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File metadata and controls

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Control App for RCM

Made with Processing!

Branches and Robot types:

There are Android versions for phones and Java versions

Mode: just the foundation code

Robot-AB: compatible with robot-A (two motors and a servo) and robot-B (quad kiwi and two servos).

UI element reference:


A Joystick is a two axis control.

Joystick(xPos, yPos, size, xRange, yRange, background, stick, xa, ya, upKey, leftKey, downKey, rightKey, xTilt, yTilt)

xPos,yPos: screen coordinates for the center of the joystick (float)

size: dimensions of the joystick, in pixels (float)

xRange,yRange: range of output values (float)

background, stick: colors of background and joystick (color)

xa,ya: names of gamecontroller axes for controlling the joystick (or null for no gamepad control), put in "double quotes" (String)

upKey,leftKey,downKey,rightKey: keys for keyboard control (use 0 for no keyboard control) enclose key character in single qoutes like: 'a'

xTilt,yTilt: which tilt axes control each axis. options: TILT_X (steering wheel), TILT_Y (forward/back), 0 for no tilt control

myJoystick: an instance of Joystick

outVector: of type PVector, outVector.x,outVector.y accesses the x and y components of the joystick control

inVector: where the joystick should snap to if there is no input. new PVector(0,0) makes it return to center, the last outVector makes it stay where you put it.


A Slider is a one axis control.

  Slider(xPos, yPos, size, width, low, high, background, stick, ga, pKey, mKey, inc, tilt, horizontal, reverse)

xPos,yPos: screen coordinates for the center of the slider (float)

size: how long the slider is (float)

width: how wide the slider is (float)

low: low bound of output values (float)

high: high bround of output values (float)

background: color of slider background (color)

stick: color of slider handle (color)

ga: name of gamecontroller axis for controlling the slider (or null for no gamepad control), put in "double quotes" (String)

pKey, mKey: +,- keys for keyboard control (use 0 for no keyboard control) enclose key character in single qoutes like: 'a'

inc: value to increment by for keyboard control, 1=jump from center to end immediately (float)

tilt: which tilt axis controls the slider. options: TILT_X (steering wheel), TILT_Y (forward/back), 0 for no tilt control

horizontal: true if horizontal slider wanted, false for vertical

reverse: true = make down or left be positive, false = up or right is positive

mySlider: an instance of Slider

outValue: of type float, the output of the Slider control

inValue: where the slider should snap to if there is no input, 0 makes it snap to center, the last outValue makes it stay wherever you put it


A Button is a two state control.

  Button(xPos, yPos, size, background, forground, gpButton, keyboard, momentary, val, label) {

xPos,yPos: screen coordinates for the center of the slider (float)

size: dimensions of the button, in pixels (float)

background: color when off (color)

forground: color when on (color)

gpButton: name of gamecontroller button for controlling the button (or null for no gamepad control), put in "double quotes" (String)

keyboard: key for keyboard control (use 0 for no keyboard control) enclose key character in single quotes like: 'a'

momentary: true=momentary button, false=toggle button

val: what state a toggle button should start in (boolean)

label: text label to be displayed on the button (string);

myButton: an instance of Button

The run function is necessary to make a button show up and operate

val: if the button is on (either latched into the on state in toggle mode, or currently pressed in momentary mode) (boolean)


returns true once when the button was just pressed (boolean)


returns true once when the button was just released (boolean)


returns true once when the button's state switches to off (boolean)


returns true once when the button's state switches to on (boolean)