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432 lines (307 loc) · 23.2 KB

File metadata and controls

432 lines (307 loc) · 23.2 KB

cwbtools 0.4.2

  • All packages listed in 'Suggests' section of DESCRIPTION used conditionally (pass checks with R_CHECK_DEPENDS_ONLY=true) #74.

cwbtools 0.4.1

  • zenodo_get_tarball() failse gracefully if Zenodo is not available #72.

cwbtools 0.4.0

New features

  • New method encode() to prospectively supersed CorpusData class. Includes argument properties #13.
  • New function corpus_reload() for convenient unloading/reloading corpora #68.
  • New utility function registry_set_name() #13.

Minor improvements

  • cwb_get_url() will get CWB v3.5 installation files #63.
  • corpus_remove() returns FALSE (rather than failing with ERROR) when corpus does not exist. More telling messages.
  • p_attribute_encode() has new argument quietly passed into RcppCWB functions cwb_compress() cwb_huffcode() and cwb_compress_rdx() to control verbosity.
  • Method $encode() of CorpusData class has new argument quietly passed into p_attribute_encode().
  • Method $encode() has new argument reload to trigger unloading and reloading corpus, to make s-attributes available #57.
  • The CorpusData$encode() method uses messages from the cli package #59.
  • Outdated documentation of p_attribute_encode() rewritten, including explanation of argument compress and simplification of sample code #61.
  • Corrected inconsistencies in the vignette #55.
  • s_attribute_encode() coerces input values to character (rather than failing) #62.
  • The validity of attribute names is checked by s_attribute_encode(), p_attribute_encode() and CorpusData$encode() using a new (internal) function, a telling message is issued if non-ASCII or uppercase characters are used. The documentation has been augmented accordingly #48.
  • For method "R", p_attribute_encode() checks whether files for encoded p-attribute exist and fails gracefully with telling error message if yes #4.
  • Argument compress defaults to FALSE as corpus compression is not stable on Windows #3.
  • function corpus_as_tarball() and corpus_copy() now have registry_file_parse(corpus, registry_dir)[["home"]] as default value, so that values are more consistent across corpus_* functions #18.
  • cwb_get_bindir() tries to find cwb-config system utility, if it is on the path.
  • s_attribute_encode() issues warning on Windows when using s-attribute 'id' #69.
  • Replaced normalizePath() by fs::path() in p_attribute_encode() #65.

Improved documentataion

  • Simplifications of the vignette #60.
  • Scenario how to add stemmed token stream to existing corpus added to vignette #14.

cwbtools 0.3.9

  • p_attribute_encode() accepts multiple p-attributes if method is "CWB".
  • New function registry_set_property() for setting corpus properties in a pipe.
  • read_registry_file() will keep 'registry_dir' and 'corpus'.
  • registry_set_info as new auxiliary function to set path to info file in registry_data object.
  • corpus_install() reverts to package zen4R to links of files at Zenodo #42.
  • curl::curl_download() replaces download.file() in corpus_install() if argument user is NULL (to avoid corrupted download from Zenodo) #53.

cwbtools 0.3.8

  • Package names, software names and API are wrapped in single quotes in the DESCRIPTION files, to follow section 1.1.1 of 'Writing R extensions' #43.
  • References in the description of the DESCRIPTION file have been standardized #44.
  • To meet CRAN requirements, any remaining usage of install.packages() has been removed from the package. Using argument pkg of corpus_install() will install corpora found in a package as system corpora defined in the default registry directory #46.
  • The vignettes 'opennnlp.Rmd' and 'sentences.Rmd' have been removed from the package; they are now part of the PolMine Cookbook repository at Packages 'NLP' and 'openNLP' are no longer suggested and the install.packages() call (though not evaluated) is omitted. Part of the fix for #46.
  • The fs::path() function replaces base R file.path() throughout to solidify the generation of paths and to improve the readability of the code throughout.
  • p_attribute_encode() checks that the character vector token_stream does not exceed the CWB corpus size limit (2^31 - 1) #40.
  • zenodo_get_tarballurl() is removed from package again (temporarily used when zen4R package did not work).

