming of favorited pokemons.
  • good_attack_threshold (default: 0.7): Threshold for perfection of the attack in it's type (0.0-1.0) after which attack will be treated as good. Used for {fast_attack_char}, {charged_attack_char}, {attack_code} templates.
  • locale (default: en): The locale to use for the pokemon name.

Valid names in templates

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Key Info
{name} Pokemon name (e.g. Articuno)
{id} Pokemon ID/Number (1-151, e.g. 1 for Bulbasaurs)
{cp} Pokemon's Combat Points (CP) (10-4145)
Individial Values (IV)
{iv_attack} Individial Attack (0-15) of the current specific pokemon
{iv_defense} Individial Defense (0-15) of the current specific pokemon
{iv_stamina} Individial Stamina (0-15) of the current specific pokemon
{iv_ads} Joined IV values in (attack)/(defense)/(stamina) format (e.g. 4/12/9, matches web UI format -- A/D/S)
{iv_ads_hex} Joined IV values of (attack)(defense)(stamina) in HEX (e.g. 4C9 for A/D/S = 4/12/9)
{iv_sum} Sum of the Individial Values (0-45, e.g. 45 when 3 perfect 15 IVs)
Basic Values of the pokemon (identical for all of one kind)
{base_attack} Basic Attack (40-284) of the current pokemon kind
{base_defense} Basic Defense (54-242) of the current pokemon kind
{base_stamina} Basic Stamina (20-500) of the current pokemon kind
{base_ads} Joined Basic Values (e.g. 125/93/314)
Final Values of the pokemon (Base Values + Individial Values)
{attack} Basic Attack + Individial Attack
{defense} Basic Defense + Individial Defense
{stamina} Basic Stamina + Individial Stamina
{sum_ads} Joined Final Values (e.g. 129/97/321)
Individial Values perfection percent
{iv_pct} IV perfection (in 000-100 format - 3 chars)
{iv_pct2} IV perfection (in 00-99 format - 2 chars). So 99 is best (it's a 100% perfection)
{iv_pct1} IV perfection (in 0-9 format - 1 char)
IV CP perfection - kind of IV perfection percent but calculated using weight of each IV in its contribution to CP of the best evolution of current pokemon.
It tends to be more accurate than simple IV perfection.
{ivcp_pct} IV CP perfection (in 000-100 format - 3 chars)
{ivcp_pct2} IV CP perfection (in 00-99 format - 2 chars). So 99 is best (it's a 100% perfection)
{ivcp_pct1} IV CP perfection (in 0-9 format - 1 char)
Moveset perfection percents for attack and for defense.
Calculated for current pokemon only, not between all pokemons. So perfect moveset can be weak if pokemon is weak (e.g. Caterpie)
{attack_pct} Moveset perfection for attack (in 000-100 format - 3 chars)
{attack_pct2} Moveset perfection for attack (in 00-99 format - 2 chars)
{attack_pct1} Moveset perfection for attack (in 0-9 format - 1 char)
{defense_pct} Moveset perfection for defense (in 000-100 format - 3 chars)
{defense_pct2} Moveset perfection for defense (in 00-99 format - 2 chars)
{defense_pct1} Moveset perfection for defense (in 0-9 format - 1 char)
Character codes for fast/charged attack types.
If attack is good character is uppecased, otherwise lowercased.
Use 'good_attack_threshold' option for customization.

It's an effective way to represent type with one character.
If first char of the type name is unique - it's used, in other case suitable substitute used.

Type codes:
  Bug: 'B'
  Dark: 'K'
  Dragon: 'D'
  Electric: 'E'
  Fairy: 'Y'
  Fighting: 'T'
  Fire: 'F'
  Flying: 'L'
  Ghost: 'H'
  Grass: 'A'
  Ground: 'G'
  Ice: 'I'
  Normal: 'N'
  Poison: 'P'
  Psychic: 'C'
  Rock: 'R'
  Steel: 'S'
  Water: 'W'
{fast_attack_char} One character code for fast attack type (e.g. 'F' for good Fire or 's' for bad Steel attack)
{charged_attack_char} One character code for charged attack type (e.g. 'n' for bad Normal or 'I' for good Ice attack)
{attack_code} Joined 2 character code for both attacks (e.g. 'Lh' for pokemon with strong Flying and weak Ghost attacks)
Special case: pokemon object
You can access any available pokemon info via it.
  '{pokemon.ivcp:.2%}' -> '47.00%'
  '{pokemon.fast_attack}' -> 'Wing Attack'
  '{pokemon.fast_attack.type}' -> 'Flying'
  '{pokemon.fast_attack.dps:.2f}' -> '10.91'
  '{pokemon.fast_attack.dps:.0f}' -> '11'
  '{pokemon.charged_attack}' -> 'Ominous Wind'
{pokemon} Pokemon instance (see for class sources)

NOTE: Use a blank template ("") to revert all pokemon to their original names (as if they had no nickname).

