Pylons Wallet
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
Req .prod_env file and place it in /wallet/env/ dir.
Req GoogleService-Info.plist file and place it in /wallet/ios/runner dir.
Req Google-services.json file and place it in /wallet/android/app dir.
Req to add generated simulator Debug token to be added in firebase console>ios debug.
If you want to connect to our dev testnet use main_prod.dart
If you want to connect with your local net use main_local.dart
In order to change the end points of the GRPC and apis. Go over to env/ folder where you can see two files.
- .dev_env for dev test net endpoints
- .local_env for local endpoints
In order to create production build run this for android
flutter build appbundle --flavor prod -t lib/main_prod.dart
In order to create production build run this for ios
flutter build ios --flavor prod -t lib/main_prod.dart
In order to create development build run this for ios
flutter build ios --flavor development -t lib/main_development.dart
In order to create development build run this for ios
flutter build appbundle --flavor development -t lib/main_development.dart