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Releases: ProjectBorealis/UEGitPlugin


14 Jul 15:35
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What's Changed

  • Fix UE5 build errors by @Sixze in #48
  • Fix some corrupt data on init (fixes #50)
  • Workaround a MSVC compiler bug

Full Changelog: 3.05...3.06


08 Jul 20:56
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  • Merged in some upstream changes by @SRombauts
    • Properly integrate into UE5 source control tool menu
    • Add support for upcoming UE5.1
    • Add Unreal Editor console command git for calling any git command
  • Fix LFS locking not keeping read only status synced with Unreal Editor requirements during unlock/lock
  • Fix new files in a new directory not being detected as added
  • Fix Git plugin using the .git root instead of the UE project root within the Git repo
  • Fix status branch code example for compatibility with async init
  • Fix non-unity build errors by @Sixze in #47
  • Fix compilation/usage on macOS by @BlackMATov in #42
  • Misc code housekeeping (constructors, source control type cleanup, comments)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 3.04...3.05


29 May 03:21
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  • Greatly improved editor startup time by querying the repository asynchronously before finishing init of source control
  • LFS is now on by default, defaulting LFS locking name to the Git username, which may need adjustment
  • Removed some unnecessary Git feature checks
  • Fetch no longer gets tags, as they're unused in the plugin and may cause clobber issues
  • Fixed an error which happened with cooking/packaging in editor in some cases
  • Fixed submission always failing when the remote branch hadn't been created
    • This was because it couldn't find a remote to compare to for collecting newly pushed files. This has now been implemented.
  • Fixed not being able to create an asset where another asset with the same name was previously deleted (#34)
  • Fixed performance in UE debug builds
  • Improved documentation


25 Feb 16:58
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  • Added support for UE5 Preview
  • Dropped support for UE5 Early Access


18 Feb 00:44
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What's Changed

  • Breaking change: the remote must now be specified in status branches (origin/promoted instead of just promoted)
  • Fixed a possible error where status updates would lock access to Git for other interactive commands
  • Fixed remote status updates when no status branches are specified
  • Better handle branches without a remote yet
    • Status updates no longer warn when there is no remote for the current branch
    • Remote branch is automatically created on push
  • Fixed remote status branch checks not taking account files not present in the current local state
  • Fixed remote status branch checks not properly handling history between branches
  • Fixed having a file locked causing notifications about modification in other branches to be missed
  • Some small optimizations
  • Fixed compile issue with ue5-main by @rweber89 in #20
  • Use different case in PlatformFile[Mm]anager.h include based on engine version by @AndrewBetson in #22
  • Documentation updates by @r3Dg in #23
    • Improved 'status branch' configuration and added example diagram
    • Added numerous animations showing different actions in the editor
    • Added a couple tips for plugin users to improve performance / workflow relating to the plugin

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 3.01-PB.1...3.02


09 Feb 21:08
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What's Changed

  • Merged in UE5 support into the main branch!
  • Detached from the original repo
  • Disabled cancellation
    • It was confusing to users, as longer operations would prompt the user to continue or cancel. But Git LFS does not have possible long connection times like Perforce, so cancellation is less relevant.
  • Fixes for modified files which are lockable but not locked by anyone
  • Fixed non-status branches failing to update their remote status
  • Added support for detecting which branch a remote state comes from
    • This is used in tooltip displays as well as some status branch functionality
  • Added Git source control menu for UE5 by @rweber89 in #11
  • Added forced status updates for UE5 Content Browser by @rweber89 in #12
  • Support for both UE4 and UE5 by @rweber89 in #14
  • Fixed revert failure due to delayed OS file locks by @rweber89 in #15

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 3.00-PB.1...3.01-PB.1


02 Feb 16:23
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  • Improved/fixed documentation
  • Updated branding to be unique
  • Added background fetch / status update
  • Fixed checked out by other not displaying correctly in tooltip
  • Fixed new pull in editor strategy
  • Fixed Perforce performance workaround heuristics


27 Sep 19:09
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  • Fix pull bug
  • Fixed repo update discrepancies
  • Add documentation


27 Sep 18:28
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  • Fix locking state being incorrect
  • Remove command mutex from Git calls
  • Skip some operations if there are no files specified
  • Fix some state expectations from the editor
  • Add support for rebase pulls
  • Fix failure when no PBSync .md5 file available
  • Fix crash when cancelling
  • Improve checkin behavior with mixed modified/lock state
  • Improve detection of push before pull
  • Fix missing project file state update
  • Optimize checkout, checkin


06 Aug 03:08
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  • Completely reworked the Git source control plugin
  • Massively improved performance and memory usage
  • Added support for cancelling operations
  • Added support for new Status Branch functionality from Epic Games. This improves the workflow for handling modifications across multiple branches, by improving user messaging and interactive instructions.
    • Status checking for remote branches is greatly improved
  • Massively improved performance for checking status of many files, especially in different directories
  • Improved refresh functionality to refresh remote repo state
  • Added pull/sync functionality
    • Will update local repo to be in sync with last remote repo refresh, so the user is in control of what changes come in
    • Will notify the user if the pull is not possible without restarting, due to an editor binaries update
  • Added handling for pushing from an outdated copy
    • Will automatically pull to latest remote repo, and if failed, will notify the user to restart the editor to update
  • Improved "push" button to clarify its purpose to push pending local commits
  • Improved icons displayed for varying states, and their priorities
  • Improved context hover info for source control status
  • Fixed bugs where file state was not properly detected, including for new files, and file checkout
  • Fixed bugs where file state was not properly managed for non-lockable assets, like config files, collections, and some localization data
  • Made push unlock exactly pushed files, instead of all locks (including those not pushed)
  • Fixed checkout status being updated from remote users when only local locks need to be updated in certain cases
  • Fixed checkout status being checked, even if it was not needed (only checking status for non-lockable files)
  • Updated to Git LFS 2.13.3