- This latest submission updates functions to use with quarto
- local R installation, x86_64-apple-darwin17.0, R 4.2.1 (1 NOTE: 1)
- win-builder (devel) x86_64-w64-mingw32 (1 NOTE: 1)
- Rhub
- Windows Server 2022, R-devel, 64 bit (3 NOTES: 1, 2, 3)
- Ubuntu Linux 20.04.1 LTS, R-release, GCC (2 NOTES: 1, 4)
- Fedora Linux, R-devel, clang, gfortran (3 NOTES: 1, 4, 5)
0 errors | 0 warnings | 1-3 notes
- New maintainer: Lisa DeBruine debruine@gmail.com Old maintainer(s): Dale Barr dalejbarr@protonmail.com
- checking for non-standard things in the check directory ... NOTE Found the following files/directories: ''NULL''
- checking for detritus in the temp directory ... NOTE Found the following files/directories: 'lastMiKTeXException'
- checking HTML version of manual ... NOTE Skipping checking HTML validation: no command 'tidy' found
- checking for future file timestamps ... NOTE unable to verify current time