cwbtools 0.3.7

  • gparlsample_url_restricted has been updated to replace a URL that has become defunct.
  • New auxiliary function zenodo_get_tarballurl() steps in for functionality of the zen4R package temporarily not working #42. It is used internally by the corpus_install() function.

cwbtools 0.3.6

  • Ensure that zenodo_get_tarball() fails gracefully if Zenodo is temporarily not available.

cwbtools 0.3.5

  • New function p_attribute_rename(), corresponding to s_attribute_rename().
  • p_attribute_encode() will remove the [p_attr].corpus file as suggested my cwb-makeall (if compress is TRUE).
  • Assumptions about the statement of an info file in registry files are relaxed, the line starting with "INFO" is not required.
  • Internally, functionality from the fs package for a consistent handling of paths (such as fs::path()) is used more widely (#36).
  • Assumptions about the definition of a version in the name of a corpus tarball are relaxed. If possible, the version is taken from the properties (i.e. the registry file).
  • New function zenodo_get_tarball() for downloading corpus tarballs from Zenodo. Restricted access can be handled too (personalized URL with token).
  • Function corpus_install() has new argument load to control whether corpus is loaded after installation.

cwbtools 0.3.4

  • The function pkg_add_description() is declared deprecated. To alert users, functionality of the lifecycle package is used (#1).
  • A new function as.vrt() will generate valid *.vrt files from xml_document input.
  • Added Left-to-Right Mark / "\u200E" to signs that are cleaned.
  • Due to an inconsistency in the code of cwb_corpus_dir(), the function would falsely yield NA results if the CWB directory would contain more than two directories.
  • To be able to recognize faulty directories, the registry directory and the corpus directory are reported by cwb_corpus_dir() and cwb_registry_dir(). Argument verbose can be used to suppress this output.
  • The statement on 'LazyData' has been removed from the DESCRIPTION file to avoid a warning emerging with R-devel on CRAN check machines (#33).
  • Executing the code in the vignette 'sentences.Rmd' is conditional on the availability of the sample corpus. If the corpus can not be installed from Zenodo, building the vignette will not fail (#35).
  • The corpus_install() function will abort with a FALSE return value if the requested tarball is not available (#34).
  • A new function s_attribute_rename() can be used to rename s-attributes.
  • A new function corpus_get_version() will derive the corpus version number from the registry file and return a numeric version object (#16).
  • A limitation of writeBin() to write long integer vectors has been overcome with R v4.0.0. A warning and a preliminary workaround to address this limitation when using p_attribute_encode() for corpora with more than 536870911 tokens can therefore be dropped. For large corpora, the function will check the R version and issue the recommendation to install $ v4.0.0 or higher, if the size limitation (536870911) is relevant (#28).
  • In addition to the URL for downloading the CWB, cwb_get_url() will return the MD5 checksum of the compressed file as attribute 'md5'.
  • The cwb_install() function will fail gracefully if downloading the CWB fails (returning NULL). A new argument md5 will trigger checking the MD5 sum of the downloaded file (if provided). The default value of cwb_dir is now a temporary directory.

cwbtools 0.3.3


  • Assumptions about the directory structure in a corpus tarball are somewhat relaxed: The name of the data directory may also be "data" (not just "indexed_corpora") and data files need not be necessarily in a subdirectory of the data directory. This makes downloading and installing the Europarl and the Dickens corpus possible.


  • The dependency on the devtools package can be dropped as one consequence of removing the Europarl vignette.
  • The dependency on the usethis package has been removed.
  • The sentences-vignette is more robust by explicitly creating a temporary registry directory.


  • A unit test that involves calling cwb_install() is skipped on Solaris to ensure that Solaris CRAN tests will not fail: A CWB binary is not available for Solaris.


