This is the git mit-relates-to
part of the tool.
In order to get started with this tool you'll need a git repository
git init .
You'll need to install the hooks into this repository
git mit-install
In projects, it is nice to help out your co-workers by linking the commits you're making back to issue in the backlog. Be very easy to forget though, so here's a command to automate it.
Say you've just made this awesome
for Pivotal Tracker ID
# The Best Readme
This is the best readme
If you run
git mit-relates-to "[#12321513]"
Next time you commit
git add
git mit bt
git commit -m "Wrote a great README"
the commit message will contain the ID
git show --pretty='format:author: [%an %ae] signed-by: [%GS]
%B' -q
author: [Billie Thompson] signed-by: []
Wrote a great README
Relates-to: [#12321513]
We don't duplicate the ID if you manually type in the trailer
echo "Some change" >>
git add
git mit bt
git commit -m "Wrote a great README
Relates-to: [#12321513]
the commit message will contain the ID
git show --pretty='format:author: [%an %ae] signed-by: [%GS]
%B' -q
author: [Billie Thompson] signed-by: []
Wrote a great README
Relates-to: [#12321513]
This times out after 60 minutes, and is configurable with the
by environment variable.
git mit-relates-to "[#12321513]"
Would set the timeout to 2 hours (or 120 minutes).
You can also populate this value from a script, allowing you to, for example, query an API and pull your current ticket from there.
echo "Something else" >>
git add
export GIT_MIT_RELATES_TO_EXEC="echo [#88553322]"
git commit -m "Another great addition"
the commit message will contain the ID
git show --pretty='format:author: [%an %ae] signed-by: [%GS]
%B' -q
author: [Billie Thompson] signed-by: []
Another great addition
Relates-to: [#88553322]
You could use a script like this to populate the current Pivotal Tracker
ID. You need curl
and jq
for this command to work.
It assumes you have you Pivotal Tracker API Key in the environment
and also that you have the project ID
in a file at the root of your repository called
echo "[#$(curl --silent -X GET -H "X-TrackerToken: $PIVOTAL_TRACKER_TOKEN" "$(cat .pivotal_tracker_project)/stories?filter=state:started+owner:$(curl --silent "" -H "X-TrackerToken: $PIVOTAL_TRACKER_TOKEN" | jq -r .initials)" | jq .[0].id)]"
This would become
export GIT_MIT_RELATES_TO_EXEC="bash -c 'echo \"[#\$(curl --silent -X GET -H \"X-TrackerToken: \$PIVOTAL_TRACKER_TOKEN\" \"\$(cat .pivotal_tracker_project)/stories?filter=state:started+owner:\$(curl --silent \"\" -H \"X-TrackerToken: \$PIVOTAL_TRACKER_TOKEN\" | jq -r .initials)\" | jq .[0].id)]\"'"
It is possible to do some light templating of this command. This makes it possible to avoid typing so much, or skip awkward characters.
git mit-config relates-to template "[#{value}]"
The templating uses
TinyTemplate, with
a single value
variable available, containing the value passed to the
Next time you commit after running relates to
git mit-relates-to "12321513"
echo "Something else" >>
git add
git mit bt
git commit -m "More awesome additions"
the commit message will contain the ID
git show --pretty='format:author: [%an %ae] signed-by: [%GS]
%B' -q
author: [Billie Thompson] signed-by: []
More awesome additions
Relates-to: [#12321513]
Alternatively you can set the template via an environment variable
git mit-relates-to "12321513"
echo "Something else" >>
git add
git mit bt
GIT_MIT_RELATES_TO_TEMPLATE="JIR-{value}" git commit -m "More awesome additions"
git show --pretty='format:author: [%an %ae] signed-by: [%GS]
%B' -q
author: [Billie Thompson] signed-by: []
More awesome additions
Relates-to: JIR-12321513