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-[HomePage] | [Docs] | [Datasets] | [Paper] | [Blogs]
+[HomePage] | [Docs] | [Datasets] | [Paper] | [Blogs] | [中文版]
[HomePage]: https://recbole.io/
[Docs]: https://recbole.io/docs/
[Datasets]: https://github.com/RUCAIBox/RecDatasets
[Paper]: https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.01731
[Blogs]: https://blog.csdn.net/Turinger_2000/article/details/111182852
+[中文版]: README_CN.md
RecBole is developed based on Python and PyTorch for reproducing and developing recommendation algorithms in a unified,
comprehensive and efficient framework for research purpose.
@@ -53,8 +54,9 @@ oriented to the GPU environment.
+ **Extensive and standard evaluation protocols.** We support a series of widely adopted evaluation protocols or settings
for testing and comparing recommendation algorithms.
## RecBole News
-**12/10/2020**: 我们发布了[RecBole小白入门系列中文博客(持续更新中)](https://blog.csdn.net/Turinger_2000/article/details/111182852)。
+**12/10/2020**: 我们发布了[RecBole小白入门系列中文博客(持续更新中)](https://blog.csdn.net/Turinger_2000/article/details/111182852) 。
**12/06/2020**: We release RecBole [v0.1.2](https://github.com/RUCAIBox/RecBole/releases/tag/v0.1.2).
@@ -64,6 +66,7 @@ for reference.
**11/03/2020**: We release the first version of RecBole **v0.1.1**.
## Installation
RecBole works with the following operating systems:
@@ -163,14 +166,17 @@ python run_recbole.py --model=[model_name]
## Time and Memory Costs
-We constructed preliminary experiments to test the time and memory cost on three different-sized datasets (small, medium and large). For detailed information, you can click the following links.
+We constructed preliminary experiments to test the time and memory cost on three different-sized datasets
+(small, medium and large). For detailed information, you can click the following links.
-* [General recommendation models](asset/time_test_result/General_recommendation.md)
-* [Sequential recommendation models](asset/time_test_result/Sequential_recommendation.md)
-* [Context-aware recommendation models](asset/time_test_result/Context-aware_recommendation.md)
-* [Knowledge-based recommendation models](asset/time_test_result/Knowledge-based_recommendation.md)
+* [General recommendation models](asset/time_test_result/General_recommendation.md)
+* [Sequential recommendation models](asset/time_test_result/Sequential_recommendation.md)
+* [Context-aware recommendation models](asset/time_test_result/Context-aware_recommendation.md)
+* [Knowledge-based recommendation models](asset/time_test_result/Knowledge-based_recommendation.md)
-NOTE: Our test results only gave the approximate time and memory cost of our implementations in the RecBole library (based on our machine server). Any feedback or suggestions about the implementations and test are welcome. We will keep improving our implementations, and update these test results.
+NOTE: Our test results only gave the approximate time and memory cost of our implementations in the RecBole library
+(based on our machine server). Any feedback or suggestions about the implementations and test are welcome.
+We will keep improving our implementations, and update these test results.
## RecBole Major Releases
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+![RecBole Logo](asset/logo.png)
+# RecBole (伯乐)
+[![PyPi Latest Release](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/recbole)](https://pypi.org/project/recbole/)
+[![Conda Latest Release](https://anaconda.org/aibox/recbole/badges/version.svg)](https://anaconda.org/aibox/recbole)
+[中文主页] | [文档] | [数据集] | [论文] | [博客] | [English Version]
+[中文主页]: https://recbole.io/cn
+[文档]: https://recbole.io/docs/
+[数据集]: https://github.com/RUCAIBox/RecDatasets
+[论文]: https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.01731
+[博客]: https://blog.csdn.net/Turinger_2000/article/details/111182852
+[English Version]: README.md
+RecBole 是一个基于 PyTorch 实现的,面向研究者的,易于开发与复现的,统一、全面、高效的推荐系统代码库。
++ General Recommendation
++ Sequential Recommendation
++ Context-aware Recommendation
++ Knowledge-based Recommendation
+我们约定了一个统一、易用的数据文件格式,并已支持 27 个 benchmark dataset。
+ 图片: RecBole 总体架构
+## 特色
++ **通用和可扩展的数据结构** 我们设计了通用和可扩展的数据结构来支持各种推荐数据集统一化格式和使用。
++ **全面的基准模型和数据集** 我们实现了53个常用的推荐算法,并提供了27个推荐数据集的格式化副本。
++ **高效的 GPU 加速实现** 我们针对GPU环境使用了一系列的优化技术来提升代码库的效率。
++ **大规模的标准评测** 我们支持一系列被广泛认可的评估方式来测试和比较不同的推荐算法。
+## RecBole 新闻
+**12/10/2020**: 我们发布了[RecBole小白入门系列中文博客(持续更新中)](https://blog.csdn.net/Turinger_2000/article/details/111182852) 。
+**12/06/2020**: 我们发布了 RecBole [v0.1.2](https://github.com/RUCAIBox/RecBole/releases/tag/v0.1.2).
