This is my
Its basically a template development environment with all of my favorite dependencies. It also might be useful to look at, if you are learning how to use Elm.
How to get going..
> git clone new-project
> cd new-project
> npm install
> elm package install --yes
> gulp
then open up http://localhost:2984
This repo is organized as ..
dist/ -- Your production-ready app
dev/ -- Your development app
assets/ -- Where you can put images, fonts, etc.
source/ -- Source files
app.js -- Loads your elm file, and handles ports
main.styl -- First style file, concat([, .. ])
Main.elm -- Your main view file
## Dist
To compile to `dist` type into your terminal..
gulp dist
It will run the js command without debug on. Its pretty sparse in what it does, but if you have your own dist operations, you can put them in that gulp task.
## Elm Format
There is an [Elm-Format]( task in this gulp file. Its not on by default, but you can switch to it by uncommenting a little code.