2019-2021 Trajectory Paper Collation
Parallel Trajectory-to-Location Join.
A New Method for Measuring Topological Structure Similarity between Complex Trajectories.
An Efficient Destination Prediction Approach Based on Future Trajectory Prediction and Transition Matrix Optimization.
Semi-Supervised Deep Learning Approach for Transportation Mode Identification Using GPS Trajectory Data.
Interactive Bike Lane Planning Using Sharing Bikes' Trajectories.
Reference-Based Framework for Spatio-Temporal Trajectory Compression and Query Processing.
Predicting Destinations by a Deep Learning based Approach.
Deep Trajectory Recovery with Fine-Grained Calibration using Kalman Filter.
Forecasting Gathering Events through Trajectory Destination Prediction: A Dynamic Hybrid Model.
Route Recommendations for Intelligent Transportation Services.
TIPS: Mining Top-K Locations to Minimize User-Inconvenience for Trajectory-Aware Services.
NEIST: A Neural-Enhanced Index for Spatio-Temporal Queries.
Mining Spatio-Temporal Reachable Regions With Multiple Sources over Massive Trajectory Data.
One-pass trajectory simplification using the synchronous Euclidean distance.
A survey of trajectory distance measures and performance evaluation.
Dragoon: a hybrid and efficient big trajectory management system for offline and online analytics.
Predicting Dynamic Embedding Trajectory in Temporal Interaction Networks.
TrajGuard: A Comprehensive Trajectory Copyright Protection Scheme.
Improving Movement Predictions of Traffic Actors in Bird's-Eye View Models using GANs and Differentiable Trajectory Rasterization.
Doing in One Go: Delivery Time Inference Based on Couriers' Trajectories.
Distributed In-memory Trajectory Similarity Search and Join on Road Network.
Computing Trajectory Similarity in Linear Time: A Generic Seed-Guided Neural Metric Learning Approach.
Continuous Range Queries Over Multi-attribute Trajectories.
Vaite: A Visualization-Assisted Interactive Big Urban Trajectory Data Exploration System.
A Novel Representation and Compression for Queries on Trajectories in Road Networks (Extended Abstract).
Online Anomalous Trajectory Detection with Deep Generative Sequence Modeling.
Parallel Semantic Trajectory Similarity Join.
Automatic Calibration of Road Intersection Topology using Trajectories.
Learning to Simulate Vehicle Trajectories from Demonstrations.
Traffic Incident Detection: A Trajectory-based Approach.
TrajMesa: A Distributed NoSQL Storage Engine for Big Trajectory Data.
GTraclus: A Local Trajectory Clustering Algorithm for GPUs.
Trajectory Simplification with Reinforcement Learning.
E2DTC: An End to End Deep Trajectory Clustering Framework via Self-Training.
REPOSE: Distributed Top-k Trajectory Similarity Search with Local Reference Point Tries.
Spatial-Temporal Similarity for Trajectories with Location Noise and Sporadic Sampling.
T3S: Effective Representation Learning for Trajectory Similarity Computation.
TrajForesee: How limited detailed trajectories enhance large-scale sparse information to predict vehicle trajectories?
Ratel: Interactive Analytics for Large Scale Trajectories.
Effective Travel Time Estimation: When Historical Trajectories over Road Networks Matter.
CoMing: A Real-time Co-Movement Mining System for Streaming Trajectories.
Predicting Hurricane Trajectories Using a Recurrent Neural Network.
TrafficPredict: Trajectory Prediction for Heterogeneous Traffic-Agents.
Learning to Generate Maps from Trajectories.
OMuLeT: Online Multi-Lead Time Location Prediction for Hurricane Trajectory Forecasting.
DeepDualMapper: A Gated Fusion Network for Automatic Map Extraction Using Aerial Images and Trajectories.
Multimodal Interaction-Aware Trajectory Prediction in Crowded Space.
CF-LSTM: Cascaded Feature-Based Long Short-Term Networks for Predicting Pedestrian Trajectory.
Traffic Flow Prediction with Vehicle Trajectories.
Capturing Uncertainty in Unsupervised GPS Trajectory Segmentation Using Bayesian Deep Learning.
Towards Efficient Selection of Activity Trajectories based on Diversity and Coverage.
Disentangled Multi-Relational Graph Convolutional Network for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction.
Temporal Pyramid Network for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction with Multi-Supervision.
Pre-training Context and Time Aware Location Embeddings from Spatial-Temporal Trajectories for User Next Location Prediction.
AttnMove: History Enhanced Trajectory Recovery via Attentional Network.
Learning Game-Theoretic Models of Multiagent Trajectories Using Implicit Layers.
Trajectory Similarity Learning with Auxiliary Supervision and Optimal Matching.