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RIOT's new test system: coverage matrix for core and sys

phiros edited this page Nov 26, 2014 · 9 revisions

This page gives an overview of the test coverage of RIOT's core and sys modules. The shorthands used in the tables are defined as follows:

Shorthand Meaning Comment
I Implemented tests fully implemented
M Missing tests should be implemented but aren't
N/A Not Applicable this kind of test doesn't make sense for this module
partial only partially tested only a subset of all API functions are tested using this method
indirect tested indirectly by other tests other tests wouldn't run correctly if this module would fail
? not sure whether this is true or not

Core modules test coverage matrix

Component / Test type comments unit tests hardware based acceptence tests build tests code quality
core-atomic I N/A
core-attributes macro only M
core-bitarithm I N/A I I
core-byteorder I N/A I I
core-cib I N/A I I
core-clist I N/A I I
core-crash M? M indirect I
core-debug M? M indirect I?
core-flags defines only N/A N/A indirect I
core-hwtimer manual tests available M partial I I
core-irq M indirect I I
core-kernel* unsure / indirectly tested by all other modules
core-lifo I N/A I I
core-lpm N/A? M M? I
core-msg manual tests available (some fail) M partial I I
core-mutex manual tests available M indirect I I
core-priority_queue I indirect I I
core-ringbuffer unit test avaible in lib-ringbuffer? I indirect I I
core-sched M indirect indirect I
core-tcb only struct and defines N/A indirect indirect I
core-thread manual tests available M indirect I I

Sys modules test coverage matrix


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