  • The vignette "europarl.Rmd" is dropped altogether: Putting corpora into packages is not the recommended approach any more.

cwbtools 0.3.2


  • It is now possible to install a corpus from S3 by stating a S3-URI as argument tarball of corpus_install().
  • A new argument checksum for the corpus_install() function introduces functionality to check the integrity of a downloaded corpus tarball. If the tarball is downloaded from Zenodo (by stating a DOI using argument doi), the md5 checksum included in the record's metadata is extracted internally and used for checking.
  • A new vignette explains how an existing CWB corpus can be enhanced using openNLP.
  • The function corpus_copy() will accept a new argument remove. If TRUE (the default value is FALSE), files that have been copied will be removed. Removing files is reasonable to handle disk space parsimonously if the source corpus is at a temporary location where nobody will miss it.


  • The corpus_install() function will abort with a warning and return value FALSE rather than an error if the DOI is not offered by Zenodo.
  • If corpus_install() is used to install a corpus from a tarball present locally, a somewhat confusing message suggested that the tarball was downloaded. This message is not shown any more.
  • Extracting a corpus tarball present locally involved copying the tarball to a temporary location before extracting it. This step consuming more disk space than necessary (inefficient and potentially problematic with large corpora) is now omitted.
  • The function cwb_install() now replaces an internally hardcoded argument cwb_dir with an argument cwb_dir; the function returns the directory where the CWB is installed rather than NULL value.
  • The function cwb_get_bindir() now introduces an argument bindir.
  • Argument compress of p_attribute_encode( now has default value FALSE (#29).
  • Examples in documentation of p_attribute_encode() have been adapted so that GitHub Action unit test passes on Windows.
  • A user abort if an existing corpus would be removed by installing the same version anew will not result in an error message any more, but in return value FALSE (#25).


  • To avoid an issue with a false negative issued by RCurl::url.exists(), this function has been replaced by httr::http_error() (#31).
  • The corpus_install() function still showed some progress messages even when verbose was set as FALSE (argument not passed to corpus_copy(). Fixed.
  • The code in the vignette on adding a sentence annotation was not executed when building the package and a bug in the code went unnoticed. Fixed (#17).
  • The get_encoding() method would return NA if localeToCharset() fails to infer charset from locale. In this case, UTF-8 is assumed.


  • A misleading, deprecated example in a dontrun section of the general package documentation has been removed (#23). The vignette includes a working and tested example how to encode the REUTERS corpus.

cwbtools 0.3.1


  • The (weak) dependency on the polmineR package (it was in the 'Suggests:' section of the DESCRIPTION file) has been removed. Changes are purely internal (higher-level polmineR functions have been replaced by lower-level RcppCWB functions, some tests were re-written). Dropping the dependency has the advantage that there is a much clearer structure of dependencies now (RcppCWB -> cwbtools -> polmineR).


  • A remaining CLI formatting issue has been removed from the user dialogue for modifying the .Renviron file.
  • Unit tests used a test download of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) corpus from Zenodo. To reduce the time required for testing the package, a test download of the (much smaller) GermaParlSample copus is performed.


  • The corpus_install() function tried to ask for user feedback when not in an interactive session. The function now checks whether it is possible to ask for user feedback.
  • Part of the output of the cwbtools::create_cwb_directories() function did show if verbose was FALSE. Fixed.

cwbtools 0.3.0


  • The corpus_install() gives much better and nicer reports on steps performed during corpus downloads. User dialogues have been reworked thoroughly to provide better user guidance.
  • The use_corpus_registry_envvar() function is called by corpus_install() and will amend the .Renviron file as appropriate if the user so desires.
  • To resolve a DOI, the 'zen4R' package is used, to extract information on the whereabouts of a corpus tarball efficiently from the Zenodo API.
  • A corpus_testload() has been implemented to check whether a (newly installed) corpus is accessible.
  • Dependency on usethis-package has been dropped.


