- Log in to SEASnet without password
- Log in to SEASnet without username
- Open VS Code in Terminal (the Command Line)
log in to SEASnet servers quickely
Still need passwords?
- Check the access permissions for
700 or ?authorized_keys
644 or 600
May fail to connect SEASnet server now :(
[classiwu@lnxsrv15 ~]$ ls -alh | grep '.ssh' drwxr-xr-x 2 classiwu class 4.0K Sep 29 22:44 .ssh [classiwu@lnxsrv15 ~]$ ls -alh .ssh | grep '*keys' -rw-r--r-- 1 classiwu class 99 Sep 29 22:44 authorized_keys
- Check the access permissions for
Still not working?
- We can try to figure it out after the discussion, but what I will do is google it. :)
to simplify command -
$ alias alias ll='ls -alF' alias vi='vim'
$ ll
is equivalent to runing$ls -alF
go to terminal
$ alias ln15="ssh username@lnxsrv15.seas.ucla.edu" $ ln15 ***************************************************************************** lnxsrv15.seas.ucla.edu RHEL 8 ***************************************************************************** * User processes older than 36 hours will be cleaned up ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** * SEASnet Computing Access * * * * Priority is given both on the servers and in the student labs to those * * students doing coursework. Computing support for research is provided by * * each department. * ***************************************************************************** * For assistance please contact help@seas.ucla.edu or call 206-6864. * ***************************************************************************** Activate the web console with: systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket Last login: Mon Oct 3 23:06:29 2022 from [classiwu@lnxsrv15 ~]$
Warning: potentially DANGEROUS !
$ unalias ln15 # remove aliasing
Make it Permanent
$ cd ~ $ vim .bash_profile
: run commands that should run only once, such as customizing the$PATH
environment variable -
: put the commands that should run every time you launch a new shell -
Reference: https://linuxize.com/post/bashrc-vs-bash-profile/
Reference: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/mac
Open your VS Code
Command + Shift + P
and hitenter
If you are using
:cat << EOF >> ~/.bash_profile # Add Visual Studio Code (code) export PATH="\$PATH:/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/bin" EOF
If you are using
cat << EOF >> ~/.zprofile # Add Visual Studio Code (code) export PATH="\$PATH:/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/bin" EOF
google it
try troubleshoot by yourself
- CS 111 Operating System?
- CS 131 Programming Languages?
- CS 161 Artificial Intelligence?
- CS 192 What is that?
CS 161 and CS 192 (maybe)!
- 1930s ?
- 1950s ?
- 1980s ?
- 2010s ?
A: 1958 John McCarthy developed LISP, the first functional language
According to Prof. Nachenberg's slide in CS 131:
A function that has two properties:
- Given a specific input
, the function always returns the same outputy
. - It doesn't modify any data beyond initializing local variables required to compute its output.
- Given a specific input
# Pure int f(int p){ int q = 5 * p * p return q }
# Impure int z; int f(int p){ return p * z++; }
Only composite of functions
Can't change variable state
int f(int p) { p = p + 1 // NOT Allowed return p }
- No for loops; Only recursions
- Why?
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ ... // i = 1 => i = 2 => .... => i = 10 }
The order of execution is not important
- What is a
- What is a
You will learn more about it in CS 131
-1 ; The integer -1.
1 ; The integer 1.
1. ; Also the integer 1.
+1 ; Also the integer 1.
fixnum: small integers
Its range depends on your machine
Try use
to run(print most-positive-fixnum)
in Emacs -
Challenge: How many bits needed?
(log most-positive-fixnum 2)
bignum: large integers
can have arbitrary precision
Which data structure might be used?
Linked List
1500.0 ;1500
+15e2 ;1500
15.0e+2 ;1500
+1500000e-3 ;1500
.15e4 ;1500
?Q ⇒ 81 ?q => 113
- A character in Emacs Lisp is nothing more than an integer.
foo ; A symbol named ‘foo’.
FOO ; A symbol named ‘FOO’, different from ‘foo’.
1+ ; A symbol named ‘1+’
; (not ‘+1’, which is an integer).
\+1 ; A symbol named ‘+1’
; (not a very readable name).
\(*\ 1\ 2\) ; A symbol named ‘(* 1 2)’ (a worse name).
- A symbol in GNU Emacs Lisp is an object with a name
- A symbol can serve as a
- variable
- function name
- ...
- Note: In Common Lisp, lower case letters are always folded to upper case, unless they are explicitly escaped. In Emacs Lisp, upper case and lower case letters are distinct.
(A 2 "A") ; A list of three elements.
() ; A list of no elements (the empty list).
nil ; A list of no elements (the empty list).