Sample usages

[back to top]

  • "{name}_{iv_pct}" => Mankey_069
  • "{iv_pct}_{iv_ads}" => 091_15/11/15
  • "" -> Mankey
  • "{attack_code}{attack_pct1}{defense_pct1}{ivcp_pct1}{name}" => Lh474Golbat
  • sample

Sample configuration

[back to top]

  "type": "NicknamePokemon",
  "config": {
    "enabled": true,
    "dont_nickname_favorite": false,
    "good_attack_threshold": 0.7,
    "nickname_template": "{iv_pct}-{iv_ads}",
    "locale": "en"

CatchPokemon Settings

[back to top]

These settings determine how the bot will catch pokemon. catch_simulate simulates the app by adding pauses to throw the ball and navigate menus. All times in catch_simulation are in seconds.

Default Settings

[back to top]

The default settings are 'safe' settings intended to simulate human and app behaviour.

				"enabled": true,
				"catch_visible_pokemon": true,
				"catch_lured_pokemon": true,
				"catch_incensed_pokemon": true,
				"min_ultraball_to_keep": 5,
				"berry_threshold": 0.35,
				"golden_razz_threshold": 0.2,
				"golden_razz_to_keep": 30,
				"use_golden_razz_on_vip_only": true,
				"use_pinap_on_vip": false,
				"pinap_on_level_below": 0,
				"pinap_operator": "or",
				"pinap_ignore_threshold": false,
				"smart_pinap_enabled": true,
				"smart_pinap_threshold": 0.85,
				"smart_pinap_to_keep": 3,
				"vip_berry_threshold": 0.9,
				"treat_unseen_as_vip": true,
				"daily_catch_limit": 500,
				"exit_on_limit_reached": false,
				"vanish_settings": {
					"consecutive_vanish_limit": 10,
					"rest_duration_min": "02:00:00",
					"rest_duration_max": "04:00:00"
				"catch_throw_parameters": {
					"excellent_rate": 0.1,
					"great_rate": 0.5,
					"nice_rate": 0.3,
					"normal_rate": 0.1,
					"spin_success_rate": 0.6,
					"hit_rate": 0.75
				"catch_simulation": {
					"flee_count": 3,
					"flee_duration": 2,
					"catch_wait_min": 3,
					"catch_wait_max": 6,
					"berry_wait_min": 3,
					"berry_wait_max": 5,
					"changeball_wait_min": 3,
					"changeball_wait_max": 5,
					"newtodex_wait_min": 20,
					"newtodex_wait_max": 30

Settings Description

[back to top]

Setting Description
min_ultraball_to_keep Allows the bot to use ultraballs on non-VIP pokemon as long as number of ultraballs is above this setting
berry_threshold The ideal catch rate threshold before using a razz berry on normal pokemon (higher threshold means using razz berries more frequently, for example if we raise berry_threshold to 0.5, any pokemon that has an initial catch rate between 0 to 0.5 will initiate a berry throw)
use_pinap_on_vip Use pinap berry instead of razz berry on on VIP pokemon. The bot will use razz berry if pinap berry has run out
golden_razz_threshold The ideal catch rate threshold before using a golden razz berry on normal pokemon (higher threshold means using golden razz berries more frequently, for example if we raise berry_threshold to 0.5, any pokemon that has an initial catch rate between 0 to 0.5 will initiate a berry throw) If do not want the bot to use golden razz berries at all, set it to 0.
use_golden_razz_on_vip_only Use golden razz berries instead of razz berry on on VIP pokemon.
golden_razz_to_keep Number of golden razz berries to keep.
pinap_on_level_below Set at what level (and below) of the pokemon should Pinap berry br use on. Set to 0 to disable use of pinap berry
pinap_operator Set if Pinap berry going to be use together with "use_pinap_on_vip" or without (Operator "or", "and")
pinap_ignore_threshold Set if bot is going to ignore catch rate threshold when using pinap berry
smart_pinap_enabled Set if bot is going to use the smart pinap function that uses pinap berry on high catch rate mons (If smart_pinap_threshold is set higher than berry_threshold pinap will be used on high catch rate mons and razz will be used on low catch rate mons, making the bot "smart".)
smart_pinap_threshold If set to 0.85, pinap will be used on non-VIP with catch rate higher rate than 0.85
smart_pinap_to_keep Number of pinaps to keep to be used on VIP
vip_berry_threshold The ideal catch rate threshold before using a razz berry on VIP pokemon (If smart_pinap_enabled=true, VIP above this catch rate will be pinapped)
flee_count The maximum number of times catching animation will play before the pokemon breaks free
flee_duration The length of time for each animation
catch_wait_min The minimum amount of time to throw the ball
catch_wait_max The maximum amount of time to throw the ball
berry_wait_min The minimum amount of time to use a berry
berry_wait_max The maximum amount of time to use a berry
changeball_wait_min The minimum amount of time to change ball
changeball_wait_max The maximum amount of time to change ball

flee_count and flee_duration

[back to top]

This part is app simulation and the default settings are advised. When we hit a pokemon in the app the animation will play randomly 1, 2 or 3 times for roughly 2 seconds each time. So we pause for a random number of animations up to flee_count of duration flee_duration

Previous catch_simulation Behaviour

[back to top]

If you want to make your bot behave as it did prior to the catch_simulation update please use the following settings.

"catch_simulation": {
    "flee_count": 1,
    "flee_duration": 2,
    "catch_wait_min": 0,
    "catch_wait_max": 0,
    "berry_wait_min": 0,
    "berry_wait_max": 0,
    "changeball_wait_min": 0,
    "changeball_wait_max": 0

CatchLimiter Settings

[back to top]

These settings define thresholds and duration to disable all catching tasks for a specified duration when balls are low. This allows your bot to spend time moving/looting and recovering balls spent catching.

