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PostgREST error messages follow the PostgreSQL error structure. It includes MESSAGE, DETAIL, HINT, ERRCODE and will add an HTTP status code to the response.

Errors from PostgreSQL

PostgREST will forward errors coming from PostgreSQL. For instance, on a failed constraint:

POST /projects HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "code": "23502",
    "details": "Failing row contains (null, foo, null).",
    "hint": null,
    "message": "null value in column \"id\" of relation \"projects\" violates not-null constraint"

HTTP Status Codes

PostgREST translates PostgreSQL error codes into HTTP status as follows:

PostgreSQL error code(s) HTTP status Error description
08* 503 pg connection err
09* 500 triggered action exception
0L* 403 invalid grantor
0P* 403 invalid role specification
23503 409 foreign key violation
23505 409 uniqueness violation
25006 405 read only sql transaction
25* 500 invalid transaction state
28* 403 invalid auth specification
2D* 500 invalid transaction termination
38* 500 external routine exception
39* 500 external routine invocation
3B* 500 savepoint exception
40* 500 transaction rollback
53400 500 config limit exceeded
53* 503 insufficient resources
54* 500 too complex
55* 500 obj not in prerequisite state
57* 500 operator intervention
58* 500 system error
F0* 500 config file error
HV* 500 foreign data wrapper error
P0001 400 default code for "raise"
P0* 500 PL/pgSQL error
XX* 500 internal error
42883 404 undefined function
42P01 404 undefined table
42P17 500 infinite recursion
if authenticated 403,
else 401
insufficient privileges
other 400  

Errors from PostgREST

Errors that come from PostgREST itself maintain the same structure but differ in the PGRST prefix in the code field. For instance, when querying a function that does not exist in the :doc:`schema cache <schema_cache>`:

POST /rpc/nonexistent_function HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
  "hint": "...",
  "details": null
  "code": "PGRST202",
  "message": "Could not find the api.nonexistent_function() function in the schema cache"

PostgREST Error Codes

PostgREST error codes have the form PGRSTgxx.

  • PGRST is the prefix that differentiates the error from a PostgreSQL error.
  • g is the error group
  • xx is the error identifier in the group.

Group 0 - Connection

Related to the connection with the database.

Code HTTP status Description


503 Could not connect with the database due to an incorrect :ref:`db-uri` or due to the PostgreSQL service not running.


503 Could not connect with the database due to an internal error.


503 Could not connect with the database when building the :doc:`Schema Cache <schema_cache>` due to the PostgreSQL service not running.


504 The request timed out waiting for a pool connection to be available. See :ref:`db-pool-acquisition-timeout`.

Group 1 - Api Request

Related to the HTTP request elements.

Code HTTP status Description


400 Parsing error in the query string parameter. See :ref:`h_filter`, :ref:`operators` and :ref:`ordering`.


405 For :ref:`functions <functions>`, only GET and POST verbs are allowed. Any other verb will throw this error.


400 An invalid request body was sent(e.g. an empty body or malformed JSON).


416 An invalid range was specified for :ref:`limits`.


405 An invalid :ref:`PUT <upsert_put>` request was done


406 The schema specified when :ref:`switching schemas <multiple-schemas>` is not present in the :ref:`db-schemas` configuration variable.


415 The Content-Type sent in the request is invalid.


400 The filter is applied to a embedded resource that is not specified in the select part of the query string. See :ref:`embed_filters`.


400 Restricting a Deletion or an Update using limits must include the ordering of a unique column. See :ref:`limited_update_delete`.


400 When restricting a Deletion or an Update using limits modifies more rows than the maximum specified in the limit. See :ref:`limited_update_delete`.


500 An invalid response.headers was set. See :ref:`guc_resp_hdrs`.


500 The status code must be a positive integer. See :ref:`guc_resp_status`.


400 For an :ref:`UPSERT using PUT <upsert_put>`, when :ref:`limits and offsets <limits>` are used.


400 For an :ref:`UPSERT using PUT <upsert_put>`, when the primary key in the query string and the body are different.


406 More than 1 or no items where returned when requesting a singular response. See :ref:`singular_plural`.


405 The HTTP verb used in the request in not supported.


400 Could not order the result using the related table because there is no many-to-one or one-to-one relationship between them.


