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RWOverdijk edited this page Oct 3, 2012 · 8 revisions

The resolvers are perhaps the most important elements in the AssetManager module. The name might give it away already, but if it doesn't, here's a very short explanation of what resolvers are and do. Resolvers will try to expand a given value to an absolute path to an asset. If one of the resolvers finds a match, the given value will be considered resolved. The resolvers written for the AssetManager module are quite powerful, so let's dive right in.

Resolving to assets.

Resolving to assets has been made very simple. It can be made more powerful by adding custom resolvers, but out of the box it supports adding resolver configuration very easily through your module's configuration.

Resolver types

There are several resolver types available for you to use. I've listed all of them, because every single one of them has its own benefits. Before going into details explaining them one by one, here's a list of resolvers and their resolver_config keys (resolvername - keyname):

  • MapResolver - map
  • CollectionResolver - collections
  • PrioritizedPathsResolver - prioritized_paths
  • PathStackResolver - paths

Mini legend: The numbers behind the resolver types are priorities. The highest priority gets checked first. For the simplicity of reading, I've written the sections from highest to lowest.

MapResolver : 2000

The map resolver is probably the easiest one to explain. This is simply a key => value array, mapping request paths to files. I'll only give you a small example, as this should suffice:

return array(
    'asset_manager' => array(
        'resolver_configs' => array(
            'map' => array(
                'css/used-path-alias' => __DIR__ . '/../public/css/used-path-alias',

CollectionResolver : 1500

The collection resolver is what brings your assets closer together. Literally, it combines them all into one big file. This has several advantages:

  • Less http requests
  • One alias to apply filters to
  • One alias to apply caching to

Here's an example on how to configure a collection:

return array(
    'asset_manager' => array(
        'resolver_configs' => array(
            'collections' => array(
                'js/d.js' => array(
            'paths' => array(
                __DIR__ . '/../public',

As you might notice, I've also added a paths entry. This has a reason. All files inside of a collection must be resolved individually, too. This allows for a lot of flexibility and structure. For example, you'll be able to have nested collections as well. This is very useful when filtering specific collections differently from the whole. Example:

return array(
    'asset_manager' => array(
        'resolver_configs' => array(
            'collections' => array(
                'css/everything.css' => array(
                    'css/cssfile3.css', // Just to illustrate that assets and collections can be combined.
                'css/everything-less.css' => array(
                'css/everything-css.css' => array(
            'paths' => array(
                __DIR__ . '/../public',
            'map' => array(
                'css/lessfile1.css' => __DIR__ . '/../less/lessfile1.less',
                'css/lessfile2.css' => __DIR__ . '/../less/lessfile2.less',
        'filters' => array(
            'css/everything-less.css' => array(
                'filter' => 'Lessphp',
            'css/everything.css' => array(
                'filter' => 'UglifyCss',

Now the css as a whole will be uglified, while the less files alone will be filtered using the Lessphp filter. Like this, you also work more optimal as the Lessphp filter won't be parsing your entire collection.

PrioritizedPathsResolver : 1000

The prioritizedPathsResolver does exactly what you'd expect it to do. Also, it shares most of its behavior with the PathStackResolver. Given some paths, and priorities, this resolver will try to resolve the asset by going through the supplied paths. It will check the paths based on the priority, where the highest priority will be checked first, and the lowest priority last.

return array(
    'asset_manager' => array(
        'resolver_configs' => array(
            'prioritized_paths' => array(
                    'path'      => __DIR__ . '/../public_assets',
                    'priority'  => 100,
                    'path'      => __DIR__ . '/../fallback_assets',
                    'priority'  => 50,
                    'path'      => __DIR__ . '/../assets',
                    'priority'  => 10,

PathStackResolver : 500

Like I said with the previous resolver, the PathStackResolver behaves similar to the PrioritizedPathsResolver. The only difference, is the order in which the directories are checked. The PathStackResolver doesn't care about this, and will simply go through the directories, one by one in the order they've been added.

return array(
    'asset_manager' => array(
        'resolver_configs' => array(
            'paths' => array(
                __DIR__ . '/../public',
                __DIR__ . '/../otherdir',

Building your own

This, obviously has to be possible. And it is. You're able to supply a custom Resolver, as long as it implements the AssetManager\Resolver\ResolverInterface. You'll be able to supply it by creating a service and setting a priority. Here's an example:

return array(
    'service_manager' => array (
        'factories' => array (
            'My\Service\MyResolver' => 'My\Service\MyResolverServiceFactory',
    'asset_manager' => array(
        'resolvers' => array(
            'My\Service\MyResolver' => 2000,

Obviously the configuration key depends on your service entirely. I would like to ask you to contribute any custom resolvers to the AssetManager, if you think that it's useful.

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