Default Settings

"enabled": false,
"min_balls": 20,
"duration": 15

Settings Description

[back to top]

Setting Description
enabled Specify whether this task should run or not
min_balls Determine minimum ball level required for catching tasks to be enabled
duration How long to disable catching

Catching will be disabled when balls on hand reaches/is below "min_balls" and will be re-enabled when "duration" is reached, or when balls on hand > min_balls (whichever is later)

Sniping (MoveToLocation)

[back to top]


[back to top]

This task will fetch current pokemon spawns from /raw_data of an PokemonGo-Map instance. For information on how to properly setup PokemonGo-Map have a look at the Github page of the project here. There is an example config in config/


[back to top]

  • Address - Address of the webserver of PokemonGo-Map. ex: http://localhost:5000
  • Mode - Which mode to run sniping on
    • distance - Will move to the nearest pokemon
    • priority - Will move to the pokemon with the highest priority assigned (tie breaking by distance)
  • prioritize_vips - Will prioritize vips in distance and priority mode above all normal pokemon if set to true
  • min_time - Minimum time the pokemon has to be available before despawn
  • min_ball - Minimum amount of balls required to run task
  • max_sniping_distance - Maximum distance the pokemon is allowed to be caught when sniping. (m)
  • max_walking_distance - Maximum distance the pokemon is allowed to be caught when sniping is turned off. (m)
  • snipe:
    • True - Will teleport to target pokemon, encounter it, teleport back then catch it
    • False - Will walk normally to the pokemon
  • update_map - disable/enable if the map location should be automatically updated to the bots current location
  • catch - A dictionary of pokemon to catch with an assigned priority (higher => better)
  • snipe_high_prio_only - Whether to snipe pokemon above a certain threshold.
  • snipe_high_prio_threshold - The threshold number corresponding with the catch dictionary.
    • Any pokemon above this threshold value will be caught by teleporting to its location, and getting back to original location if snipe is True.
    • Any pokemon under this threshold value will make the bot walk to the Pokemon target whether snipe is True or False.
  • max_extra_dist_fort : Percentage of extra distance allowed to move to a fort on the way to the targeted Pokemon
  • debug : Output additional debugging information
  • skip_rounds : Try to snipe every X rounds
  • update_map_min_distance_meters : Update map if more than X meters away
  • update_map_min_time_sec : Update map if older than X seconds
  • snipe_sleep_sec : Sleep for X seconds after snipes
  • snipe_max_in_chain : Maximum snipes in chain


[back to top]

  \\ ...
    "type": "MoveToMapPokemon",
    "config": {
      "address": "http://localhost:5000",
      "//NOTE: Change the max_sniping_distance to adjust the max sniping range (m)": {},
      "max_sniping distance": 10000,
      "//NOTE: Change the max_walking_distance to adjust the max walking range when snipe is off (m)": {},
      "max__walking_distance": 500,
      "min_time": 60,
      "min_ball": 50,
      "prioritize_vips": true,
      "snipe": true,
      "snipe_high_prio_only": true,
      "snipe_high_prio_threshold": 400,
      "update_map": true,
      "mode": "priority",
      "max_extra_dist_fort": 10,
      "catch": {
        "Aerodactyl": 1000,
        "Ditto": 900,
        "Omastar": 500,
        "Omanyte": 150,
        "Caterpie": 10,
  \\ ...


[back to top]


[back to top]

This task is an upgrade version of the MoveToMapPokemon task. It will fetch pokemon informations from any number of urls (sources), including PokemonGo-Map, or from the social feature. You can also use the old PokemonGo-Map project. For information on how to properly setup PokemonGo-Map have a look at the Github page of the project here. You can also use this, which is an adapted version of the application that NecroBot used to snipe. There is an example config in config/

Please note that this feature only works with a radius of 15KM. By default, it will continue at new location once snipe is done unless you specify it not to with teleport_back_to_last_location set to true.


[back to top]