("A ()") ; A list of one element: the string "A ()".
(A ()) ; A list of two elements: A and the empty list.
(A nil) ; Equivalent to the previous.
((A B C)) ; A list of one element
; (which is a list of three elements).
'(rose violet daisy buttercup) '(+2 2) ("white rose")
'(rose violet daisy buttercup)
The elements of this list are the names of the four different flowers, separated from each other by whitespace and surrounded by parentheses
(+ 2 2) ; a list with a plus-sign, followed by two ‘2’s, each separated by whitespace. (+ 88 6)
'(this list has (a list inside of it)) (+ 2 (+ 2 2))
In Lisp, both data and programs are represented the same way
send you an error message
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (invalid-function ...)
do nothing except return to you the list itself
'(rose violet daisy buttercup)
treat the first symbol in the list as a command to do something
(+ 2 2)
go to terminal
- Functions are also Lisp objects
- All functions are defined in terms of other functions, except for a few primitive functions that are written in C.
- They are written in C so we can easily run GNU Emacs on any computer that has sufficient power and can run C.
- A lambda expression can be called as a function even though it has no name;
returns object, without evaluating it(quote (+ 2 2)) '(+ 2 2) ; equivalent
returns the first element in a list(car '(rose violet daisy buttercup))
returns the rest of the list(cdr '(rose violet daisy buttercup)) (violet dasiy buttercup)
constructs lists(cons 'I '(like lisp)) (cons (car '(rose violet daisy buttercup)) (cdr '(rose violet daisy buttercup)))
attaches one list to another(append '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8)) ; (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) (cons '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8)) ; ((1 2 3 4) 5 6 7 8)
Time to do Week 2 Worksheet
- What do the following Lisp expressions output, when evaluated?
a. (quote (1 2 3)) ;(1 2 3)
b. '(1 2 3) ;(1 2 3)
c. (list (+ 1 2) '(+ 1 2)) ;(3 (+ 1 2))
d. (cons (+ 1 2) '(3 4)) ;(3 3 4)
e. (+ 10 (car '(1 2 3))) ; 11
f. (append ‘(1 2) ‘(3 4)) ; (1 2 3 4)
g. (reverse (append '(1 2) '(3 4))) ; (4 3 2 1)
h. (cdddar (1 2 3 4 5 6 7)) ; error
- Function name.
- A list of the arguments
- [Optional] Documentation describing the function
- [Optional] An expression to make the function interactive
- Body of the function
(defun function-name (arguments…)
(interactive argument-passing-info) ; optional
- If a function is interactive, you can use it by typing
and then thename of the function
- Or by a key defined by you
(defun multiply-by-thirty-five (number)
"Multiply NUMBER by Thirty Five."
(* 35 number))
How to use this function?
(multiply-by-thirty-five 2)
Time to do our worksheet
Write a function called is-even
that takes one argument and returns whether it is even.
- Example: (is-even 4) should evaluate to t.
- Example: (is-even 3) should evaluate to nil.
;;; Solution
(defun is-even (number)
"Return whether a number is even"
(interactive "Return whether a number is even")
(= (% number 2) 0))
- Point is the current location of the cursor.
- More precisely, on terminals where the cursor appears to be on top of a character, point is immediately before the character.
- In Emacs Lisp, point is an integer. The first character in a buffer is number one, the second is number two, and so on.
- The function
returns the current position of the cursor as a number
- Mark is another position in the buffer.
- Use C-SPC (
) to set a mark - Region is the part of the buffer between point and mark
- It saves the location of point,
- executes the body of the function,
- and then restores point to its previous position if its location was changed.
is often used to keep point in the location expected by the user.
(defun what-line ()
"Print the current buffer line number and narrowed line number of point."
(let ((start (point-min))
(n (line-number-at-pos)))
(if (= start 1)
(message "Line %d" n)
(message "line %d (narrowed line %d)"
(+ n (line-number-at-pos start) -1) n))))))
- Get help
C-h f ${function name}
- Explore Source Code
- Mac/Linux:
$ which python
$ which python3
- Windows:
$ where python
$ where python3.exe
- If you don't have Python installed: https://www.python.org/downloads/
$ python3 --version # or
$ python3 -V # or
Conda is an open source package management system and environment management system that runs on Windows, macOS, Linux and z/OS. Conda quickly installs, runs and updates packages and their dependencies.
Reference: https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/
- Terminal
- PyCharm
- VS Code
- Emacs
>>> import cmath
>>> cmath.e ** (cmath.pi * i) + 1 # hopefully 0?
Sashwath Sundher, Assignment 6 Guide, Youtobe Videos