Releases: Quitch/GW-AI-Overhaul
Releases · Quitch/GW-AI-Overhaul
- Fix minor error in a Synchronous personality
- Assigned each Commander a unique colour
- See which sub-commanders perform well for you and drop the bad ones
- Identify which enemy Commander is the biggest threat
- Synchronous is now green to ensure enough distinct shades for all Commanders
- Ensure systems display faction colour and not Commander colour
- Many thanks to wondible for all his work on the JavaScript for this release
- Tweaked newest profiles to better match core intent and make them more distinctive across factions
- Fixed Casual through Gold incorrectly loading vanilla difficulty levels
- Reduce file shadowing with thanks to Wondible
- Enemy Commanders now utilise individual styles
- Updated difficulty guidance based on more personality controls being assigned to individual Commanders
- Updates to Commander personalities
- Difficulty settings now fully applied to bosses
- Added four new Commanders to each faction
- Reduced the effectiveness of all sub-commanders
- Foundation lean more heavily into naval tech when they can
- Slight increase in boss difficulty through better economy handling and faster teching
- Revenants favour land over air
- Bronze and Silver micro better
- Silver spends excess resources better
- Corrected Synchronous only ever building three T1 factories until teching
- Foundation slightly more likely to use some ground units
- Huge overhaul of difficulty levels
- All difficulties now use minions as a difficulty ramp tool
- Platinum and below introduce minions earlier in the galaxy
- Casual has a higher base economy
- Casual uses the same system template as all other difficulty levels
- Bronze has a higher base economy but gains economy over distance slower than before
- Gold moves to T2 slightly later
- Platinum now always has at least two minions in a system
- Platinum handles its economy better
- Uber is now setup as an ultimate challenge difficulty without attempt to be fair
- Fixed issue with turtling subcommander personalities only building a single factory
- Skewed personalities closer to Absurd skirmish difficulty settings except where specifically Queller personality aligned
- Updated Queller subcommander personalities with latest Queller personality settings
- Updated difficulty levels to use the latest Queller economic personality settings
- Reduced base level of eco that Gold through Uber start with
- Increased base level of eco that Bronze and Silver start with
- Casual's expansion is no longer crippled
- Bronze expands a little faster
- Casual builds faster from its factories
- Bronze builds a little slower from its factories
- Legate Kapowaz, Acolyte Osiris, Servant Beniesk and Seeker Banditks have undergone a personality change as the previous personality did not perform as intended
- Properly tagged mod to show support for PA classic and Titans
- Mod forum link goes to the right thread
- Assign a general personality to each faction
- Reduce number of minions per faction to 13
- Assign a unique commander model to each minion
- Name minion after commander to allow identification
- Assign unique personality to each sub-commander
- Append five new difficulty levels to Galactic War