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Git Bash Cheat Sheet

A useful reference list of Git Bash commands. If there's something missing, please add it!

Command Description
git config --global <email address> set email
git config --global <name> set username
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "email address" create ssh key
cd change directory
ls list contents of current directory
git clone <repo key from GitHub> clone directory
git status tells you what branch you are on, what commits have been made and any changes made to files
git add . stages every file where a change has been made (not really recommended as general good practice)
git add . –n shows what would be committed but doesn’t carry out any action
git add <file> stages changes made to a particular file
git rm –cached <file> to unstage a file
git commit –m “Commit message commit staged changes
git push push commits to GitHub
git pull pulls from GitHub
git branch tells you what branch you are on
git branch <feature/post_name> create new branch locally
git checkout <branch> change to branch
git checkout –b <feature/post_name> create new branch locally and change to it
git push origin <feature/post_name> -u create branch on GitHub
git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all creates a neat little summary of the branch history of the repo
git branch –d <feature/post_name> delete branch locally
git diff <feature/post_name> view diff of unstaged file
git revert -n <commit reference> stage new commit to reverse changes made in referenced commit
git reset --mixed <commit reference> delete commits since the referenced commit but retain changes (unstaged)
git reset --hard <commit reference> delete commits since the referenced commit and remove all changes from files
git reset --soft <commit reference> delete commits since the referenced commit but retain changes (staged)
git commit --amend -m "commit message" amend last commit message