  • enabled - Defines whether the WHOLE task is enabled or not. Please bear in mind that even if the task is enabled, all or any of its sources can be disabled. (default: false)
  • mode - The mode on which the sniper will fetch the informations. (default: social)
    • social - Information will come from the social network.
    • url - Information will come from one or multiple urls.
    • telegram - Manual snipping through telegram. In telegram, use "/snipe " to snipe. Subscript to "/sub sniper_log" and "/sub pokemon_vip_caught" to retrieve snipping results through telegram.
  • bullets - Each bullet corresponds to an ATTEMPT of catching a pokemon. (default: 1)
  • homing_shots - This will ensure that each bullet will catch a target. If disabled, a target might not exist and thus it wont be caught. When enabled, this will jump to the next target (if any) and try again to catch it. This will be repeated untill you've spent all the bullets. (default: true)
  • special_iv - This will skip the catch list if the value is greater than or equal to the target's IV. This currently does not work with social mode and only works if the given url has this information. (default: 100)
  • time_mask - The time mask used (if expiration.format is a full date). The default mask is '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'.
  • cooldown_enabled - Do we set the sniper on a cool down of a random time after snipping? This might help avoiding bans.
  • loiter_after_snipe - Do we wait a random time after sniping (aside of the above cooldown)? This might also help avoiding bans.
  • order - The order on which you want to snipe. This can be one or multiple of the following values (default: [missing, vip, priority]):
    • iv - Order by IV, if any. See special_iv.
    • vip - Order by VIP.
    • missing - Order by the target's pokedex missing status.
    • priority - Order by the priority you have specified in the catch list.
    • expiration_timestamp_ms - Order by the expiration time.
  • teleport_back_to_last_location - Specify if you want to teleport back to last location. Default is false.
  • sources - This should map a JSON param values from a given url. For example: different urls will provide different JSON response formats. PLEASE ADVISED THAT, IF A PARAM DOES NOT EXIST (OR CONTAINS WRONG DATA LIKE PokeSnipers's ID PARAM), DO NOT SPECIFY IT! Pokesnipers is a special case where it does provide IDs, however theyre wrong. Map bellow their corresponding values:
  • sources.key - The JSON key that contains the results, eg.: For a JSON response such as { "SomeWeirdoName": [{"id": 123, ...}, {"id": 143, ...}]}, SomeWeirdoName would be the key name.
  • sources.url - The URL that will provide the JSON.
  • sources.enabled - Defines whether this source is enabled or not. This has nothing to do with the task's enabled.
  • sources.timeout - How long to wait for this source to respond before giving up (default 5 seconds)
  • mappings- Map JSON parameters to required values.
    • iv - The JSON param that corresponds to the pokemon IV. Only certain sources provide this info. NOTE: social mode does not provide this info!
    • id - The JSON param that corresponds to the pokemon ID. (required)
    • name - The JSON param that corresponds to the pokemon name. (required)
    • latitude - The JSON param that corresponds to the latitude. It will work if a single param is used for both latitude and longitude, eg.: "coords": "1.2345, 6.7890" (required)
    • longitude - The JSON param that corresponds to the longitude. It will work if a single param is used for both latitude and longitude, eg.: "coords": "1.2345, 6.7890" (required)
    • encounter - The JSON param that corresponds to encounter ID. This value is very unlikely to be provided by third-party urls. However, it is safely updated internally.
    • spawnpoint - The JSON param that corresponds to spawnpoint ID. This value is very unlikely to be provided by third-party urls. However, it is safely updated internally.
    • expiration - The JSON param that correspond to the pokemon expiration time.
    • expiration.format - The time type. It can be either seconds, milliseconds or utc
  • catch - A dictionary of pokemon to catch with an assigned priority (higher => better).


[back to top]

    "type": "Sniper",
    "config": {
        "enabled": true,
        "mode": "url",
        "bullets": 1,
        "homing_shots": true,
        "special_iv": 100,
        "order": [
        "sources": [
                "url": "",
                "enabled": true,
                "timeout": 15,
                "key": "results",
                "mappings": {
                    "iv": {
                      "param": "iv"
                    "name": {
                      "param": "name"
                    "latitude": {
                      "param": "coords"
                    "longitude": {
                      "param": "coords"
                    "expiration": {
                      "param": "until",
                      "format": "utc"
                "url": "http://localhost:5000/raw_data",
                "key": "pokemons",
                "enabled": true,
                "timeout": 5,
                "mappings": {
                    "id": {
                      "param": "pokemon_id"
                    "name": {
                      "param": "pokemon_name"
                      "param": "latitude"
                    "longitude": {
                      "param": "longitude"
                    "expiration": {
                      "param": "disappear_time",
                      "format": "milliseconds"
                "url": "",
                "enabled": true,
                "timeout": 15,
                "mappings": {
                    "iv": {
                       "param": "iv"
                    "id": {
                      "param": "pid"
                    "name": {
                      "param": "pokemon"
                    "latitude": {
                      "param": "cords"
                    "longitude": {
                      "param": "cords"
                    "expiration": {
                      "param": "timeend",
                      "format": "seconds"
        "catch": {
            "Snorlax": 1000,
            "Dragonite": 1000,
            "Growlithe": 600,
            "Clefairy": 500,
            "Kabuto": 500,
            "Dratini": 500,
            "Dragonair": 500,
            "Mr. Mime": 500,
            "Magmar": 500,
            "Electabuzz": 500,
            "Tangela": 500,
            "Tauros": 500,
            "Primeape": 500,
            "Chansey": 500,
            "Pidgey": 100,
            "Caterpie": 100,
            "Weedle": 100

FollowPath Settings

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[back to top]

Walk to the specified locations loaded from .gpx or .json file. It is highly recommended to use website such as GPSies which allow you to export your created track in JSON file. Note that you'll have to first convert its JSON file into the format that the bot can understand. See [Example of pier39.json] below for the content. I had created a simple python script to do the conversion.

The location fields in the .json file can also contain a street address. In this case the location is interpreted by the Google Maps API.

The json file can contain for each point an optional wander field. This indicated the number of seconds the bot should wander after reaching the point. During this time, the next Task in the configuration file is executed, e.g. a MoveToFort task. This allows the bot to walk around the waypoint looking for forts for a limited time.

The loiter field, also optional for each point in the json file, works similarly to the wander field. The difference is that with loiter the next Task in the configuration file is /not/ executed, meaning the bot will wait, without moving, at the point in the json file with the loiter option.