  • Extracting the version number from the corpus tarball is somewhat more forgiving if the version number does not start with "v".
  • The registry file for a newly downloaded corpus is refreshed only if a temporary registry directory is used.
  • To remedy the fairly common error that the path to the info file is not stated correctly in the registry file, a fallback mechanism will look up potential alternatives to an info file stated wrongly.


  • The json string returned from Zenodo may include newline strings that are escaped such that they cannot be processed by jsonlite::fromJSON(). The auxiliary function to get and process information from Zenodo now ensures that newline characters are escaped such that they can be processed.
  • The corpus_copy() function did not set the path to the info file to the new data directory - corrected.
  • The corpus_install() function failed when the registry_dir got a NULL value from the default call to cwbtools::cwb_registry_dir(). But if the directories are created, the registry directory is there. Fixed.
  • Removed a bug (faulty assignment) that would prevent that the path of a registry file is handled correctly (i.e. wrapped in quotation marks) by registry_file_compose() when the path includes any whitespace characters.


  • A problem with updating the curl dependency of cwbtools that may arise when devtools::install_github() is used is addressed in an extended explanation in the file how to install the development version of cwbtools using remotes::install_github() (#21).

cwbtools 0.2.0


  • The install_corpus() function has been reworked thoroughly. Using system directories for the registry and the corpus directory is now supported. This is a prerequisite that corpora can be installed outside of R packages Installing corpora within corpora is not allowed by CRAN.
  • A set of new auxiliary functions (cwb_directories(), cwb_registry_dir(), cwb_corpus_dir()) will get the whereabouts of the registry directory and the corpus directory. In particular, they consider that the polmineR package may have generated a temporary corpus registry, resetting the CORPUS_REGISTRY environment variable.
  • The install_corpus() function accepts an argument doi to provide a Document Object Identifier (DOI). At this stage, the DOI is assumed to be awarded by Zenodo. Information available at the Zenodo site will be resolved to get the URL of a corpus tarball that can be downloaded. Upon installing a corpus from Zenodo, the DOI and the version number will be written as corpus properties into the registry file.
  • To avoid removing corpora accidentally, the corpus_install() function will ask the user for feedback if a corpus would be installed that is already present and that would be deleted or overwritten.
  • New auxiliary functions create_cwb_directories and use_corpus_registry_envvar() will assist users to create the required directory structure for CWB indexed corpora.


  • The default value of the argument "repo" that defines the repository for packaged corpora is now the drat repository of the PolMine GitHub account ("").


  • New R6 Roxygen documentation used for documenting the CorpusData class.
  • A (preliminary) vignette has been added that explains how to add a sentence annotation can be added to an existing indexed corpus.

cwbtools 0.1.2


  • Trying to remove the entire temporary session directory at the end of the package vignettes caused problems to build the package documentation. A more limited approach to clean up temporary files after build the vignettes will omit this problem.

cwbtools 0.1.1


  • The pkg_add_corpus() function will now create the cwb directories (registry and data directory) if necessary. Previously, these directories were required to exist before moving a corpus into a package, making it necessary to put dummy files into packages to keep R CMD build from issuing warnings and git from dropping these directories. Creating the directories on demand is a precondition for a CRAN release of data packages (#11).


  • In the upcoming R version 4.0, the matrix class will inherit from class array. The new package version now takes into account that length(class(matrix(1:4,2,2))) will return the value 2.


  • The NEWS file now follows the styleguide such that pkgdown::build_site() will generate a proper changelog page.

cwbtools 0.1.0

  • updated vignette so that annex explains installation of CoreNLP v3.9.2 (2018-10-05)
  • New functions s_atttribute_get_regions() and s_attribute_get_values().
  • In corpus_install(), using download.file() replaces curl::curl_download() for Windows because curl apparently is not able to process target filenames that include special characters.
  • For Windows machines, there is a check for non-ASCII characters in the file path. If TRUE, a path generated by a call to shortPathName() is used.
  • In the vignette, the registry is reset after creating the new corpora, to make the new corpus available.
  • A (preliminary) decode()-method will turn a partition into an Annotation object from the NLP package.
  • A new conll_get_regions()-function will turn an CoNLL-style annotated token stream into a table with regions that can be encoded using s_attribute_encode().
  • A new function s_attribute_merge() will merge two data.table objects defining s-attributes, checking for overlaps.

