A simple AMP client with interfaces to an instance of the AMP decentralized exchange
REST API documentation can be found here:
WS API documentation can be found here:
This is a simple python client for the AMP Decentralized Exchange API. It provides a simple interface utilizing Python types for accessing various functions on the AMP API. Given that the API itself is in development, this client-lib will be changing rapidly and we do not recommend utilizing it yet for production-level code.
The AMP Python client requires a version >=3.6 Python. We also STRONGLY recommend setting up a virtualenv with a lib prior to implementing the client. We will be submitting to the PyPi index as soon as the codebase matures to a beta-level state.
pip install requirements.txt
Likewise Testing Endpoints for the AMP API can be found at
NOTE: Up until 2018 December the API itself will also be spotty so This client lib may have strange behavior at times.
At initial commit this is still a very early version of the client. Since the API is still in development and the exchange itself is in a constant state of flux.
Create a set of sample apps and write more comprehensive documentation for client code.
Build a ClientHelper class that includes methods for signing, broadcasting, and modifying orders amongst others for EASE OF USE.
Implement web3 methods for interfacing with the smart contract (This will be placed in a separate clientUtil library since it isn't a functionality of the API itself.)
Subclass WebSocket type from websocket-client
Add more stream helpers to the socket pipe
Implement custom session object for more advanced calls after API auth logic is implemented
Read off of pipe to synchronize socket thread behavior
Implement future-proof async methods for socket requests
Add in an eth validator for all address args
DRY-ify RESTful after the api gets finalized
Create custom request object for api-requesting engines
Write validator classes in socket-message schema
After API has matured write a setup.py file and submit to PyPi
Well... where do we start?
Websocket runtime errors fail silently if a client method is incorrectly implemented (this should be optional behavior)
Since we are using composition the binding of methods from instanced objects is a bit dirty but lends itself to a high level of extensibility. This is a tradeoff to be considered...
Many endpoints are largely untested so usage may be spotty.
So many more...
from amp_python_client import AmpClient
SAMPLE_PORT = "8081"
def sample_callback(_msg): # REQUIRES callback for handling real-time messages from socket
# Restful Example
# Socket Example
getTokenAtAddress(_user_address, _token_address)
# Pair Methods
getSinglePair(_base_token, _quote_token)
getPairData(_base_token, _quote_token)
# Tokens Methods
# Orderbook Methods
getOrderBookDepthOnPair(_base_token, _quote_token)
getFullOrderBookOnPair(_base_token, _quote_token)
# Trade Info Methods
getAllTradesOnToken(_base_token, _quote_token)
# Order Methods
getAllOrdersOnAddress(self, _user_address)
getCandlestickData(_base_token, _quote_token,
_pair_name, _unit, _duration,
_from, _to)
subscribeTrades(_base_token_addr, _quote_token_addr, _base_token_symbol, _quote_token_symbol)
subscribeOrderBookMessage(_base_token_addr, _quote_token_addr, _base_token_symbol, _quote_token_symbol)
subscribeCandlestickMessage(_to, _from, _duration, _units, _base_token_address, _quote_token_address, _base_token_symbol, _quote_token_symbol)
newOrder(_orderhash, _order)
cancelOrder(_hash, _order_hash, _signature):
submitSignature(_order_hash, _order, _remaining_order, _matches_array)
If you have questions, ideas or suggestions, you can reach our development team on Discord in the #developer channel. Discord Link