[back to top]

  • path_mode - linear, loop, single
    • loop - The bot will walk along all specified waypoints and then move directly to the first waypoint again.
    • linear - The bot will turn around at the last waypoint and along the given waypoints in reverse order.
    • single - The bot will walk the path only once.
  • path_start_mode - first, closest
    • first - The bot will start at the first point of the path.
    • closest - The bot will start the path at the point which is the closest to the current bot location.
  • path_file - "/path/to/your/path.json"
  • disable_location_output - true,false. Set to true if you do not want to see follow path updating information. Default false.


If you use the single path_mode without e.g. a MoveToFort task, your bot with /not move at all/ when the path is finished. Similarly, if you use the wander option in your json path file without a following MoveToFort or similar task, your bot will not move during the wandering period. Please make sure, when you use single mode or the wander option, that another move-type task follows the FollowPath task in your config.json.

Sample Configuration

[back to top]

  "type": "FollowPath",
  "config": {
      "path_mode": "linear",
      "path_start_mode": "first",
      "path_file": "/home/gary/bot/PokemonGo-Bot/configs/path/pier39.json"

Example of pier39.json

[{"location": "37.8103848,-122.410325"},
{"location": "37.8103306,-122.410435"},
{"location": "37.8104662,-122.41051"},
{"location": "37.8106146,-122.41059"},
{"location": "37.8105934,-122.410719"}

You would then see the [FollowPath] [INFO] console log as the bot walks to each location in the path.json file.

2016-08-21 00:09:36,521 [FollowPath] [INFO] [position_update] Walk to (37.8093976, -122.4103554, 0) now at (37.80934873280548, -122.40986165166986, 0), distance left: (43.7148620033 m) ..
2016-08-21 00:09:38,392 [FollowPath] [INFO] [position_update] Walk to (37.8093976, -122.4103554, 0) now at (37.809335215749876, -122.40987810257064, 0), distance left: (42.5005577777 m) ..
2016-08-21 00:09:39,899 [FollowPath] [INFO] [position_update] Walk to (37.8093976, -122.4103554, 0) now at (37.809331611049714, -122.40991111241473, 0), distance left: (39.7144254183 m) ..
2016-08-21 00:09:42,038 [FollowPath] [INFO] [position_update] Walk to (37.8093976, -122.4103554, 0) now at (37.80935188969784, -122.4099397940133, 0), distance left: (36.8630805218 m) ..
2016-08-21 00:09:43,791 [FollowPath] [INFO] [position_update] Walk to (37.8093976, -122.4103554, 0) now at (37.80936378035156, -122.40998419490474, 0), distance left: (32.8264884039 m) ..
2016-08-21 00:09:45,766 [FollowPath] [INFO] [position_update] Walk to (37.8093976, -122.4103554, 0) now at (37.80935021728436, -122.40999180104075, 0), distance left: (32.3738347114 m) ..

UpdateLiveStats Settings

[back to top]

Periodically displays stats about the bot in the terminal and/or in its title.

Fetching some stats requires making API calls. If you're concerned about the amount of calls your bot is making, don't enable this worker.


[back to top]

min_interval : The minimum interval at which the stats are displayed,
               in seconds (defaults to 120 seconds).
               The update interval cannot be accurate as workers run synchronously.
stats : An array of stats to display and their display order (implicitly),
        see available stats below (defaults to []).
terminal_log : Logs the stats into the terminal (defaults to false).
terminal_title : Displays the stats into the terminal title (defaults to true).

Available stats parameters:

- login : The account login (from the credentials).
- username : The trainer name (asked at first in-game connection).
- uptime : The bot uptime.
- km_walked : The kilometers walked since the bot started.
- level : The current character's level.
- level_completion : The current level experience, the next level experience and the completion
- level_stats : Puts together the current character's level and its completion.
- xp_per_hour : The estimated gain of experience per hour.
- xp_earned : The experience earned since the bot started.
- stops_visited : The number of visited stops.
- pokemon_encountered : The number of encountered pokemon.
- pokemon_caught : The number of caught pokemon.
- captures_per_hour : The estimated number of pokemon captured per hour.
- pokemon_released : The number of released pokemon.
- pokemon_evolved : The number of evolved pokemon.
- pokemon_unseen : The number of pokemon never seen before.
- pokemon_stats : Puts together the pokemon encountered, caught, released, evolved and unseen.
- pokeballs_thrown : The number of thrown pokeballs.
- stardust_earned : The number of earned stardust since the bot started.
- highest_cp_pokemon : The caught pokemon with the highest CP since the bot started.
- most_perfect_pokemon : The most perfect caught pokemon since the bot started.

Sample Configuration

[back to top]

Following task will shows the information on the console every 10 seconds.

  "type": "UpdateLiveStats",
  "config": {
    "enabled": true,
    "min_interval": 10,
    "stats": [
    "terminal_log": true,
    "terminal_title": true

Example console output

2016-08-20 23:55:48,513 [UpdateLiveStats] [INFO] [log_stats] USERNAME | Uptime : 0:17:17 | Level 26 (192,995 / 390,000, 49%) | Earned 900 Stardust | +2,810 XP | 9,753 XP/h | Visited 23 stops | 0.80km walked | Caught 9 pokemon

UpdateLiveInventory Settings

[back to top]


[back to top]

Periodically displays the user inventory in the terminal.


