- Player Object: Choi Jung Hyun
- Player Object: Seong Dong-Jin Kwon Se-Yoon
- Enemy Object: Kim Hyeon-Su
- Enemy Object: Jung Kwang-Min
Player Aircraft Design (Choi Jung-Hyun):
- Responsible for designing and applying sprites for the Player Spaceship.
Enemy Aircraft Design (Seong Dong-Jin):
- Responsible for designing and applying sprites for the Enemy Spaceship.
Object Attributes - HealthPoint, Speed, Bullet Speed (Kwon Se-Yoon):
- In charge of adjusting spaceship attributes such as HealthPoint, Speed, and Bullet Speed for general ability charge.
Special Abilities - Conceptualization (Kim Hyeon-Su):
- Responsible for envisioning special abilities, including adding skills to the player character (e.g., bombs) and designing attack patterns for enemy spaceships (e.g., omnidirectional bullet patterns).
Special Abilities Implementation (Jung Kwang-Min):
- Responsible for implementing special abilities and ensuring their coding implementation.
- Team 10: Provide Player Design to the Two Player Mods Team and collaborate to turn it into multiple player options.
- Team 6: Collaborate with Level Design Team to create level designs that reflect the difficulty of the various enemy types created.