You can create the AMI with pre-requisites yourself by following these steps:
Export AWS Access Keys and Secret Keys
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your_Access_Key" export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your_Secret_Key" export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="Your_Region"
Clone this repo on a machine.
Target Account number must be added in Admin Account-ECR and give permission to access image builds
Create a Role and attach a policy which permits ECR and EC2 actions and Replace the "iam-instance_profile" :"<your_rolename>" in builders section which is in the packer-rg.json.
Run packer build packer-rg.json
packer build -var 'awsRegion=your_region' -var 'vpcId=your_VPCID' -var 'subnetId=your_SubnetID' packer-rg.json
At Run time pass VPCID, SubnetID, AWSRegion as variables declared in packer-rg.json
Note that AMI id from the output