[back to top]

  • min_interval : The minimum interval at which the stats are displayed, in seconds (defaults to 120 seconds). The update interval cannot be accurate as workers run synchronously.
  • show_all_multiple_lines : Logs all items on inventory using multiple lines. Ignores configuration of 'items'
  • items : An array of items to display and their display order (implicitly), see available items below (defaults to []).

Available items :

- 'pokemon_bag' : pokemon in inventory (i.e. 'Pokemon Bag: 100/250')
- 'space_info': not an item but shows inventory bag space (i.e. 'Items: 140/350')
- 'pokeballs'
- 'greatballs'
- 'ultraballs'
- 'masterballs'
- 'razzberries'
- 'blukberries'
- 'nanabberries'
- 'luckyegg'
- 'incubator'
- 'troydisk'
- 'potion'
- 'superpotion'
- 'hyperpotion'
- 'maxpotion'
- 'incense'
- 'incensespicy'
- 'incensecool'
- 'revive'
- 'maxrevive'
- 'pinapberries'
- 'sunstone'
- 'kingsrock'
- 'metalcoat'
- 'dragonscale'
- 'upgrade'

Sample configuration

[back to top]

    "type": "UpdateLiveInventory",
    "config": {
      "enabled": true,
      "min_interval": 120,
      "show_all_multiple_lines": false,
      "items": [

Example console output

[back to top]

2016-08-20 18:56:22,754 [UpdateLiveInventory] [INFO] [show_inventory] Items: 335/350 | Pokeballs: 8 | GreatBalls: 186 | UltraBalls: 0 | RazzBerries: 51 | LuckyEggs: 3

UpdateHashStats Settings

[back to top]


[back to top]

Periodically displays the hash stats in the terminal.


[back to top]

  • min_interval : The minimum interval at which the stats are displayed, in seconds (defaults to 60 seconds). The update interval cannot be accurate as workers run synchronously.
  • stats : An array of items to display and their display order (implicitly), see available items below (defaults to ["period", "remaining", "maximum", "expiration"]).

Sample configuration

[back to top]

    "type": "UpdateHashStats",
    "config": {
        "enabled": true,
        "min_interval": 60,
        "stats": [

Example console output

[back to top]

[2017-04-03 17:55:15] [MainThread] [UpdateHashStats] [INFO] Period: 2017-04-03 09:56:37 | Remaining: 147 | Maximum: 150 | Expiration: 2017-04-15 06:21:11

Random Pause

[back to top]

Pause the execution of the bot at a random time for a random time.

Simulates the random pause of the day (speaking to someone, getting into a store, ...) where the user stops the app. The interval between pauses and the duration of pause are configurable.

  • min_duration: (HH:MM:SS) the minimum duration of each pause
  • max_duration: (HH:MM:SS) the maximum duration of each pause
  • min_interval: (HH:MM:SS) the minimum interval between each pause
  • max_interval: (HH:MM:SS) the maximum interval between each pause

Example Config

  "type": "RandomPause",
  "config": {
    "min_duration": "00:00:10",
    "max_duration": "00:10:00",
    "min_interval": "00:10:00",
    "max_interval": "02:00:00"

Egg Incubator

[back to top]

Configure how the bot should use the incubators.

  • infinite_longer_eggs_first: (True | False ) should the bot start by the longer eggs first for the unbreakable incubator. If set to true, the bot first use the 10km eggs, then the 5km eggs, then the 2km eggs.
  • breakable_longer_eggs_first: (True | False ) should the bot start by the longer eggs first for the breakable incubator. If set to true, the bot first use the 10km eggs, then the 5km eggs, then the 2km eggs.
  • infinite: ([2], [2,5], [2,5,10], []) the type of egg the infinite (ie. unbreakable) incubator(s) can incubate. If set to [2,5], the incubator(s) can only incubate the 2km and 5km eggs. If set to [], the incubator(s) will not incubate any type of egg.
  • breakable: ([2], [2,5], [2,5,10], []) the type of egg the breakable incubator(s) can incubate. If set to [2,5], the incubator(s) can only incubate the 2km and 5km eggs. If set to [], the incubator(s) will not incubate any type of egg.

Example Config

  "type": "IncubateEggs",
  "config": {
      "infinite_longer_eggs_first": false,
      "breakable_longer_eggs_first": true,
      "infinite": [
      "breakable": [


[back to top]


[back to top]

Periodically displays the user best pokemon in the terminal.


[back to top]

  • min_interval : The minimum interval at which the pokemon are displayed, in seconds (defaults to 120 seconds). The update interval cannot be accurate as workers run synchronously.
  • amount : Amount of pokemon to show.
  • order_by : Stat that will be used to get best pokemons. Available Stats: 'cp', 'iv', 'ivcp', 'ncp', 'dps', 'hp', 'level'
  • info_to_show : Info to show for each pokemon

Available info_to_show :


Sample configuration

[back to top]

    "type": "ShowBestPokemon",
    "config": {
        "enabled": true,
        "min_interval": 60,
        "amount": 5,
        "order_by": "cp",
        "info_to_show": [

Example console output

[back to top]

2016-08-25 21:20:59,642 [ShowBestPokemon] [INFO] [show_best_pokemon] [Tauros, CP 575, IVCP 0.95, DPS 12.04] | [Grimer, CP 613, IVCP 0.93, DPS 13.93] | [Tangela, CP 736, IVCP 0.93, DPS 14.5] | [Staryu, CP 316, IVCP 0.92, DPS 10.75] | [Gastly, CP 224, IVCP 0.9, DPS 11.7]

Telegram Task

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[back to top]

Telegram bot Announcer Level up, pokemon cought

Bot answer on command '/info' self stats.


