changes in readme and uncommented GitHub OAuth
changes in readme and uncommented GitHub OAuth
ci/cd workflow with github actions, Maven, aws S3, Elastic Beanstalk
ci/cd workflow with github actions, Maven, aws S3, Elastic Beanstalk
fix typo in build command
fix typo in build command
fix bug in setup java action
fix bug in setup java action
deploy to aws elastic beanstalk
deploy to aws elastic beanstalk
revised system design section in doc
revised system design section in doc
fix: file path to system diagram in readme
fix: file path to system diagram in readme
new system diagram
new system diagram
added comments
added comments
home page routing for both guest users and auth users
home page routing for both guest users and auth users
BooksByUser repository created with pagination enabled for findAllByI…
BooksByUser repository created with pagination enabled for findAllByI…
created BooksByUser entity class
created BooksByUser entity class
redirecting and populating the user-iteraction data into the form fie…
redirecting and populating the user-iteraction data into the form fie…
userBooks by userId and bookId table along with form to submit user's…
userBooks by userId and bookId table along with form to submit user's…
implemented book search feature
implemented book search feature
added book page and controller
added book page and controller
GitHub Oauth authentication for user session
GitHub Oauth authentication for user session
new system diagram
new system diagram
processing and loading books data in astraDB instance in datastax
processing and loading books data in astraDB instance in datastax
book_by_id table along with BookRepository
book_by_id table along with BookRepository
Saving all the authors in the astraDb cluster
Saving all the authors in the astraDb cluster
Using Repository pattern with Spring Data cassandra to manager author…
Using Repository pattern with Spring Data cassandra to manager author…
restructing folder structure
restructing folder structure
Force push
connecting with astradb instance with spring data casssandra
connecting with astradb instance with spring data casssandra
initialized data loader
initialized data loader
schema design doc
schema design doc