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43 lines (39 loc) · 1.43 KB

File metadata and controls

43 lines (39 loc) · 1.43 KB


This is a code for simple nested macroprocessor written in Python


  1. Open input file in read and create mnt, fppt and mdt
  2. Declare lists
  3. if MACRO in words > count ‘&’ in words > write(words1[0]+count+line no.) in mnt
  4. write(words[1]+words[-count]+x) > name=words[1] > append(words[-count]),words[1],x > count- - > x++
  5. count != 0 > goto 4
  6. line ++
  7. if words[-1] in fp > y= fp.index(words[-1]) > write(mname[y]+words[0]+pp[y])
  8. else > write(name+words[0]+words[-1])
  9. line++ > y=0
  10. if MEND ! in words > goto 7
  11. write(words[0])
  12. x=1 > close all files
  13. open all files in read > create papt
  14. i in range(lines)
  15. if words[0] == words1[0] > x=words1[-2] > y=1
  16. write(words[0]+y+words[-x]) > y++ > x - -
  17. if x!=0 > goto 16
  18. if j != lines1 > goto 15
  19. if i != lines > goto 14
  20. close all files
  21. Open all files in read > create expanded code
  22. if MACRO in words
  23. for (line in f) > if MEND in words : break > else : continue
  24. else > if words[0] in operation : write(line)
  25. else:
  26. j++ > if words1[0]==words[0]
  27. line2=lines2[k]
  28. if words[0]==words2[0] & words1[-1]==words2[-2]: write(words[1]+words2[-1]) ,flag=0, break
  29. else flag=1
  30. k++ > if k!= lines2 : goto 27
  31. if flag==1: write(words1[1]+words1[-1]), flag=0
  32. if j!= lines1 : goto 26
  33. if ! EOF : goto 22
  34. Close all files