  • telegram_token : bot token (getting there - one token per bot)
  • master : id (without quotes) of bot owner, who will get alerts and may issue commands or a (case-sensitive!) user name.
  • alert_catch : dict of rules pokemons catch.
  • password : a password to be used to authenticate to the bot

The bot will only alert and respond to a valid master. If you're unsure what this is, send the bot a message from Telegram and watch the log to find out.

Sample configuration

[back to top]

    "type": "TelegramTask",
    "config": {
        "enabled": true,
        "master": 12345678,
        "alert_catch": {
          "all": {
            "operator": "and",
            "cp": 1300,
            "iv": 0.95
          "Snorlax": {
            "operator": "or",
            "cp": 900,
            "iv": 0.9
        "password": "alwoefhq348"

Discord Task

[back to top]


[back to top]

Discord bot Announcer Level up, pokemon cought

Bot answer on command '/info' self stats.


  • discord_token : bot token (getting tutorial - one token per bot)
  • master : username with discriminator of bot owner('user#1234') , who will get alerts and may issue commands or a (case-sensitive!) user name.
  • alert_catch : dict of rules pokemons catch.

The bot will only alert and respond to a valid master. If you're unsure what this is, send the bot a message from Discord and watch the log to find out.

Sample configuration

[back to top]

    "type": "DiscordTask",
    "config": {
        "enabled": true,
        "master": "user#1234",
        "alert_catch": {
          "all": {
            "operator": "and",
            "cp": 1300,
            "iv": 0.95
          "Snorlax": {
            "operator": "or",
            "cp": 900,
            "iv": 0.9


[back to top]


[back to top]

Completes the tutorial:

  • Legal screen
  • Avatar selection
  • First Pokemon capture
  • Set nickname
  • Firte time experience
  • Pick team at level 5


[back to top]

  • nickname : Nickname to be used ingame.
  • team : Default: 0. Team to pick after reaching level 5.

Available team :

0: Neutral (No team)
1: Blue (Mystic)
2: Red (Valor)
3: Yellow (Instinct)

Sample configuration

[back to top]

  "type": "CompleteTutorial",
  "config": {
  "enabled": true,
    "nickname": "PokemonGoF",
    "team": 2


[back to top]


[back to top]

Makes use of the Pokemon Buddy system. It's able to switch the buddy automatically given an list of pokemon that should be using this feature. Periodically logs the status of the buddy walking. After setting a buddy it's not possible to remove it, only change it. So if a buddy is already selected and no buddy list is given, it will still run with the buddy already selected.


[back to top]

  • buddy_list: Default: []. List of pokemon names that will be used as buddy. If '[]' or 'none', will not use or change buddy.
  • best_in_family: Default: True. If True, picks best Pokemon in the family (sorted by cp).
  • candy_limit: Default: 0. Set the candy limit to be rewarded per buddy, when reaching this limit the bot will change the buddy to the next in the list. When candy_limit = 0 or only one buddy in list, it has no limit and never changes buddy.
  • candy_limit_absolute: Default: 0. Set the absolute candy limit to be rewarded per buddy, when reaching this limit the bot will change the buddy to the next in the list. When candy_limit_absolute = 0 or only one buddy in list, it has no limit and never changes buddy. Use this to stop collecting candy when a candy threshold for your buddy's pokemon family is reached (e.g. 50 for evolving).
  • force_first_change: Default: False. If True, will try to change buddy at bot start according to the buddy list. If False, will use the buddy already set until candy_limit is reached and then use the buddy list.
  • buddy_change_wait_min: Default: 3. Minimum time (in seconds) that the buddy change takes.
  • buddy_change_wait_max: Default: 5. Maximum time (in seconds) that the buddy change takes.
  • min_interval: Default: 120. Time (in seconds) to periodically log the buddy walk status.

Sample configuration

[back to top]

  "type": "BuddyPokemon",
  "config": {
      "enabled": true,
        "buddy_list": "dratini, magikarp",
        "best_in_family": true,
        "// candy_limit = 0 means no limit, so it will never change current buddy": {},
        "candy_limit": 0,
        "candy_limit_absolute": 0,
        "// force_first_change = true will always change buddy at start removing current one": {},
        "force_first_change": false,
        "buddy_change_wait_min": 3,
        "buddy_change_wait_max": 5,
        "min_interval": 120


[back to top]


[back to top]

Hunts down nearby Pokemon. Searches for Pokemon to complete the Pokedex, or if a Pokemon is a VIP. Can be set to hunt ALL nearby Pokemon


[back to top]

