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Getting Started Guide

Use this guide to get started with SymbolExtractorAndRenamer development. You can find answers to following questions:

  1. What the purpose of SymbolExtractorAndRenamer?
  2. What are the main components of SymbolExtractorAndRenamer
  3. How to build and run SymbolExtractorAndRenamer tools using Xcode
  4. Where to find particular functionalities?
  5. How to add new files and components?


SymbolExtractorAndRenamer is the main component of the Obfuscator infrastructure. It performs the symbols renaming of files provided in Xcode project using the files.json produced by FileExtractor. It copies the original project and performs the renaming on its symbols. The basic steps of the process are:

  1. Performing semantic analysis of files listed in files.json and collecting the symbols for renaming. Those symbols are saved to symbols.json.
  2. Generating the proposed renames for symbols and saving them to renames.json
  3. Creating the copy of the project that is being obfuscated and performing the symbol renaming on the project copy.


The repo is the fork of Swift Compiler's branch: swift-4.0-branch. To allow supporting other Swift versions in future, the SymbolExtractorAndRenamer repository consists of additive-only changes to Swift Compiler.

The main components of SymbolExtractorAndRenamer are tools and library organized in similar manner as existing Swift Compiler tools and libraries:

SymbolExtractorAndRenamer tools:

  • obfuscator-symbol-extractor collects the symbols that needs to be renamed.
  • obfuscator-name-mapper generates the proposed renames for symbols.
  • obfuscator-renamer performs the renaming.

These tools are being build to executables that are being executed by ObfuscatorTool. The executions perform the three basic steps of SymbolExtractorAndRenamer.

Under the hood, the tool components serve mainly as command line arguments parsers. All main logic of SymbolExtractorAndRenamer is placed in the library shared by above tools. The library is named swiftObfuscation and it serves tasks such as:

  • performing semantic analysis using swiftFrontend tools and creating AST tree.
  • extracting the symbols from the AST tree.
  • generating renames.
  • performing the renaming.

Building and Running Using Xcode

To build each SymbolExtractorAndRenamer tool:

  1. Perform the steps in Build notes for developers in README
  2. Open the generated Xcode project: open build/Xcode-RelWithDebInfoAssert+swift-DebugAssert/swift-macosx-x86_64/Swift.xcodeproj
  3. Add scheme for each SymbolExtractorAndRenamer target (obfuscator-symbol-extractor, obfuscator-name-mapper, obfuscator-renamer, swiftObfuscation) by selecting Product > Scheme > New Scheme... and choosing one of the above targets from the long dropdown list.
  4. Build each Obfuscator tool and library by choosing its scheme from list in Product > Scheme and selecting Product > Build.

To run each SymbolExtractorAndRenamer tool, you can either:

a) call its executable from command line:

$ obfuscator-symbol-extractor -filesjson <path-to-input-files-json> -symbolsjson <path-to-output-symbols-json>
$ obfuscator-name-mapper -symbolsjson <path-to-input-symbols-file> -renamesjson <path-to-output-renames-file>
$ obfuscator-renamer -filesjson <path-to-input-files-json-file> -renamesjson <path-to-input-renames-json-file> -obfuscatedproject <path-to-directory-for-obfuscated-project>

b) or execute it using Xcode scheme. You need to provide scheme executable arguments by selecting Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme... > Run > Arguments and tapping + under Arguments Passed On Launch.

Executable arguments and data formats are described in README.

Source files overview

When modifying or adding functionalities refer to this overview of source files in each SymbolExtractorAndRenamer tool/library component.


obfuscator-symbol-extractor sources can be found in swift/tools/obfuscator-symbol-extractor/:

  • obfuscator-symbol-extractor.cpp parses the command line arguments and use swiftObfuscation library to parse files.json and extract symbols meant to be renamed from the files listed in files.json. The symbols are saved to symbols.json
  • CMakeLists.txt cmake build file


obfuscator-name-mapper sources can be found in swift/tools/obfuscator-name-mapper/:

  • obfuscator-name-mapper.cpp parses the command line arguments and use swiftObfuscation library to parse symbols.json and generate mapping of original symbol names to proposed renames and save it to renames.json.
  • CMakeLists.txt cmake build file


obfuscator-renamer sources can be found in swift/tools/obfuscator-renamer/:

  • obfuscator-renamer.cpp parses the command line arguments and use swiftObfuscation library to parse renames.json and perform actual renaming.
  • CMakeLists.txt cmake build file


swiftObfuscation header files can be found in swift/include/swift/Obfuscation/, its implementations are in: swift/lib/Obfuscation/:

  • CompilerInfrastructure.cpp handles setting up the compiler with CompilerInvocationConfiguration and invoking the semantic analysis of .swift files
  • DataStructures.cpp defines the data structures used in swiftObfuscation together with its operator functions and json serialization and deserialization.
  • DeclarationParser.cpp takes the Decl and routes it to be parsed by one of the "specific" declaration parsers (NominalTypeDeclarationParser, VariableDeclarationParser, OperatorParser, FunctionDeclarationParser, ParameterDeclarationParser)
  • DeclarationParsingUtils.cpp defines utility functions used by declaration parsers.
  • ExpressionParser.cpp parses the Expr (swiftAST object representing expression) to Symbol object.
  • FileIO.cpp defines the functions for json files serialization / deserialization.
  • FunctionDeclarationParser.cpp parses the FuncDecl (swiftAST object representing function declaration) to Symbol object.
  • LayoutRenamer.cpp performs renaming of .xib and .storyboard files.
  • NameMapping.cpp uses symbols name generators to generate the mapping: original symbol name to proposed rename.
  • NominalTypeDeclarationParser.cpp parses NominalTypeDecl (swiftAST object representing class, struct, protocol or enum declaration) to Symbol object.
  • OperatorParser.cpp parses OperatorDecl (swiftAST object representing operator declaration) to Symbol object
  • ParameterDeclarationParser.cpp parses ParamDecl (swiftAST object representing function parameter declaration) to Symbol object
  • Renaming.cpp creates the copy of the project being obfuscated and performs the renaming defined in RenamesJson object.
  • SourceFileWalker.cpp identifies the symbols in the SourceFile (swiftAST object representing the .swift source file) using SourceEntityWalker callbacks and collects them to the set of SymbolWithRange objects.
  • SymbolExtracting.cpp extracts symbols from .swift files included in FilesJson object collects them to SymbolsJson object.
  • Utils.cpp defines utility functions.
  • VariableDeclarationParser.cpp parses the VarDecl (swiftAST object representing var or let declaration) to Symbol object.

swiftObfuscation cmake build file can be found in swift/lib/Obfuscation/CMakeLists.txt.

Unit tests

Unit test files can be found in swift/unittests/SwiftObfuscation/ together with its CMakeLists.txt build file.

SymbolExtractorAndRenamer unit test are organized in similar manner to other SymbolExtractorAndRenamer tools. To run the tests just build and run SwiftObfuscationTests target, as described in Building and Running Using Xcode section.

Integration tests

Ingration tests can be found in swift/test/Obfuscation.

Use the following command to run the tests:

swift/utils/run-test swift/test/Obfuscation \
--build-dir build/Xcode-RelWithDebInfoAssert+swift-DebugAssert/swift-macosx-x86_64 \
--lit build/Xcode-RelWithDebInfoAssert+swift-DebugAssert/llvm-macosx-x86_64/Debug/bin/llvm-lit

For details refer to IntegrationTesting.

Adding new files and components

Adding new files to existing SymbolExtractorAndRenamer library

Place .h files in swift/include/swift/<library_folder>.

Place .cpp files in swift/lib/<library_folder>. When adding .cpp file you need to include it in cmake build file (CMakeLists.txt) of this library: swift/lib/<library_folder>/CMakeLists.txt

Including libraries from Swift Compiler

To make use of some Swift Compiler library (e.g. swiftObfuscation library) you need to include its header file in your source file using #include and add the library name in your CMakeLists.txt file under LINK_LIBRARIES. Please refer to existing CMakeLists.txt and follow the Swift Compiler guidelines.

Creating new SymbolExtractorAndRenamer tools

To create new Swift Compiler tool create the directory in swift/tools/ and follow the structure of existing tools, e.g. obfuscator-symbol-extactor. You need to create proper CMakeLists.txt build file starting with add_swift_host_tool(<tool-name> and include all the tool's dependecies and .cpp files of the tool.

Adding new parameters to command line tool

In the directory swift/tools/<tool-name> please find the .cpp file that defines the tool in question. There'll a namespace definition called options at the top of the file. This is the place that all the parameters are defined in.

We're using the llvm::cl for the parameters definition and parsing. The definition is done by creating static global variables of the type from llvm::cl. They do not have to be enclosed in the options namespace, but we're doing it by convention to increase readability. The possible types of parameters as well as the possible options for each of them are documented in the LLVM CommandLine Library Manual.

The actual parsing is done in the llvm::cl::ParseCommandLineOptions function.