cwbtools 0.0.11

  • New functions p_attribute_recode(), s_attribute_recode(), and supplementary s_attributed_files(), and corpus_recode().
  • Any call to tempdir() is now wrapped as normalizePath(tempdir(), winslash = "/") to avoid Problems on Windows, when different file separators may be used.
  • When calling file.path(), the argument fsep is "/" to prevent confusion of file seperators.
  • A new function corpus_copy() is available to create a copy a corpus.
  • Working example for s_attribute_encode().
  • A call to cl_delete_corpus() from RcppCWB is added to s_attribute_encode(), so that newly added s-attributes can be used without restarting the R session.
  • The corpus_copy() was defined (and documented) twice in a confusing manner. This is cleaned up.
  • Calls to installed.packages() were replaced to meet an advice of the CRAN team in the submission process.

cwbtools 0.0.10

  • Missing documentation written for fields of class CorpusData.
  • New fields 'sentences' and 'named_entities' added to class CorpusData, as a basis for encoding annotation of sentences and named entities.

cwbtools 0.0.9

  • issue with parsing path correctly in registry_file_path when path is in inverted commas solved (adjusted regex)
  • issue with ALTREP vector for corpus positions resolved
  • layout of progress bars consistently using pbapply package
  • sanity checks for s_attribute_encode, ensure that region_matrix is integer matrix
  • s_attribute_encode when called with method = "R" will now add s_attribute to registry
  • s_attribute_encode will add structural attribute to registry when using R implementation, too
  • corpus_as_tarball-function added
  • install_corpus able to install from tarball
  • progress option for CorpusData$import_xml()-method
  • Minimal rework of progress bar in CorpusData$add_corpus_positions() (helper function .fn)
  • Three dots (...) are passed into download.file() by install_corpus(), if argument tarball is specified. This is a precondition for passing arguments to download password-protected corpora.

cwbtools 0.0.8

  • major bug removed when writing regions to disk (s_attribute_encode) with R
  • when creating/removing files in p_attribute_encode, only basenames of filenames are outputted
  • for CorpusData$encode(), an already existing corpus will be removed

cwbtools 0.0.7

  • bug removed in function pkg_create_cwb_dirs causing error when a directory already exists
  • new vignette 'europarl': sample workflow for putting indexed corpus into package
  • for $tokenize()-method of CorpusData: stricter requirement that chunkdata is data.table
  • progress bar for $tokenize()-method, when tokenizers package is used
  • tilde expansion for paths that are passed into p_attribute_encode
  • stri_detect_regex replacing grepl to speed things up in p_attribute_encode
  • awful workaround for coping with latin1 removed in p_attribute_encode
  • stip_punct = FALSE for $tokenize() method of CorpusData
  • purging the data for the CWB has been moved away from p_attribute_encode to a $purge()-method of CorpusData (to be performed on chunkdata) as a matter of efficiency.
  • continuous removal of objects and garbage collection in p_attribute_encode to be as parsimonious with memory as possible
  • checking of encoding in p_attribute_encode has been moved to $check_encoding() method in CorpusData-class to keep necessity to copy around vectors (potentially exceeding memory) to a minimum.
  • additional parameters passed into tokenizers::tokenize_words by ...
  • writing hex for content of s_attributes to cope with encoding issues
  • values coerced to character

cwbtools 0.0.6

  • DataPackage class turned into pkg_*-functions
  • first version that passes all tests

cwbtools 0.0.5

  • undocumented

cwbtools 0.0.4

  • askYesNo function has been replaced by readlines(), to ensure compatibility with R versions < 3.5