  • max_distance: Default: 2000. Maxium of meters for the "nearby" part.
  • enable_cooldown: Default: true. After a hunt (succesful or not) have a cool down (stops hunting for a bit)
  • hunt_all: Default: false. Should we hunt for ALL nearby Pokemon?
  • hunt_vip: Default: true. Should we hunt for VIP Pokemon?
  • hunt_pokedex: Default: true. Should we hunt for Pokemon we need to complete the Pokedex (make family complete)
  • lock_on_target: Default: false. Should we ignore all other Pokemon while hunting?
  • lock_vip_only: Default: true. Is the above only used for real VIPs? (Not to complete the Pokedex)
  • disabled_while_camping: Default: true. Should we stop hunting for nearby Pokemon while sitting at lures?
  • hunt_closest_first: Default: false. Prioritize by distance instead of number of candy?
  • treat_unseen_as_vip: Default: true. Should we treat unseen Pokemons as VIPs?
  • target_family_of_vip: Default: true. Should we treat family of a VIP as a valid target?
  • treat_family_of_vip_as_vip: Default: false. Should we see family of an VIP as a VIP (locking onto it if enabled)
  • hunt_for_trash_to_fill_bag: Default: false. Should we try to fill the bag with trash if a set amount of slots is left?
  • trash_hunt_open_slots: Default: 25. The amount of slots for the previous setting
  • shadowban_detection: Default: false. Enable or disable shadow ban detection (beta)
  • exit_if_shadowbanned: Default: false. Exit bot if shadow ban has been detected
  • run_to_vip: Default: false. Run to a VIP Pokemon? Running sets the speed of the walker to the walk_max value!

Hunting family members of VIPs

If enabled (target_family_of_vip = true), the hunter will also hunt down family members of a VIP. For example, if you marked Gyarados as a VIP Pokemon then the hunter will now also hunt down Magikarps. When on the hunt for a family member of a VIP, and treat_family_of_vip_as_vip is false, the hunter will keep a look out for "real" VIPs. So when hunting for a Magikarp, if a Snorlax shows up in the sightings, the hunter will target the Snorlax.

Hunting for trash

If enabled the hunter will start hunting down Pidgeys, Weedles and Caterpies when a set amount of slots (defaults to 25) are left in the bag to fill. The idea is simple; we are about to start evolving Pokemon. So the priority of the hunter shiftes. BUT when a VIP Pokemon is nearby, the Hunter will always start chasing that VIP first. Also hunting for trash does NOT lock the target, catching all Pokemon it find on the way to the target.

Sample configuration

[back to top]

    "type": "PokemonHunter",
    "config": {
        "enabled": true,
        "enable_cooldown": false,
        "max_distance": 1500,
        "hunt_all": false,
        "hunt_vip": true,
        "hunt_pokedex": true,
        "lock_on_target": false,
        "lock_vip_only": true,
        "disabled_while_camping": true,
        "hunt_closest_first": true,
        "treat_unseen_as_vip": true,
        "hunt_for_trash_to_fill_bag": true,
        "trash_hunt_open_slots": 30


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[back to top]

If you have any Pokemon that Niantic has marked as bad (red slashes) this will notify you. If you set the option, it will also transfer those Pokemon.


[back to top]

  • transfer: Default: False. Must we transfer the bad Pokemon?
  • bulktransfer_enabled: Default: True. If we do transfer the bad Pokemon, may we do so in a batch?
  • action_wait_min: Default: 3. Wait time min
  • action_wait_min: Default: 5. Wait time max
  • min_interval: Default: 120. Run once every X seconds

Sample configuration

[back to top]

    "type": "BadPokemon",
    "config": {
        "enabled": true,
        "transfer": true,
        "min_interval": 240


[back to top]


[back to top]

If you have any Pokemon that are dead or need healing, this task will try to do that.


[back to top]

  • heal: Default: True. Should Pokemon be healed?
  • revive: Default: True. Should dead Pokemon be revived?

Sample configuration

[back to top]

    "type": "HealPokemon",
    "config": {
        "enabled": true,
        "heal": true,
        "revive": true


[back to top]


[back to top]

Drop a Pokemon in a Gym when there is room for. No fighting will be done! Never!


[back to top]

  • enabled: Default: False. Enable or distable this task
  • order_by: Default: "cp". Based on what atrribute should be sorted (decending)
  • min_interval: Default: 360. Time in seconds between printing the Pokemon we have in gyms
  • min_recheck: Default: 30. Minimal time in seconds to check for new gyms in range
  • max_recheck: Default: 120. Maxium time in seconds to check for new gyms in range
  • chain_fill_gyms: Default: True. When we drop a Pokemon in a gym, should we imediatly move to the next gym if a open spot is found?
  • ignore_max_cp_pokemon: Default: ["Blissey"]. A list of Pokemon who can be placed in gyms even if above 3000cp
  • never_place: Default: []. A list of Pokemon that should never be placed in a gym
  • leave_at_least_spots: Default: 0. How many open spots should we leave for normal players? (Max 4!!)
  • take_at_most: Default: 20. How many gym should we be in at the same time? Max 20!!
  • pick_random_pokemon: Default: True. Pick a random Pokemon from the top 20 sorted by "order_by", or the top 1 availible?

Sample configuration

[back to top]

  "type": "GymPokemon",
  "config": {
      "enabled": false,
      "order_by": "cp",
      "chain_fill_gyms": true,
      "ignore_max_cp_pokemon": [
      "never_place": [ 
      "leave_at_least_spots": 1,
      "take_at_most": 10,
      "pick_random_pokemon": true