400 Could not use the spread operator on the related table because there is no many-to-one or one-to-one relationship between them.


400 An embedded resource can only be filtered using the is.null or :ref:`operators <operators>`.


500 PostgREST can't parse the JSON objects in RAISE PGRST error. See :ref:`raise headers <raise_headers>`.


400 Invalid preferences found in Prefer header with Prefer: handling=strict. See :ref:`prefer_handling`.


400 Aggregate functions are disabled. See :ref:`db-aggregates-enabled`.

Group 2 - Schema Cache

Related to a :ref:`schema_cache`. Most of the time, these errors are solved by :ref:`schema_reloading`.

Code HTTP status Description


400 Caused by stale foreign key relationships, otherwise any of the embedding resources or the relationship itself may not exist in the database.


300 An ambiguous embedding request was made. See :ref:`complex_rels`.


404 Caused by a stale function signature, otherwise the function may not exist in the database.


300 Caused by requesting overloaded functions with the same argument names but different types, or by using a POST verb to request overloaded functions with a JSON or JSONB type unnamed parameter. The solution is to rename the function or add/modify the names of the arguments.


400 Caused when the :ref:`column specified <specify_columns>` in the columns query parameter is not found.

Group 3 - JWT

Related to the authentication process using JWT. You can follow the :ref:`tut1` for an example on how to implement authentication and the :doc:`Authentication page <auth>` for more information on this process.

Code HTTP status Description


500 A :ref:`JWT secret <jwt-secret>` is missing from the configuration.


401 Any error related to the verification of the JWT, which means that the JWT provided is invalid in some way.


401 Attempted to do a request without :ref:`authentication <client_auth>` when the anonymous role is disabled by not setting it in :ref:`db-anon-role`.

Group X - Internal

Internal errors. If you encounter any of these, you may have stumbled on a PostgREST bug, please open an issue and we'll be glad to fix it.

Code HTTP status Description


500 Internal errors related to the library used for connecting to the database.

Custom Errors

You can customize the errors by using the RAISE statement on functions.

RAISE errors with HTTP Status Codes

Custom status codes can be done by raising SQL exceptions inside :ref:`functions <functions>`. For instance, here's a saucy function that always responds with an error:

  LANGUAGE plpgsql
  AS $$
    USING DETAIL = 'Pretty simple',
          HINT = 'There is nothing you can do.';

Calling the function returns HTTP 400 with the body

  "message":"I refuse!",
  "details":"Pretty simple",
  "hint":"There is nothing you can do.",

One way to customize the HTTP status code is by raising particular exceptions according to the PostgREST :ref:`error to status code mapping <status_codes>`. For example, RAISE insufficient_privilege will respond with HTTP 401/403 as appropriate.

For even greater control of the HTTP status code, raise an exception of the PTxyz type. For instance to respond with HTTP 402, raise PT402:

RAISE sqlstate 'PT402' using
  message = 'Payment Required',
  detail = 'Quota exceeded',
  hint = 'Upgrade your plan';


HTTP/1.1 402 Payment Required
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "message": "Payment Required",
  "details": "Quota exceeded",
  "hint": "Upgrade your plan",
  "code": "PT402"

Add HTTP Headers with RAISE

For full control over headers and status you can raise a PGRST SQLSTATE error. You can achieve this by adding the code, message, detail and hint in the PostgreSQL error message field as a JSON object. Here, the details and hint are optional. Similarly, the status and headers must be added to the SQL error detail field as a JSON object. For instance:

    message = '{"code":"123","message":"Payment Required","details":"Quota exceeded","hint":"Upgrade your plan"}',
    detail = '{"status":402,"headers":{"X-Powered-By":"Nerd Rage"}}';


HTTP/1.1 402 Payment Required
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
X-Powered-By: Nerd Rage

  "message": "Payment Required",
  "details": "Quota exceeded",
  "hint": "Upgrade your plan",
  "code": "123"

For non standard HTTP status, you can optionally add status_text to describe the status code. For status code 419 the detail field may look like this:

detail = '{"status":419,"status_text":"Page Expired","headers":{"X-Powered-By":"Nerd Rage"}}';

If PostgREST can't parse the JSON objects message and detail, it will throw a PGRST121 error. See :ref:`Errors from PostgREST<pgrst1**>`.