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Ev3dev API Support

Cort edited this page Feb 5, 2022 · 5 revisions

We support most, but not all the Python API for Ev3dev. Details are below...

Classes Supported
SpeedPercent Yes
SpeedNativeUnits Yes
SpeedRPS Yes
SpeedRPM Yes
SpeedDPS Yes
SpeedDPM Yes
Common Motors
Motor Yes
* address and driver name not supported
* State is never overloaded, or stalled
* duty cycle behaves the same as speed
* position and speed PID constants does nothing
LargeMotor Yes
Multiple-motor groups
MotorSet Yes
MoveTank Yes
MoveSteering Yes
ColorSensor Yes
* ambient_light_intensity will always return 0
* color and color_name may not give the same value as the actual sensor
* raw values ranges between 0 to 255
* calibrate_white does nothing
GyroSensor Yes
UltrasonicSensor Yes
* other_sensor_present will always return False
TouchSensor Yes
Sound Yes
* speak, play_tone, beep, set_volume, and get_volume are working
* espeak_opts for speak is ignored
* args for beep is ignored
Button Yes
* evdev_device not supported. Don't see any uses for this property.
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