Buttons elements (<button>
) are styled by default.
To apply a button style to a different element, you can add the .button
class to this element.
Be careful about accessibility though!
Learn more about the ARIA button role.
You can style a button as primary:
<button class="button--primary" type="submit">
Save changes
As far as possible, you should avoid adding multiple primary buttons on a single page.
Sometimes, a button contains a single icon without text (you must add a .sr-only
text for screen readers though).
You can adapt this button to be completely rounded with the correct class:
<button class="button--icon">
{{ icon('pen-to-square') }}
<span class="sr-only">
Configure the priority
Some buttons have small importance. These are for actions that aren't in the default workflow, such as a button to sort items, or to access secondary actions. Such buttons can be made smaller to attract less attention:
<button class="button--discreet">
Sort by
There is an alternative form that uses the primary color and with a slightly bolder font. Actually, this form is used for buttons that remove elements from a dynamic list.
<button class="button--discreet-alt" aria-label="Unselect Alix Hambourg">
Alix Hambourg
Ghost buttons are similar to discreet buttons, but should be used only in places that already contain a lot of information. Their border color is transparent by default, making them less intrusive. They should only be used for secondary actions.
<button class="button--ghost">
It is possible to style buttons as links. This is generally not recommended as such buttons offer bad affordance. Sometimes, it can be useful to keep the interface elegant though.
<button class="button--anchor">
Show the advanced syntax
You can group buttons that complement each other.
It is useful to add secondary actions to a button in a popover for instance.
Note that you must use an additional .button-group__item
class on the buttons that are part of the group.
<div class="button-group">
<button class="button-group__item" type="submit">
<details class="popup">
<summary class="popup__opener">
<span class="button button-group__item">
{{ icon('angle-down') }}
<span class="sr-only">
Select a different method to answer.
<nav class="popup__container">
<!-- ... -->