+**11/29/2020**: 我们在三个不同大小的数据集上进行了时间和内存开销的初步测试,
+并提供了 [测试结果](https://github.com/RUCAIBox/RecBole#time-and-memory-costs) 以供参考。
+**11/03/2020**: 我们发布了第一版 RecBole **v0.1.1**.
+## 安装
+* Linux
+* Windows 10
+* macOS X
+RecBole需要在python 3.6或更高的环境下运行。
+### 从Conda安装
+conda install -c aibox recbole
+### 从pip安装
+pip install recbole
+### 从源文件安装
+git clone https://github.com/RUCAIBox/RecBole.git && cd RecBole
+pip install -e . --verbose
+## 快速上手
+python run_recbole.py
+INFO ml-100k
+The number of users: 944
+Average actions of users: 106.04453870625663
+The number of items: 1683
+Average actions of items: 59.45303210463734
+The number of inters: 100000
+The sparsity of the dataset: 93.70575143257098%
+INFO Evaluation Settings:
+Group by user_id
+Ordering: {'strategy': 'shuffle'}
+Splitting: {'strategy': 'by_ratio', 'ratios': [0.8, 0.1, 0.1]}
+Negative Sampling: {'strategy': 'full', 'distribution': 'uniform'}
+ (user_embedding): Embedding(944, 64)
+ (item_embedding): Embedding(1683, 64)
+ (loss): BPRLoss()
+Trainable parameters: 168128
+INFO epoch 0 training [time: 0.27s, train loss: 27.7231]
+INFO epoch 0 evaluating [time: 0.12s, valid_score: 0.021900]
+INFO valid result:
+recall@10: 0.0073 mrr@10: 0.0219 ndcg@10: 0.0093 hit@10: 0.0795 precision@10: 0.0088
+INFO epoch 63 training [time: 0.19s, train loss: 4.7660]
+INFO epoch 63 evaluating [time: 0.08s, valid_score: 0.394500]
+INFO valid result:
+recall@10: 0.2156 mrr@10: 0.3945 ndcg@10: 0.2332 hit@10: 0.7593 precision@10: 0.1591
+INFO Finished training, best eval result in epoch 52
+INFO Loading model structure and parameters from saved/***.pth
+INFO best valid result:
+recall@10: 0.2169 mrr@10: 0.4005 ndcg@10: 0.235 hit@10: 0.7582 precision@10: 0.1598
+INFO test result:
+recall@10: 0.2368 mrr@10: 0.4519 ndcg@10: 0.2768 hit@10: 0.7614 precision@10: 0.1901
+如果你要改参数,例如 ``learning_rate``, ``embedding_size``, 只需根据您的需求增加额外的参数,例如:
+python run_recbole.py --learning_rate=0.0001 --embedding_size=128
+python run_recbole.py --model=[model_name]
+## 时间和内存开销
+* [General recommendation models](asset/time_test_result/General_recommendation.md)
+* [Sequential recommendation models](asset/time_test_result/Sequential_recommendation.md)
+* [Context-aware recommendation models](asset/time_test_result/Context-aware_recommendation.md)
+* [Knowledge-based recommendation models](asset/time_test_result/Knowledge-based_recommendation.md)
+NOTE: 我们的测试结果只给出了RecBole库中实现模型的大致时间和内存开销(基于我们的机器服务器)。
+## RecBole 重要发布
+| Releases | Date | Features |
+| v0.1.1 | 11/03/2020 | Basic RecBole |
+## 贡献
+如果您遇到错误或有任何建议,请通过 [Issue](https://github.com/RUCAIBox/RecBole/issues) 进行反馈
+我们对[@tszumowski](https://github.com/tszumowski), [@rowedenny](https://github.com/rowedenny) 等用户提出的建议表示感谢。
+我们也对[@rowedenny](https://github.com/rowedenny) 等用户做出的贡献表示感谢。
+## 引用
+ title={RecBole: Towards a Unified, Comprehensive and Efficient Framework for Recommendation Algorithms},
+ author={Wayne Xin Zhao and Shanlei Mu and Yupeng Hou and Zihan Lin and Kaiyuan Li and Yushuo Chen and Yujie Lu and Hui Wang and Changxin Tian and Xingyu Pan and Yingqian Min and Zhichao Feng and Xinyan Fan and Xu Chen and Pengfei Wang and Wendi Ji and Yaliang Li and Xiaoling Wang and Ji-Rong Wen},
+ year={2020},
+ journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.01731}
+## 项目团队
+RecBole由 [中国人民大学, 北京邮电大学, 华东师范大学](https://www.recbole.io/about.html) 的同学和老师进行开发和维护。
+## 免责声明
+RecBole 基于 [MIT License](./LICENSE) 进行开发,本项目的所有数据和代码只能被用于学术目的。
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